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Captain Scarlet

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Everything posted by Captain Scarlet

  1. Nice going Ash, fitted the music pretty well too. I'd like to ride some of those spots sometime. Just wear your lid all the time. But yea nice video, has lots of variety, which is always a good thing.
  2. Anyone else?, c'mon, we want a nice long, big, hot, ride down by the seaside. =P
  3. Well Alain and Matt from Witham should be there hopefully. What about you Benfleet guys?
  4. Petrol works wonders for cleaning rims. Your brakes also work really good for about 10 minutes after.
  5. Putting a video of a teacher on YouTube, although suspension from school isn't exactly a bad thing. Dang that was stupid.
  6. If I have any money then yes. Currently I'm struggling to get the parts for my new frame.
  7. Not really lo, I've only bought a T-Pro frame second hand recently, and don't plan to change that. I've got a T-Vee frame if your really desperate, but you'll have to stick up with Vee mounts and having little clearance on the backwheel in the frame.
  8. What was the need in buying the T-Bird in the first place then? I'd wait for a bit before upgrading, I know a few people who began trials upgraded lots of parts, didn't get anywhere with actually riding and then sold their bikes or have them rotting in the garden. A T-Bird frame offers a lot, its good to start on, its compatible with a 2.5" rear wheel, and it has 4 bolt mounts on the frame. Keep with it and upgrade it to an Echo Lite if you either really excel with trials or break your current frame. -Tom
  9. Just move your weight depending on what your landing on. If I am landing on a slope, I will land backwheel first and then the front drops immediately after. Just position yourself a little bit more over the front.
  10. Ah okay man, Keep up posted if your up for the week after though. Steve-o and Co, and Matt Bird and co should be there the weekend after if the weather is all good.
  11. Is that this Saturday or the one after? We've kinda cancelled this Saturday, as not enough people can come. But everyone is up for the 26th by the response I got.
  12. I imagine its a good bike to get started on and get used to. My friend has one, feels really iffy to me, and the BB is dangerously low.
  13. Okay guys, I've recently got a T-Pro frame, and look for a new rear wheel. (If anyone has one, please PM me) Before I buy, I just want to choose a colour as I want all the parts in the future to be the same colour, or of contrasting colour, to fit the colour co-ordination. I just need some inspiration as to what colour it is, there are so many choices and I really can't imagine what they would look like. So just post up your pictures of your T-Pro here, to get my mind flowing. Thanks, Tom
  14. Is that a new bike since I last saw you Baz? Some nice lines there, looks awfully fun to ride, you guys got some skills. See you again sometime mate.
  15. No need man, thats is exactly what the "New Members Chat" is here for.
  16. I would say look out for a Mission Prodigy, as they are good starter bikes, and you should be able to find them for that price easily on eBay. But I wouldn't if you want to upgrade in the future, as it comes with a dodgy headtube size.
  17. Considering as there is not much interested, how about going the Saturday after? More people would be able to come, and currently the weather for this weekend doesn't look too good. So if the weather is shizz, 26th instead? -Tom
  18. Need a Rear Creepy Crawler and Rear 19"-2.5" tube. Preferably in the same order, and fairly cheap. Selectbikes have no rear Creepy Crawlers, Supercycles is too expensive. -Tom
  19. Okay, Matt has called it then, Saturday it is. Meet at the station at 10? -Tom
  20. No more than £150. My mate managed to flog his old one for £200 with Magura's, but he was selling to an idiot. And someone else I know bought one, couldn't do any trials but insisted on getting Magura's and an Alex rim, he still can't do anything and doesn't ride, but he wouldn't even want to sell it for £250.
  21. The Ashton if its a stock. Or perhaps if they make the new Ashton in a Mod size, it won't be as much as a joke as the current Mod Ashton.
  22. A friend of mine had multicoloured all around his rim, varying from; Green, Blue, Red, Yellow, White etc. Didn't look half bad.
  23. I don't know of any editing software for free. I use Sony Vegas 7.0, veyr good stuff. You can download a free trial that lasts for 30 days at Sony, then when that expires you can either pay for a code, or get a serial key. Its good software as its very versatile, and accepts wide ranges of formats, as well as rendering in different formats.
  24. Meh, I prefer CLS' "The End", it feels really good and fits the music, probably one of my favourite videos.
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