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About JohnyMilton

  • Birthday 08/23/1990

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    United Kingdom

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Trials Master

Trials Master (5/9)



  1. Can we see a picture of the whole wheel...as I'd be questioning the lacing of the spokes rather than how the valve sits....
  2. Are we too expect an insta clip from you Zoot?
  3. Love it, a couple retro bikes popping up on the page. I saw one of these for sale the other day, and just missed out on getting it. Love seeing these old bikes, makes a change from Inspired and Marinos. Look forward to seeing the finished result.
  4. When your Helmet was a Beanie. This and any Phil Feeney video were all I watch when I was younger.
  5. Like the colour, but I don't think its a good looking bike, I think where the top tube and down tube meets the headtube is hideous. Still its cool to hear that it was made in house, I imagine if it were to be put into production it would be ridiculous over priced like most Santa Cruz bikes nowadays. Never thought I would see Danny on a carbon trials bike though. Interesting to watch how it goes, after reading the article about the oven.....
  6. Personally I thought it might be ‘WHO THE F*CK IS GARY MAC!?’. I don’t think he will let me in Kinlochleven...
  7. I fancy Kinlochleven, that’s if I’m not barred from the last time....
  8. I that case I will just have to make do with watching his old videos on youtube...
  9. Does Phil still ride? Loved his edits, be good to see if hes still at it.
  10. Been awhile since I have been on here....need any marshals? Always keen for pints at the MacDonald hotel...
  11. Wow...just WOW, I've been left speechless, my favourite video up until this point was Ben Travis's entry but it's a tough call now(sorry Samuel)!
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