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Everything posted by Lukeee

  1. Actually its not in Brighton where these rocks are. Its along the coast East. Can't remember the name of the place for the life of me. I've been there a couple of times and its pretty good. Nothing like Portland but at least its not like a 4 hour drive. I might pop down if no one minds i haven't rode my bike in agggggeeeessss.
  2. Flecth i've never met you before but i'll be down in the van so i can give you a lift? Where abouts could you get to? So anyone up for Poole afterwards?
  3. Anyone fancy a ride in Poole afterwards? i haven´t ridden my bike in about a month. I´ll also have quite a few maxxis tyres in the van should any one be after some new treads.... :blink:
  4. How are they useful for running gears? Its hardly like that at all. If someone doesn't see eye to eye with you. You say there jumping on some kind of bandwagon which isn't true. My experiences with horizontal dropouts have been diabolical, I've never had problems with vertical dropouts. So why would i say this new bikes is a great idea? If you want horizontal dropouts its a great bike but i just can't think why you would.
  5. Mark you keep saying Mods "Work" but so do Stocks. Getting the wheel out of a Revel trials frame looks a complete pain in the arse. I personally wouldn't ever buy a Stock frame with horizontal dropouts. Also i can't see the point in having horizontal dropouts and then running gears? As your mech would do the chain tensioning job for you. Then meaning the horizontal dropouts would be useless. The only time i can see it being a benefit is if you want to run singlespeed without a tensioner(As Jamie said).
  6. Looks Mental! Does look like a proper E-WOK village though.... (Y)
  7. ...and not 26" trials bikes , Vertical is where its at..... ;)
  8. Chris Doneys Revells have had horizontal dropouts for ages. I think horizontal dropouts on stocks is a shite idea the wheel moves all over the place....
  9. I'd be happy to test some for you. ...I'm Running a 26" Megamo(DX32) Drilled rim its smooth as f**k and my pads work shite...
  10. At last i can reply on a trick i'm good at. Everyones saying smaller scuff's but to be honest , I think you gotta concentrate more on balance(What James Majoram said). It took me ages to get squeakers infact i managed to sprain 2 ankles doing it. The better you get the longer you can make the scuffs last. My tip is fall over the bars loads. Don't jump off , just keep going. The more times you go over the bars the more you realise where your balance point is. I used to set my self targets of 3-4 scuffs then more and so on. If you really want it you'll get it. Good Luck :lol:
  11. Ha ha , that reminded me of when me and cara were Q-ing at a set of traffic lights(Next to a small park) in Poole and some Chavs kicked a ball at my car. I got out to have a look at my car (Sounded like it hit pretty hard. They thought it was funny.... So i put the ball in boot and drove off (Y)
  12. Well said , Nowdays half these Chav girls act like "Mr Berty Big Bollocks". They think that they can hit you , spit at you or just generally give you shit and your not allowed to hit them cos there female?! Someone hits you , you hit them harder. Male or female. Well Sam walked away anyway , so in this instance i would of hit one of them and legged it. As if your gonna get caught. Even if you did , whos story sounds more realistic. A bunch of 16 year old girls pissed on vodka Or Sam and his mrs.... Yeah and sorry to hear about this , it wrecks your evening/weekend good and proper.
  13. Nice one bro. I nearly fell in sidehopping near that blue rail. Super skank water. Last time we were there (about 2years ago) there was a dead pigeon rotting just floating in the water :blink: Yummy...
  14. Theres not much in harlow. I might be down there one night in the near future , has matt tottally given up?
  15. Lukeee

    Quit Or Not

    Define Quit? I've stopped doing things , but i wouldn't say i'd "Quit" due to the fact i will always go back to them at some point. If anyone feels they need a break from the trials side of things. Look at freeride , it be proper bo!
  16. Should read Creepy Crawlers , where abouts did you get it from?
  17. My point is , Petr Kraus still could pick up any Heavy Tools bike and ride it better than you or i ever will ride any bike.
  18. What planet are you from? Petr Kraus used to ride Heavy Tools frames better than you or i ever will ride these super long seatless machines. Tool. On the bike side of things , your bike looks lush! The frame looks brand spanking new! (Y)
  19. Get off your South west train at Waterloo , Change to the Jubilee line at Waterloo Get on a Stratford bound train , Get off at Canary Wharf and Change to the DLR there you can catch a train to Custom House... DA DAR!
  20. Si i'll be there. I'm staying in Poole on the saturday night , we'll go to portland on Sunday Soooo much better....
  21. What about the other riders? Don't Koxx uk say well done to them?
  22. You're Fired! Sorry always wanted to say that...
  23. Nice pictures. But i would of liked it more if there was one posting my cheque off... :)
  24. Russia's all good , me and my mate are off over there in December , Snow Fight anyone?
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