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Everything posted by Muel

  1. Trustworthy mates and sheer logic. Big coolers often beat AIO coolers in tests, and they are destined to be louder as they have a pump, and they are destined to break sooner as they have a pump.
  2. Nah, because noise is subjective. I know people who like their computer sounding like a turbine, personally I think any noise is noise.
  3. Enjoy that sweet sweet cheap pump sound Sav. BzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ
  4. That's what he's saying... Fans don't break and big air coolers are as efficient as AIO liquid coolers, whereas AIO pumps buzz and break regularly. (I know more people who returned their AIO liquid coolers than people who were happy with the first one they bought).
  5. Buying anything with W8.1 is a mistake IMO. But it seems like a solid spec for the price, once you stick an SSD in it and change to a decent OS it'll be rad.
  6. My computer has now sat almost unchanged for 2 years (new case and SSD), all the components have been the same since 2010. Starting to have multiple issue with it, like having to jiggle the HDMI and Ethernet cables to make them work, crashing if I have the power saving thing turned on that scales down the CPU clock, crashing unless I run extra volts at stock clocks etc. Problem is it still works so I can't bring myself to spend money on it. Gonna need pics of this Frankenstein card mate.
  7. Muel

    The Angry Thread.

    It's a proxy set up by your government, highlights certain words in a lame attempt at mind control.
  8. I would, if there was a real gym a bit closer but there isn't. 2min walk to Virgin Active and it has weights, swimming and a climbing wall for 1 subscription so I'm happy.
  9. Can you take some of the knobbers from my gym please? I saw a guy this morning taking 5 min rests between sets to sit on a bench and play minecraft on his phone. Dicklord.
  10. As long as they don't have internets there who cares?
  11. Doesn't matter where you get it from IMO. Laptops are sealed units, the shop that sells them shouldn't ever have to open them. Just buy a decent brand (Samsung/Lenovo/HP) and avoid shit (Acer). Personally I'd choose a Lenovo at the moment. Their chassis' seem really decent and the rest of the spec is usually good for the money.
  12. A 00 gauge Class 55 Napier Deltic model for my railway, some DVDs and a huge basket full of chocolate and cake (a proper wicker picnic basket).
  13. Is this a one off build of do you think you'll become a proper hardware nerd? If the latter, I'd blag a load of free, broken computers from somewhere and just start tinkering. I learned more doing that than reading any guide.
  14. Given time! First thing I did was remove the software center so she has to install everything from the CLI. Soon the home server will be CLI only so she'll have to learn the basics if she wants to store her music and telly on it. You have an actual cluster? That's pretty rad. Post pics! I need to sort out my rack soon so I'll get some pics up then. It's all a bit sqashed in and messy, thinking about adding a Raspberry Pi tray to hold a bunch of Pis for doing something cool.
  15. Lolz. Yeh you win mate. Can we go back to talking about nerdy shit that actually matters? Rather than picking up on individual words I say or my justification for trying out linux on my girlfriend? Anyway, she's been at home using it all day and f**king loves it.
  16. I go by widely held knowledge. Things like "Windows is more bloated and less stable than either Mac OS or most linux distros". It's just a widely accepted piece of information... If you've never had an issue with something, it makes you one of the people who's never had an issue and nothing more. It does not mean that the problems don't exist, it just means you haven't encountered them. The only thing that is obvious from your lack of issues with iTunes is that you're lucky.
  17. Generally speaking they just come ready. I have a 4 year old ATI card and it works perfectly, including using 3D acceleration in Virtual Box (so I can game in a windows VM). Basically, I haven't had to touch a driver in linux within the last 5 years (2 years been using various linux distros full time). Which one? Because from the Q6600 onwards they were equal or faster than my shitty AMD. No idea, it just works. Give it up Sav, I know you're not daft enough to believe that something is a decent product purely because "it was fine for me". My Mum says things like "My Peugeot 307 is great because it's fine for me", no Mum, it was the 3rd worst card in 2007 (the year she bought) for customer satisfaction.
  18. Wouldn't be doing it if that was going to be the case. She can have the browsers she already uses and VLC, and the only other thing she really wants is something to play music but she's happy to change because she's sick of iTunes crashing all the time. Yep exactly. This is what I love most about the linux community, if there is an issue somebody will fix it. Network drivers especially were a big issue 5 years ago, but now nobody even thinks about them. It's not up to date though, it's 2 years old. The chipset isn't amazing (the sata controller throttles the SSD, for example) and the CPU wasn't that powerful when it was new. Those boot times are what I'd expect of a modern desktop of similar spec level, but not a little laptop.
  19. Honestly I have no idea. Never had a problem. Just installed Xubuntu on my girlfriend's laptop, after checking the spec it has an i5-3210, 6gb of DDR3 at 1333mhz, a 128mb Crucial M4 SSD and a 1tb Hitachi 5400rpm HDD. Boots from cold to the login screen in just under 10 seconds, logging in takes just under 2 seconds. Crazy to think it's just a little laptop, it's way faster than my desktop because the chipset is awesome. (My NB/SB are crap). Gonna set her up with a Windows 7 VM for anything homosexual she needs to do but for now, just see how she gets on.
  20. I'm going to need in on this whatsapp action.
  21. Everyone in here has a faster build than mine...
  22. Reinstalling due to new hardware? Pah! I move hard disks between systems all the time with no issues. How can you not run an anti-virus though? Do you never download a dodgy torrent? I meant slow to complete tasks, not slow interface. Like booting, copying multiple files from one place to another, opening programs and so on. W7 isn't too bad compared to the olden days, but when you run something like Xubuntu (lightweight version of Ubuntu with a better interface) on a system like mine, the speed difference is obvious.
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