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Everything posted by sidehop

  1. sidehop

    Gu Video One...

    Thanks Guys.. Back from A & E and the ankle isnt broken,.. They had 3 people study my x-rays and none of them spotted out so it mintttttt
  2. Was ont phone to him for considerable time last nite. Anyway, Just back from hosp... X-rays and its ... NOT BROKEN YASSS.
  3. sidehop

    Gu Video One...

    Thanks, Didnt expect this.. Thought it was wank to be honest... Anyway, A & E tomorrow for ankle so heres hoping.
  4. Schweeeet. getting dam good now Ross.
  5. sidehop

    Gu Video One...

    I made the sidehop over it after... Cause i am man. Also cheers Dave,.. Got some funky support on ankle atm so hobbling is now my transport.
  6. sidehop

    Gu Video One...

    Made a teaser because my ankles gayed. Trials-Forum Video -> Full View • Download • Upload
  7. I am gonna bring out a teaser today. Also Dave@Trialtech has been a great help so far so many thanks
  8. I can move my whole foot. Also yeah i am getting it checked.
  9. Danny you machine Much love. Think i am gonna have to make me a wee teaser now cause the ankles gone.
  10. Yeah me and Paul were talking about that... NASTY OOOT! Phhh, Ill be reeeeet. If not ill stil show my face for the video to be made Xx
  11. I can move it So shes nae broken.
  12. sidehop

    Gu Le

    Travs 'zar is nice. Although the long is longgg. It feals huge. Nice to ride. Feals like you can through it...
  13. Yeah its fair grousome. And thanks Danny. Hope to be back out asap.
  14. Nah its not broken, And i can still move my toe's. Luck in the sence my shoe when it gripped slipped off and i didnt clean snap it. Head my head bad too which makes me happy to be wering a lid at all times. And gay blue toes... Funky but naee cool. Awell scam some days off
  15. Schweet Dave, Check chit-chat.... My video will be a wee bitty later now...
  16. Well riding tonight i done this.... Gutted. This was about 3 hours after my fall so has gone down a fair bit. Also its gonna prospone my fooking video.... Nicht cool. Swollen... Gayyy. Swelling and Cuts... Shit Crank. Soon as me and bike are fixed... Ill be back to the gap and its getting dooooone! This is Ankle Today,..
  17. Your all wrong man. And hey there more to it than the bed..
  18. Like to keep it nice and tidy, Big tv makes for good movies
  19. If you google.. 'Any video converter' you will get that. i have it its really good.
  20. sidehop


    Aw shit, Edit time.
  21. have to say that was mint. Really enjoyed it. Kinda inpiring too.
  22. Really interested to see how its going.
  23. Ahhh watch out mate. They "lost" my brake till i told them i had it recorded and it had been signed for,.. The phoned the next day to say it arrived. Also mate sent his toxsin off i think. They said it never came ( Again he had recorded ) He said he was getting legal action.. Again they phoned next day to say it arrived. So be carefull with what you do.
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