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Everything posted by sidehop

  1. Probably nothing... Its my hobby, Do it for fun and i enjoy it. If the bike breaks.. Meh leave it for a few days then get round to fixing it. Trials is somthing i do for fun, Not so i am the best out there.
  2. Wants some bike bits done mate rims, cranks, pedals and a headset done.
  3. sidehop

    Dob Rims

    Ballocks. Thanks man.
  4. Pm'd muel And i loved mine. Learnt all my best stuff on it.. then i went deng.. Anyway, Defo good choice.
  5. sidehop

    Tom Mollet

    Sort your chain oot lad. And nicely done, Wombats good riding too.
  6. sidehop

    Dob Rims

    Whats the spoke hole for the front and rear, There on trials-uk but they dont say the hole number.
  7. sidehop

    Neon Rims

    Play it safe mate. I run Try-alls. I had one onza which died then had like 4 try-alls since. But you could be advernturous (sp) And get a neon and ride it. Cant be that bad... can it
  8. Seen and owned my fair share of pythons, but that is one of the best Bar Duffs.
  9. Will try it after this shizz gav
  10. Link me please. Want to get this free malark top one? The first one.
  11. I need a new, Spyware / anti-virus for my comp. Windows Vista. i hate mcfee or what ever its called. Looking to spend about 30-40 buck. So adivse. Also a download would be cool too.
  12. You've got it wee man! I liked it. your getting better fast... Oh and my video wont be long sir
  13. There is a small margin of pads out there, but the power you get from the bog standard jobbys is very good. You also find the wear life is 'mazin on them too. As for the magura pads, Companys have just tryed difforent compounds for difforent rim surfaces and weather conditions.
  14. Too much gold, And the Blue anoys me. Not a fan sorry.
  15. sidehop

    My Hub

    Deng's snail cams are ultra wide... Thus why it never works. Mates czar and adamant hubs have done it. Also just read you fixed it. So this is usless
  16. It will be hitting the frame somewhere, Usally they look fine but when you hop about, They give it laldey and rattle.
  17. Hah Mintttt! Done sir... Although i watched on Tv ( Usally shite, But it was Topgear) If you drive with the clamp on it will roll and snap off. But still your story made me laugh. And if they clamp it leave a note on the cut clamp, Asking for 250 quid to repair it. hahaha
  18. OH-MY-GOD! That is soooooooooooooooooo nice... like soo sooo nice. I want it.
  19. Got my last exam tomorrow , So packing in a bit of revison for graf com, Am shit at the theory but own at drawing... Auch should be reet. Anyway, Nite boys need some sleep.
  20. That was..... AMAZING!!!!!!!!
  21. Mintttt, Boys got serious skills. nicely edited ben
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