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Everything posted by Lukeee

  1. I'm only telling people what i've heard if you choose to belive it its up to you. Lets see what hes riding at the bike show :sleeping:
  2. I very rarely buy cd's 50 Cent - The Massacre Ludacris - Red light discrict Didn't buy it but : Some happy hardcore tunes from Enigma raves.
  3. From a Mongoose e-mail, Lets just wait and see what hes riding at the bike show shall we. Aire valley probably still play a part in his sponsership but it seems frames/bikes will be coming from mongoose.
  4. The thing i got this from , Said trials but who knows? Just thought i'd let you know.
  5. Cassio or the belaey thing?
  6. Mongoose , Chris will be riding a prototype at the bikeshow and will be developing a bike and frame? Should be interesting.
  7. Is the Vinco Popular?
  8. Lukeee


    Didn't B&Q have any metal ones?
  9. So it has no relevance to riding bikes at all. >_<
  10. What relavance has weed got to riding bikes?
  11. Ooooooooooo Stroopy Knickers steve. Ha ha Saying That was shit! Is hardly constructive....
  12. You feel old! Wake up! You don't feel old your just bumped you have to get a real job....
  13. LOL! Shouldn't that of been the main thing to check bro? :o Ah well Hard luck.
  14. What happened to koxx days? Was 4 bikes on the bike rack a bit sketchy?
  15. Only telling it like it is.....
  16. I heard something from James Hawkins once. He said he was in the US when he snapped a pair of fattys he went to the local Cannondale dealer and they changed them over the counter without proof of purchase and all the rest of it. Just swapped. But then again Cannondale did have Money 'Trouble' a few years after that
  17. Thats probably due to matt landing alot lighter than you....
  18. Paddys day is great for cheap Guinness!
  19. Its not gonna last long....
  20. Lukeee

    My New Ride

    Are you talking to me?
  21. Lukeee

    My New Ride

    Simon Didn't need to get a new frame to make your graphics look s-hit! They already did. ha ha
  22. Grind your rim Lads, Clean pads and a harsh grind!
  23. You planing on nicking something in turkey then?
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