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Everything posted by sidehop

  1. sidehop


    Does it not just have the piston inside? And it has the barbed fitting so it could be done... Right?
  2. Cranks will be fine for now man. When you progress and they get abit older they go snappy happy. Many folks on here have snapped them, including me and it hurts. But overall, You should be reet. Nice bike to start on just stick at it man
  3. Hah! That was amazing... Done lad done. Keep it up i want to see you in a few years when you are bigger and have more power.
  4. Thats not it Gav... One up here dosnt have a white base paint. Seen it T'other day.
  5. Drops are shit.... He enjoyed it.
  6. sidehop

    Gu Video One...

    Cheers man... I am riding again... Not happy with my riding atm but i am riding. Video shouldnt be too long.
  7. Just me or does Ali reminde you of the singer/lead guitarist of the dire straits??? Mite pics too Ads.
  8. sidehop


    I aint... Wanted to sound smart.
  9. sidehop


    I belive he is in some form of emotional problem.... No reason not to send though ... Ill talk to him when hes back on his comp.
  10. I am wrong, dont listen to that.
  11. Probs a fair bit... Top Gear done it with an audi. I may be verry rong but you have a little reserve tank to go onto after the red line... i belive its to like carry you to a petrol station. Mate can do 30 miles or more with eco driving when his car hits red line.
  12. Mazin pics man, Not seen you on the scene ina whiley. And have you got Joe Oakley vid 10 uploaded somewhere... I miss it
  13. Weather looks so nice Pics are mint too man.
  14. sidehop


    I get bored of the small things quickly... But natty is defo the way. There is full on blowen street riders which can sidehop 50" Well done i say but can they sidehop 50 of a rock to another? Natty is endless on what you can do.... Meh turning this into a natty street debate..UNCOOL so ill stop. Max your right.
  15. Shows nothing of what you can do fat boy,... Therefor, You have to make another one. With a better song and you riding propper. And sort out your front brake. Love,
  16. sidehop

    Ross M Vid 5

    Song was ballocks... Riding was mint. Schweeet. Ride soon cheif.
  17. sidehop

    Danny Kearns

    ahh Danny that was mazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzin. Me loves it lad me loves it.
  18. I have my day skipper... Done a full on blowen sailing course at murry (sp, could be morry) firth sailing school with my dad and 2 other guys and the guy in charge. Nite passages most nites force 7-9 the whole time pritty much some nights was scarry yet soooo amazing. We have a drascome lugger for pottering about in, Often go down the north-east coast in it. Really enjoy the powerboats too.... Meh i'm a water baby.
  19. Nice video. Your misses is a fair dab hand at the good old pole dancing i see
  20. And you fitted it correctly? Also its not Dans fault it dosnt work right. And most of them are leaky .. mine was anyway. He also has a msn addy that your ment too add for help and support.
  21. You have recieved a new feedback. Below are details concerning the new feedback. Type: Good Rating SummaryGood man, Pain straight away. Would deal with again Given By: sidehop You were the: Buyer Date: 1202586314
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