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Everything posted by Muel

  1. The W7 interface is alright IMO (in fact it's quite pretty), but it's crazy slow (you don't realise how slow until you run a linux OS for a week), insecure and has several really annoying habits. (Leave your computer on overnight to do something and it decides to reboot for you in order to install updates for example). It doesn't "simply work" either, you have to install anti-virus software and firewalls and cleanup tools and do disk defrags and wipe the whole lot every year and reinstall just to stop it slowing down even further?! (Maybe not everyone but I had to). You'll never be a man then IMO mate, it'll always be compromised. It really angers me to admit it, but for a lot of people it's still the only option, in the same way that if you're a web designer, you really need a mac. Personally I don't understand how anyone can like W8 or W8.1, it seems to be more hated than any Windows interface I've ever known. (Apart from maybe Vista but that was more because of how slow it was). I've been using them both for several hours a week since launch to test in at work, and it's by far the worst part of my job. I can't find anything or make anything happen properly and it took me weeks to work out how to shut W8 down! I don't know many Linux distros these days that are like that. I currently use Xubuntu, which installs as easily as windows (easier with the live CD) and after that it just works. You don't need to be able to program anything to use it. Same goes for Ubuntu, Mint, Manjaro, Kubuntu, and so on. There are literally hundreds of distros to play with and they're mostly fast, open-source and secure. The only real downside IMO is that you can't run Windows apps easily. I just run Virtual Machines for a lot of stuff though (programming, gaming and software testing), so I currently have VMs for XP with IE6, XP with IE8, Vista with IE7, W7 with IE8, W7 with IE9, W7 with IE10, W7 with IE11, W8 with IE10, W8.1 with IE11, several linux ones for various projects and messing about, W7 with my oldish games installed and XP with my really old games installed. Advantage being I can switch very quickly from one machine to another, and they're versioned so that when Windows inevitably shits itself, I can just roll back to the last snapshot. Anyways, I shall be doing a long-term test soon to see if a normal laptop user can switch by putting Xubuntu on my girlfriends laptop. With an i5, 6gb of RAM, a 128gb SSD and a 1tb HDD it'll fly. She's not a "power user", she just wants to turn it on, do normal things (browse the web, use skype, etc) then turn it off again. EDIT: Just booted up my girlfriend's laptop - "Applying registry update 0 of 57,000" - F**K, YOU.
  2. Any install of Windows is always bad. Ed for the love of f**k don't do it. W7 is bareable, W8 and W8.1 are more painful than Vista IMO. (I have to test in them on an almost daily basis so it's not like I tried them once and sacked them off...) Be man. Run linux.
  3. Hmmmm, I'm not racist but, that tree is an unacceptable colour.
  4. Emma Watson for a week, no question. I've worked on the internet since 2006 and I'm sick of it anyway.
  5. Depends entirely on your body and metabolism. I've only had results when aiming for 1 or the other, and failed dismally when trying to do both at once. I've tried different things on and off over the years, but I've made the biggest change in the last 6 months by just aiming for strength and mass. That said I don't eat some crazy 4000cal, 500g of protein a day diet, just a small excess. I guess it's more of a "clean bulk" if you want to use names for things.
  6. Normally I'd be all supportive, but you used the C word in public, so therefore I feel obliged to give a disapproving face.
  7. Get some iron as well IMO, pull ups/press ups etc are great, but need teaming with all the other movements that matter, like overhead press, squats, deadlifts and some isolation stuff as well if you fancy. I've just had a rest week as my joints were getting pretty rickety (knees especially), back to it tomorrow. Currently 214lbs, not decided whether to keep yolobulking or do some of that wierd homosexual "cutting" stuff.
  8. For everyone still stuck in the 2009 mindset of "writes are bad for SSDs maaannnn": http://techreport.com/review/27436/the-ssd-endurance-experiment-two-freaking-petabytes My next build will have no spinning disks in it at all.
  9. Muel

    The Angry Thread.

    Not sure, seem to be waaayyyyy more angry than usual so I'm probably expressing it more where I'd normally bite my tongue...
  10. Muel

    The Angry Thread.

    Obviously, but the difference is that if you let it get that close without going to a normal toilet then you're a f**king moron, unless you're ill, but no-one has so far mentioned being ill. If you've got chrons, you've often got less than a minute before it comes out whether you like it or not. To clear up the point I've actually tried to make again: Unless there is something wrong with you (you're in a wheelchair, has some sort of horrid disease or if you're just plain ill), then in my opinion the disabled toilet is not for you. If you disagree then by all means go ahead, just be aware you might one day be that guy who causes someone who is disabled to shit themselves while waiting for you.
  11. Muel

    The Angry Thread.

    The amount of noise and smell makes it deeply embarrassing, and in a lot of places they only have 1/2 cubicles in the gents which are often all in use. Anyway, like I said, I can see why people do it. In my opinion it's not excusable as you're using facilities that are not provided for you, they're for other people.
  12. Good work mate. I bought me a Raspberry Pi, tis awesome fun!
  13. Muel

    The Angry Thread.

    Point I was trying to make was that, I have a friend who has shit himself more than once because somebody with nothing wrong with them was doing an ordinary poo. The chances of that happening is obviously tiny compared to how many times those toilets are used by non-disabled people, but it's kinda irrelevant when you've shit yourself in a public place.
  14. Muel

    The Angry Thread.

