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Everything posted by sidehop

  1. Mine aint here yet I want my egg!
  2. Woop, I'll be there now Come on lads.. Join us scottish men Travs a wanna be
  3. sidehop


    My brother put fish in the pool.. Also there was a chicken on laxatives last year...
  4. Ive had two profiles and two freewheel set-ups. and dammm the freewheels are soo much better. The bike flicks so easy, Parts are cheeper.. Usally. Weight is alot less in my eyes. Id say buy a freewheel set-up and try it foryourself... Then choose.
  5. Bessell that thing is out of this world. Video greatness is required! ^^ Loooove it!
  6. Joe, get a mod video out... I am keen
  7. Maybe because, T-f dosn't pick out anbodys good points and say oh that was mint but maybe you coulda done that a bitty difforent... Its straight in with the, Its shit. And bessel that isnt a dig at you
  8. Oh my jesus, buggering god. That was art.. Art in motion.. I loved it. Good find.
  9. Juno Is mint! The song is called All i want is you for whoever asked Also Nice clips man... Need to get some of you ont ko.
  10. Steves been great with me.. I have ordered 3 sets of pads... Each came within two days max. Good man he is good man
  11. Looking good Danny, looking good. Seams your neco's are cutting the mustard so to speak... Got good hold all round. See what you mean about that flower bed to pillar line that we were discusing last night Anwayy, Good riding. good lad
  12. Recovering well, Good man. Cya ina week
  13. Because your sooooo gay Danny.
  14. Course ill let you on Blair Me and Coe should make it a bit earlier this time though... xxx
  15. Foookin 'mazin... For a mod... It loves taps and hooks.
  16. Cousts there mazin. It does... But i'm skint I am, I changed again due to back problems And for those of whom dont like it, You all entitled to an opinion.
  17. Right i think the suspence of what bike i am getting next if enough for you all, So here she is : Enjoyyy, Aidan.
  18. Mate has loads of them... and yeah zipping it up and leaving him is funny.... Also if you push him. Dam, I'm savage
  19. Ross sort your spelling out haha. I have an 06 one sitting in my room for sale?
  20. sidehop


    You dont kick hard enough Haha.... Sack my point then
  21. sidehop


    We do come off.. Watch a video of sombody gapping, or sidehoping in slow mo. Watch their lead foot, When they return from the kick the foot leave the pedal Not really the answer to your question haha, Owell may interest you for 30 seconds.
  22. Chris, Few of us will be in Aberdeen on sunday.. Ment to be sunny too! Come along we will meet at train station. We shall arrange a time closer the date.
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