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    Aidan David Chisholm
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Trials Master

Trials Master (5/9)



  1. sidehop


    Wee video, Bit of fun really.
  2. Hey man, I'll pm you my number so when you are Aware of details. Time etc you can send me a text of a call . I shall pass this information onto the stoney lot. 4 of the Stonehaven lads are showing our faces.
  3. Have rang round the stoney lot, We will be there in force to pay our respect. R.I.P my good man.
  4. No, Such a shame. Was a good lad too. Will need to speak to one of the 'Ness boys asap please. Somebody call me or shoot me a line on msn.
  5. sidehop

    Rossy C?

    Well Ross, Was nice. Some nice lines flowing in and well you know the tune earns you points. Overall well done. Now fingers crossed for mine
  6. st nicholas centre mid day 21st saturday :D

  7. ? Needed? Also Ross, That was lush. Your really suiting stock now.. Still mod is the way Get your ass down here so we can ride. You coming for that natty weekend? I just want a shot of your bike not you too come Haha Slater bud
  8. Jesus son of a mother bitch! That was spot on.. Why no company dont want to snap you up i have nooo idea. Perfect riding going to watch again Ride easy bud.
  9. Hey mate, The start is reallg good and creative. Although i think you should cut the song there as it was, and put somthing a little more mellow and chilling in. Also the video is shaping up to be "just" a trials video if you get me. I think you need to be more creative in what your doing. Also what programme you editing it in? I would add more effects and creative riding to be honest. Get some nice lines in there to attract the viewers attention. Whens the deadline?
  10. Go as a dice. Mate did it before. Was soooo worth it haha
  11. sidehop


    Very good rider. Nice and powerful with style. I liked them.
  12. I shall let you all Marvel apon the new misses.
  13. Really nice Ross, Was awaiting the final vid after i seen half of it in Fort W. Looking schweeeeet on the inspired too Top Marks Mucker.
  14. Couldnt you just copy and paste it into an online translator mate?
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