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Everything posted by sidehop

  1. You have recieved a new feedback. Below are details concerning the new feedback. Type: Good Rating SummaryGood man, Pain straight away. Would deal with again Given By: sidehop You were the: Buyer Date: 1202586313
  2. Youve got the game sir. Late night is the way... The invernessians go out a like 10 and ride all night.
  3. Steve thats the best idea ever! Get it done riddlers
  4. Hokai, We shall average it at being roughly 44 n a half Then nobody can argue. Well its a shit pic. Small ish sidehop. Ok tuck... Meh sidehops and biscuits
  5. Notice how Steve is the only man to take ideas from rider and contribute to this thread shop wise? Great man in my experiences. Also I think Ads at tarty is the man to talk to if you want deng to be spoken too. He is also a dam good guy and will probs be scouting this thread at some point in the morning. Aidan.
  6. I shoulda had mine... but didnt and photobucket rapped it as per usal.
  7. Looks schweet danny. How high is it? Might dig out some tuck pics....
  8. I used xara, Just looped it then cut him out of one and slapped him on the other. so loop cut copy paste really.
  9. Went out for a ride tonite. Took some photos. My first photo was shit so this one dont look so good. Clearly misses his youth. Why not, Photo taken by Trav... Picture of Jamie Yorkston, Name and shame
  10. Youve got it sorted man.. I have some schweet lines to play on.... Just gotta kinda link them. and there all close to the house.... woooooo QUESTION: Can you do joint videos?
  11. I would say no, but thats me. Also this is my space for one cause ive got a few ideas. And try not clog the thred so people dont miss any
  12. Please Please Please put some the inspired stickers on it... They complete the bike so nicely.
  13. sidehop

    Czar Footage....

    Jeesus man you can gap... And i like how your a big man but your riding is so smooth. Nice wee video. Any sneaky news on new frame?
  14. Propperly gutted, Only wheel build site i could understand. Also loved reading his pages.. Sesh about his help.. with the tape etc ahh dam good man. R.I.P
  15. All you need is a crank extractor. and because you have square taper you dont need nothing fancy. A LBS would sell you one.
  16. Will it work?? That is what my comp is saying and i want it like super fast... So i want more. Recomend me. sorry to hijack BeNNy
  17. Thats schweeeeeeet. Love it.
  18. Was mintttt, would love an indoor area. Dam you
  19. OR buy a crank extractor?
  20. Ive got my trust glasgow street riders tee on Also sweet pics Ross. Ride soon man.
  21. Try-all is uci to the max.. I killed one on street. Also the new echo internal is good. Just had one off them. Now just ordered a skf.. Hope shes mint.
  22. Wasn't that keen on his style. But his riding was mint
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