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dan the trials man

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Everything posted by dan the trials man

  1. No can be about anything it is important though so it is no good talking about something like cannabis or is it ?. Dan
  2. I thought i would bore every one and look like a nob. Any one got any suggestions on what else to talk about apart from bikes. Thanks Dan
  3. Hi all Can you help me ? i have a speech I'm going to do it on trials. Can you all give me some facts and interesting things to say ? Thanks Dan
  4. That was the dogs bollocks, he is amazing. Some of that stuff was gob smacking, he is officially one of my top 10 idols of trials. Keep up the great riding mate Dan
  5. It is so sexual and it goes so well with green. Much nicer then any pitbull, I'm definitely getting my self one. Dan
  6. Very very nice, i love that frame. Could some one photo shop that and see what it would look like with green rims and green hs33s. If it looks good im getting that frame. Thanks Dan When i look at a adamant i get a sexual feeling .
  7. That is one of the nicest bikes i have ever seen, i my self may be changing to the adamant a1 black frame. I'M not sure what it will look like, who on here has the adamant with green rims ? Thanks Dan
  8. Thanks great site but i only need two custom ones for the chain stays, i was hoping some one on here would be able to make them. Thanks Dan
  9. Hi all I am after zoo pitbull stickers, i have used the search. I was hoping for the official ones not copy's i only need two of the big main ones and 2 little ones if possible. I don't actually need the ones that say pitbull, also can any one make me two stickers that say Dan shorter ? would be great if people could show me some designs in black and green or just black. Thanks Dan
  10. All a`s for me. 1)A 2)A 3)A 4)A 5)A 6)A 7)A Dan
  11. Use the search please, Bleeding is a popular subject and you will have more results on the search any way. Thanks Dan
  12. I wouldn't but that is just me, you can probably pick up a good condition pitbull 05 or 06 with maybe a small dent or two for about 100 only £30 extra but if he is saying that all 4 bolts will be sorted then i suppose i would take it for £70. Dan
  13. dan the trials man

    Dan the trials man

    Me and riding
  14. I think that would be well cool because the police or some one could come up to you and have ago at you and you could have a fat off go at them and say that they are sic bastards with out that injection you could die I wonder what the police would do or say. Dan
  15. Touching I respect all you riders with diabetes i really do, i respect you more then the master him self Neil tunnicliffe (A) . Dan
  16. Try-all double cages, they are great and if you don't like them you can give them to me . I would really recommend them, there the only pedal i have had no probz with. Dan
  17. Soz to here there is no chance for you Keep riding and the trials gods might help you out some day , they said to my cuzen that there is still chance that her body might start produce insulin again. I don't now any thing about it personally, she has just moved to America what i think has helped because there great over there it has also helped me aswell because the riding is great in new Jersey and new York city. Dan
  18. My cuz has the worst kind type 1 i believe its called, she has to have insulin all through the day and cant eat any sweets what is hard when your only 6 years old. Hope you get better. Dan
  19. No smooth clean rim, pads are going back in fully it is set up correctly but one calliper is in more than the other. Could it be this ? Thanks Dan
  20. Hi all Been out riding today and my pads didn't stop sticking to my rims when i held the brake down. It is only doing it with the rear, i have zoo pads on a smooth try-all rim, is it my pads or is something wrong with my hs33s ?. Thanks Dan
  21. Thanks alot Do you have the try-all fluro pink colour, this colour http://www.tartybikes.co.uk/product.php?id=116 Thanks again Dan
  22. I wear chavs clothes lots but i don't really act like a chav, i talk to grungers and chavs when I'm out riding i never get shit but i no alot of hard people in crawley that people don't mess with. Dan Why don't we all just talk about bikes and stuff these topics are pathetic and all talk about chavs, grungers and emos should be band.
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