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Everything posted by JohnyMilton

  1. £65... ... For the whole frame? are you joking? Whats the catch? Are they stock or 24''?
  2. Dam...you did it before Jason... But well done, thats sick!
  3. I think I just creamed me jeans!
  4. Saying that, since we are gettting more girls on here, do you think they might get the wrong idea about the 'Girls rouble thread', and start talking about there times of the month...and other female troubles...
  5. JohnyMilton

    Lol Backflip

    I have saw one on a trials bike...Danny Mac does it in his demos...
  6. JohnyMilton

    Lol Backflip

    Wow a backflip...I havnt seen one of them before....
  7. Excuse meeeeeeeeeee Ben? He was joking, not over reacting, cause Ben gets up set when People call him Scottish, haha! Ok, I have a problem, last week Ben was down visiting and he daresd me to chat up this bar maid, so I did...cuase Im good that way! So all goes well with her, we go out a few nights later, and she ends up back at mine, so then we play some 'Naughty Games'(you know doctors & nurses), but then the other day I find out she has a Boyfriend, and he finds out, and hes threated me, and he is build little a boat, A BIG BOAT, i tryed explaining that I didnt rape her but she was keen for the naughty naughty, and she also said she was single, but ho dont care, he goes going to beat my up, but I dunno what to do, I have a few opions, I can shag her again, or shag her and ask him to join, or try and dodge the guy for the rest of time Im living in Edinburgh? Its all Bens fault!
  8. Some good riding there, and smooth! Where was this filmed, the states?
  9. not normaly a fan of deng bikes, but in this case the colour makes it look super nice...I like green...green makes me happy...
  10. Ok first thing, the rim, thats taking it to far, it looks as if its going to fold as soon as its built, Secondly why the hairy hell do you need to drill your Helmet, why? are you trying to make it lighter for some odd reason?
  11. I have crutch at the moment cause of that...You hurt me when you laughed... :$ Haha! But to keep on topic, Ross I dont like deng stuff it doesnt look bonnie...
  12. Sounds like my perfect girl... JackBalman...this girl sounds like bad news, if she txts your mates, stay away from her, my Ex cheated on my Tons, and I just kept going back, its will get worse...so STAY AWAY she is a bad girl...
  13. I like it, Im currently doing a sly wee build like that at...Kind wish I got a base frame, they look nice...
  14. Where the hairy hell di he get the 24'' DX32? And also is Ashton making more fatty forks?
  15. Ok now Im scared incase she sees this...and hunts me down...and hurts me OR Is she the type of date that would be sooooo butch that youd have to spike your own drink with rohipnal?
  16. Wait a minute...his Ex looks like a man? No wonder she is an Ex, by what I have read so far (just what Simps said)Shes/He is an Ex for a good reason(sorry havnt read much in to this)...
  17. Owell...youl just have to start 'pull the pudding' then...
  18. That is mint...I soooo want one! Good idea to put the gears there...when are the frames out?
  19. Ok understandable, but the pads are still not the best, and far to unrelieable, I found... And I didnt even know Trials-UK sold them...
  20. Dont bother... There temparmental... and takes about 2 weeks to arrive...
  21. I think some got vaildated?

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