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Everything posted by JohnyMilton

  1. Awesome, really like that...but I prefer the stock...And may just get one!
  2. Its just trying to be a Neon Bow with that paint job!
  3. I blame the fact Im still drunk, for me not making sence!
  4. Holy Sh*t! Ross your getting to good...I bet Weggie Ross turns green watching this!
  5. Katie keep that kind of talk of here...and dont use biddles account, he's pissed enough, just text me...
  6. Biddle...it appears JT! is right Pm's Arent working? Oh and from what I saw your missus isnt 'clean shaven'...
  7. Biddle sorry Im not tryting to ignore you, but my msn is plaing up again! But last i really didnt mean, I didnt know she was on your msn, you changed your screen name, and I had no idea she was your missus, I just saw her display picture I saw she wasnt a red head and saw HUGE tits...and for a scottish guy tits are good...and a girl with out girl hair is a bonus! Il try get on msn to sort this out!
  8. Biddle I think were best talking on msn, and taking it of the forum... I will get back online...
  9. oh...shit...did you see the comments? ooooh I can explain....she was the one who put the webcam on! Eh...SORRY!
  10. Ok, right...heres my problem theres this girl flurting with me on msn...now I bet your thinking 'wow get in there!!!' well I cant cause she is flurting with me over her Boyfriends msn, it started tonight...and I just dunno what to do, cause I have never met her(so I dont know anything about her) and havnt met her boyfriend cause I have been doing some trading/selling on this forum with him...so I feel like a bit sorry for him(not going to say the young chaps name), but his girlfriend cant stop the dirty talk... HELP!
  11. ooook...what happened to the neon? If it cracked, where did it crack, just soooo I can check mine out! lol!
  12. You are able to play around with the stiffness, they come with a rage of insoles to find your comfort and flex!
  13. Well I need a place to sleep, but I have already spoke to you about it!
  14. Yuck! You will have to spray the bars and stem if you want it to look like Chris Akrigg's bike!
  15. Yeah come throw to yours on the train. Are we staying up there, or are we traveling up in the morning?
  16. Them rocks look the sex! Looks like an awesome place to ride, want to go there at somepoint in my life time!
  17. Its cool between me and strath we can bulid him a bike!
  18. I wonder if any of the muckers would like to go down? I shall see what the lads say!
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