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Everything posted by icspe

  1. The 51st states 7.5/10 a nice film about a drug made of legal ingredients that was 51times more hallucinogenic than other drugs and so on but it left me with the feeling that it was a lie and that wasnt even a drug watch it!
  2. do any of you usually play texas hold'em? me and my friends use to play it when we can we started a game of 10 players at 19:00 and stopped at about 04:00, when we remained 4 and continued the next day )
  3. R.I.P, although i dont know them, it made me feel sad
  4. yea the win got to romania also now hope it will not be that powerful as in uk, i've seen on tv how people couldnt hold them on the ground thats sad
  5. i heard the same noise, checked all, i was 99% sure that the noise comes from the BB, checked it, it wasnt lose and then i replaced the right pedal with an older one and the noise disappeared so maybe it is from your pedal i oiled my pedal, checked the bearings and the noise is gone:) good luck!
  6. icspe

    Steve-o End Of 06

    awesome riding man, you got skills!
  7. nice pedal-ups and i like aswell the sliding, or whatever you call it there, when you put your front wheel and then drag the rear keep them coming
  8. magellan tucana 2006 frame truvativ cranks, 22t bike+ vbrake + booster on rear, tektro vbrake front shitty pedals, new ones should arrive in about 3-4 days rear wheel: remerx super jumbo 40 mm rim on shimano silent clutch hub 36 spokes. maxxis larsen TT 2.35 tyre front wheel: mach1 mx rim on shimano hub 32 spokes, irc 2.1 tyre magellan fork shimano sora rear derailleur bike+ oversize stem and bars shimano levers as i said, i'm changing the pedals and i hope for hs33 on rear
  9. riding alone will not improve your skills dude, try to have some friends near you, even if they dont are into trials too, just to be there so you can all ride together and if you dont find those friends who can ride with you then you must be realy motivated, try watching some videos before you go riding good luck!
  10. i heard that tryall gloves dont last for long, i use answer team III
  11. my bike i want to buy new cranks and a new frane, in the future maybe a new rear rim, wider
  12. looks good, i like the tyres very much
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