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Trials King

Trials King (4/9)



  1. Its because my fellow rider has stripped the ratchet in his hope Xc hub. Hes to stingy to buy new hub. I just wanna know if it will rip apart when big power is applied.
  2. has anybody used such sprockets and would the disc mounts hold up.
  3. Hi all. Just a quick question for the more experienced skilled riders. What contemporary/retro frame is the best for bunny hops ect. I used to ride a GT Zaskar (Hans Rey style) back in the early days and I could bunny hop that pretty high. I fell I have lost that skill as-well as manuals with the advent of the pogo stick style bikes. I'm going to buy a new frame or second hand depending on some real time advice. Thanks.
  4. Yeah what did happen to them days.......... Music sounds good???
  5. People i need some sporting motivation. Everyon who rides has given up or are just to lazy. Now days its becoming me who is lazy and CBA doing any ridining. All im asking for is for you to share your coping mechanism with me in order to get motivated and riding. Cheers
  6. Thats how trials should be, fun with loads of big moves. Johny_Mc is a BEAST in the flesh.
  7. If anyone is coming by car, theres loads of free spaces by mine. I live in leeds street but you will be easier to head for naylor street to park. Opps, it is the city centre.
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