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Everything posted by Muel

  1. Yes sorry, Only black cranks, not even silver. I'm not sure about coloured hubs, but I will only ever have black or white rims, with colour coded rim tape. I do like coloured bash rings, headsets, bars, snail cams though.
  2. Just buy some elctrical tape in your colour, then wind a few legnths round with the sticky side up, then cut it and put a few sticky side down.
  3. Muel


    I have done loads on my other comp I will get them later
  4. Muel


    Just a teensy-weensy bit on the short side there!
  5. Maybe possibly, we are from up north derbyshire so there might not be any trains, I'll have a look and ask about, there is four of us who might come. EDIT: It means we have to change at sheffield, but if we leave new mills at 9:14 we will get to sheffield at 10:04, get on the next train 10:23 and arrive in derby at 10:55. We might come but I'll have to ask the others.
  6. Monty, da bomb, mission, onza, base, ddg, (frames not dreadlocks), ONZA!!!, saracen. True, these are the only two onza things I might ever buy. I have a T-POO, the cranks fell apart, the frame snapped, the bar/stem geo is all wrong, its too short, the frame is too light and weak whilst everything else is too heavy, the headsets keep coming loose becaue they are shite and the cups don't sit in the frames properly, the brakes don't work unless you have a booster because the frames are too weak. SHITE!!! I agree also that coloured rims look shite, I would only ever get try-all fluro whites. I hate coloured cranks, rims, and hubs. But love coloured rim tape!?
  7. Sorry, but the tensile doesn't, I bought one from tarty and the lock-ring is on the bb shell side, I also bought some echo 6061 cranks at the same time, and it wouldn't fit with the bashring or the spacer in, I had to grind the lip off my crank arm which let the freewheel screw all the way on and tighten against the crank arm. Other than that I can't fault the set-up, the freewheel has never loosened and it tightened against the crank really quick, so I was gapping bigger stuff in no-time. I love the tensile, its really loud and strong, doesn't come loose and engages really often.but maybe the try-all is a better choice, as it has seals on it rather than open bearings. If I were going to buy a new freewheel, I would buy the try-all, because it has seals and more engagment points. Samuel.
  8. Hopes come ready bled with dot oil, just fit it and ride it, the only reason to change the fluid is for a thinner one, so that your lever feels lighter and fermer. Just check its got 5.1 and not 4 in it and there is nothing to worry about. Unless you have bled it with water, then the seals are not being lubed and will get knackered in no time.
  9. Right then, if anyone wants to sell me one there is a topic is for sale about me wanting a frame, looks like I am after a Zip now. Or PM if you haven't been validated. Thanks for the help.
  10. I have heard that they are virtually the same to ride, is this true and is there any point in getting a Zona when I have been offered a T-Pro for £40. I want something a bit longer than my T-PRO, really, any other suggestions? Cheers everyone!
  11. Do you know where he got it from? the only place I have found is in germany.
  12. I searched and found this, where can I see these fresh levers? do they make them for 06 levers?
  13. I think you should get a different bike to be quite honest, sorry but missions aren't that good really, I don't like saying it but I really wouldn't be upgrading it, I just think that you would be making a mistake...
  14. The T-PRO is the longer length, but you will have to buy a new one anyway because the T-PROs BB shell is 1mm bigger in diametre than the standard.
  15. 3 and a half foot?! Luke you manage about 1 foot, at the most. The world record for a side hop is about 4.5 feet. Are you getting feet and inces mixed up?
  16. Just shows that you don't have to be on a stock to go big. Mods for life!!
  17. Just cracked my T-PRO, I have put up a topic about in For sale/Wanted, If any pre-memebrs have a frame that fits the discription then email me: samuelwottonturner@gmail.com. Other than that my onza citrus pads are wearing down faster than anything, I have had them on for a week and they are more than half gone, any other options that are more hard wearing?
  18. Just realised that you joined today and that this is your first post, this forum isn't for motorbikes, but for bicycle trials, you might get a better response from trialscentral.com. Sorry about the number, I can't find this weeks issue.
  19. If you get Trials and Motocross News, Look in the back for Ellastone offroad, ring them because they can get nearly all 70s-90s offroad jap spares. I will get the number up in a bit, but little britain is starting now.
  20. Hello Sam, I am Sam. Good choice of bike, my mate had one, helped him a lot, he has just swopped it for a T-MAG and now wants summat else. Top-Tip: If your headset keeps coming loose and you can't tighten it any more, buy a new one. Sounds silly advice but we have spent ages trying to sort his by buying a DDG Dreadlock, he managed to strip all the thread of the bolt today. So just buy a new headset, or if you do get it set up right, leave it well alone... Trust me...
  21. I only ever use one finger on each, otherwise, get your brakes sorted! I find it easier to pull the frot up with one finger on each.
  22. I know it says Litter but that is a bit too much...
  23. Yes there is less chance of your axle breaking,but the spokes are at a steeper angle, so the wheel can bend more easily.
  24. Muel

    Cracked T-comp

    If you need a cheap replacement, go back to ebay and buy a T-PRO frame from their store and put all your bits on to that.
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