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Everything posted by Lukeee

  1. Because Grant likes to throw his bars around and spin his frame. So it is a problem to have the shifter mounted on the bars.
  2. I don't know how other people feel about it. But i think Darsham is probably one of the best venues the Ebtc use. Thiftwood has definatly got a bit better though.
  3. Yeah really good trial. Fun Sections , Nice weather and it wasn't that muddy! Really good trial , Darsham next! Wahoooooo
  4. Lukeee

    My New Ride

    You had it built by 9pm last night! ha ha Looks real nice Si , can't wait to have a go...
  5. Its not rocket science , he drilled a hole in the booster and put the shifter bolt through it.....
  6. Send it back to hope mate. Just phone them up your drive rings had it.
  7. Lukeee

    20" Coust.....

    I'd make em myself for 10K.... Weren't the Fournails ones only about £700 though?
  8. Lukeee

    20" Coust.....

    Ah ha. Will goldtec ever take these into production? I know you said there one of but....
  9. Lukeee

    20" Coust.....

    What happened to the Fournails(?) Carbon forks they were using on the 26"?
  10. What have you done! lol Talking of shifters i've found a new gripshift lever in my garage. No more electrical tape.
  11. Well i'm about 10 miles down the road from the venue and it looks like its gonna be a really nice day today. So hopefully it won't be waterlogged as usual.
  12. Lukeee


    You sure you can't get away with just using whats left in there?
  13. Lukeee


    I'm sure you are mate. But you've managed to strip the mount it didn't do it by itself did it. Has it lost all of the thread?
  14. Lukeee


    This sounds like Super C-unt! But at least you'll remember to be more carfull next time.
  15. K Swiss look neat. White shoes rule.
  16. I've got pics. Not great ones but i've got some... Add me to msn if you want them i'm a dunce with uploading images....
  17. Yep looking forward to it , even though i've got a dodgy arm. :blink:
  18. I'd be up for it one other night. I used to ride there years ago. With a geezer called Stuart Ramsey haven't been there since though....
  19. Be carefull Tomm will call you a scally or something for even thinking that....
  20. I just didn't wanna fill up the topic with even more crap.
  21. What is the name calling(acting hard) over the internet caused violence? You would have caused violence! Shock horror! :D
  22. Did anything get a bad review? (N)
  23. Lukeee


    http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/4325089.stm That the one? Wouldn't wish it on anyone mate. Sorry.
  24. Ben i'll chat to you on msn. You mean like the people on here. That like to do snidy name calling then say violence is bad?
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