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Everything posted by sidehop

  1. sidehop

    Rc Car Thread!

    Here he goes btw Ballocks... Beaten to it.
  2. Being told my Dad has 10 years to live.. No matter what he does ...
  3. sidehop

    Rc Car Thread!

    Ive got a Associated Tc3 road car, Loads a shit for it... Ust to race it propper, now i just drift it. For sale if anybody wants it????????
  4. Not Chris as hes not far from me.. But yeah looks mint... Sack trying to hop to a post. Maybe one day
  5. That is a plan Me too.. and now i ride a short. I prefer to do them on rocks or weird walls etc.. So its abit harder than finding a wall and doing it.. Get me? Or am i talking shit?
  6. Conor you fanny... It takes time. Also looks like you go to both. So on the way up you tuck then... Not when you land. So inclusion my post is saying, suck the bike up on the way up.
  7. You have recieved a new feedback. Below are details concerning the new feedback. Type: Good Rating SummaryGreat. Sends very fast. Good man to deal with. Given By: sidehop You were the: Trader Date: 1202144624
  8. Posting for Mike as he dosn't know how to upload vaious pics. Full Bike.
  9. Propper mazin man... Reallly enjoyed that. For me being a mod rider i'd say mod.. but you were still super slick on the stock too.
  10. sidehop


    Just snapped mine. Also mate, They tend to snap .. alot. Like i proved on wedesday night and i am now out of trials with a fudged ankle.. So yeah they snap. Dont risk it.
  11. I did like vincos....
  12. Porters Gu makes me want to go stock. Lush pics too.
  13. sidehop

    Mike Hayes

    Was Schweeeet. Fairly adicted to rails
  14. Dave talks pish... Its the other way around.
  15. Get the echos.. NO matter what the colour is. If you look in chit-chat see the topic by me... See the state of my tensiles and ankle... 100% avoid them.
  16. Sombody post pics here. I like vincos :$
  17. See its this daft thing with paper and words... Only ever heard of them, Never read one.
  18. sidehop

    Tra Jumps Vid

    LMAO TRA Repost but ^^ ahahahaha
  19. i pm'd joe@onza to have a look at this but dosnt look like he has.
  20. Holy shit b*****d bugger f**k... That left me with no words.... The tailwhip on rail.. Whats this boy on
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