    This is the main problem, peopke don't understand what those toilets are for. Disabled doesn't mean that the person has to be in a wheelchair, all it means is that when a disabled person needs the toilet, there is one available. I never use them purely because of that, there are people with disabled badges with intestinal problems who look like they're fine, until they realise they're 15 secs from their arse exploding. I know someone with chrons who's ended up "in trouble" several times because healthy people were using the disabled toilet.
  15. Listen to Forteh Mike. Your current CPU and Ram will limit the bandwidth of your system but will be fine running a GTX660. You will have to drop the setting a bit, but it should run OK. Ignore X99, it's not a good gaming platform, it's for workstations and power users IMO. EDIT: Ordered a Raspberry Pi earlier for some experimenting. Got a spare monitor so going to play with the idea of building an all in one. (Zip tie it to the back).
  16. DK got punched a few times at Tesco apparently.
  17. Muel

    The Angry Thread.

    I get the feeling this is one of those situations where I should keep my opinion to myself. I've got a f**k load better at judging when to do that in recent years, but I'm very tired and stressy atm.
  18. Muel

    The Angry Thread.

    Never said anything against that, my issue is purely with him advertising stuff unrelated to what he's known for. I think the stuff he's done with Red Bull regarding his mates is great, and what he should be doing. Like I've already said many times already, the crux of my problem with it is that the adverts he helps produce say "buy this thing, because Danny Mac advocates it", which is fine if he actually does advocate and use it and is well known for using it, like Inspired Bikes or possibly Red Bull if he likes it, as both can be related to doing backflips, but what has a phone got to do with doing backflips? He could use any phone on the market and still do backflips. I guess the big question is, does the fact that he gives loads back negate the fact that his face is being used to advertise shit that isn't related to what he does? I strongly think not.
  19. Muel

    The Angry Thread.

    That's actually a real person/name? I take that bit back then. Never imagined that Danny would need a manager, let alone one he called "Big T". I'd say you should be 'an expert' to give advice on stuff because you need a deep understanding of a subject in order to recommend what different people may need. You've described Danny as essentially, a heavy user. Does he know how phones work? What would someone with different needs to him need? If so then great, but it's not something he's known for so can't see why they're using him to advertise that phone, apart from the obvious "Look at this phone that Danny Mac says is rad!" aspect. When I was younger I got effected by it more than I do now, because I was more impressionable. I've always researched stuff, just not very well at times. Researching a product and understanding information is a skill that lots of people struggle to ever learn. Yes but to a lesser degree, because Red Bull costs £1 a can or whatever, and people either like it or dislike it. If they mis-use it then they will probably get some health issues but if not, they'll be fine. Interesting you mention the "gives you wings" slogan though, as they've recently been knobbled for that and have had to pay out $13m in a settlement thingy, $6.5m of which is compensation for customers who did not grow wings: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/northamerica/usa/11155731/13m-lawsuit-proves-Red-Bull-doesnt-give-you-wings.html But, that doesn't cause people proper harm because you'd have to be a moron to believe it ever gave you wings. But in the case of the phone, if you're a bit impressionable then you could easily end up with a phone for 2 years that isn't right for you purely because you liked Danny Mac. I feel this has gone slightly off topic and you're focusing on details of what I'm saying, like the use of the words "job" or "expert", to clarify my issue is that he's well known for being the best in the world at riding "street trials" if you want to call it that, but is advertising unrelated stuff. I'm sure he uses toilet paper as well, but I don't expect him to pop up advertising Charmin.
  20. Muel

    The Angry Thread.

    Fine, not "everyone" but "everyone who isn't an arsehole". I'm doing well in my career so I've put my neck out for a few mates to try to get them jobs in companies I've worked for. Yes, I hate advertising and I really dislike the fact that one of the seemingly nicest people in this tiny world of trials is getting involved with selling stuff that's not related to what he's known for. I can tell you what computer shit to buy because my career is centered around being an expert on computery things, but I wouldn't say "Hey chaps, I'm Muel the computer faggot, but here's an unrelated piece of wank just in time for Christmas that I don't use to call up Big T when I have an idea!". If he was saying Inspired bikes are the best then I would be fine with it, but he's not. Nope, just incredibly angry at most things atm. I really f**king hate it, I've been taken in by it too many times and been sold shit as a result. (Although it's happened far less often to me than to a lot of people I know).
  21. Muel

    The Angry Thread.

    I was replying to Rainbird with my last reply. Should have quoted, sorry. Don't care if he helps his mates out, everyone does that when they can, and don't care if he gets paid making his job a job, what I care about is the blatent mis-selling going on and the fact that his face is on it. That advert shows the fancy trials man using his snazzy new phone, for what reason than to suggest "Danny Mac says this phone is great!" to people watching? It just pisses me off how dishonest it is, and how people I've always looked up to are getting involved in it. Also couldn't actually care less about it being a Microsoft phone. Replace it with my own phone and I'd still hate the fact he's advertising it. No, but I think they're all dishonest bastards for peddling it.
  22. Muel

    The Angry Thread.

    Well that would just mean a job to me, which isn't what he's doing, he's advertising shit phones that he probably doesn't even own, let alone use to organise himself and stay in touch with his manager "Big T". It's just like all the bodybuilders you see advertising shit they probably don't even take and saying "this protein powder is amazing!". Nah pal, it's shit. I really hate it, it's essentially just mis-selling but because it's advertising that makes it legal, and some dafty NMC noob will fall for it because Lord Mac said it was rad and end up with a wank phone they hate.
  23. Muel

    The Angry Thread.

    Definition of sellout.
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