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Captain Scarlet

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Everything posted by Captain Scarlet

  1. I ride left foot forwards, but am adapting more to switch footing thanks to crank flipping to land right foot forward.
  2. A mod stands for Modified as is the term used to described a 20inch bike. Stock is the name for a 26inch bike. As for learning how to do trials look for Ryan Leech's "Mastering the art of trials", its a good DVD that covers quite a lot of the aspects of trials and teaches all the beginner bits as well as more complicated bits for further stages of trials. I think someone uploaded a few bits on YouTube. www.trashzen.com is a good place for tutorials on beginning and learning trials. Hope that helps and welcome to the forums.
  3. Ah Ash hasn't updated this topic. If you look at the topic under the rides section, the ride is now on Saturday, as all the riders coming by train can't get to Clacton as there is no train from Colchester to Clacton on the Sunday. So good weather for all.
  4. I'm a student at the moment. For my work experience I worked in a local library (gay choice you might think), but I'm considering getting a job there at 16 to fund me in year 11 and college. It pays pretty well for 16, and its usually an easy and enjoyable job. In the summer I'm working at a local bike shop, which I can't wait for because they do my bike bits and I'm really friendly with the people who work in there.
  5. Lmao, good thought Jack. Was funny at the time, but he shouldn't have been riding so fast. That breakdancer one was harsh, he obviously couldn't help it, but it must have flet bad to do that kick and feel your foot hit something lo.
  6. Silent Hill, 4/10. Compared to the game its crap, the story is cut short and you really can't make the game play into a real story. Naked Gun, 9/10. These films are classics, funniest films ever.
  7. True, but if you go to Lenny Henry's site [LINKY], its got Tunni on there but says underneath "Freestyle BMXing". Not the best way to advertise our sport when it gives people the wrong idea by making them think its BMXing.
  8. 10 sounds good to me, seeing as how everyone coming by train should be there at about 9:30.
  9. I dont really mind riding on my own, but if I was to choose between riding on my own, and riding with a friend then definately the friend. I ride on my own if I've got half an hour or hour spare, the kind of time where it wouldn't be worth ringing a friend as I'll have to go back in. Even when I do ride on my own its only local spots to my house, nothing really far. But I find I get knackered more easily when riding on my own, as you have the whole spot to yourself, if riding with someone else you have to share the spot and take it in turns etc.
  10. Looks that way now. I promise that I won't jump you whiskers, can you remember to bring the booster please. =D Well it was on that day but it appears there is troubles with getting the train on Sunday and the weather is supposed to be better on the Saturday.
  11. I wasn't there, but it was also good weather on the time after when Nick Manning came down. But even more of a problem concerning all of the riders coming by train. On the Sunday the train isn't running from Colchester to Clacton and is replaced by a bus. And isn't this usually down to the driver? A Saturday would solve the problem, and msn says the weather is better on that day than the Sunday. http://weather.uk.msn.com/tenday.aspx?weal...ons=wc:UKXX0648 Need deciding ride time is approaching.
  12. Chain snapping, Brakes slipping, freewheel skipping (With an eno I hope not), rear wheel slipping before a gap, or hitting the edge of an obstacle when gapping to front wheel (thus going over the handlebars).
  13. Oh I don't think its the pictures Steve. =P Hopefully see Chai up this way more often then.
  14. Hopefully I've improved enough to get a picture of me? =)
  15. I ditto that, after all if we are gonna have a ride in the summerish time, we might as well have a sunny one down the seaside.
  16. Well I haven't had 4 bolt mounts before so I have nothing to compare to. They're not as easy to set-up as Maguras on a 2 bolt mount, but they definately stay in place rather than all the trouble I had on the last Clacton ride. And Yea Callum, I'll probably see you in Clacton next, are you going to be riding or just taking photos again? Make sure Wallsy gets his arse down there too.
  17. Well done for getting the pics up Jack, Chai's sidehop has to be my favourite one. I don't think he could even believe how high he got.
  18. But as he was looking at an Ashton in he first place, I'm assuming his budget is low. If that is your budget and your looking for a stock, then a T-Rex is the way to go.
  19. But what if you do correctional hops on a thin wall, which then leads to dropping off the other side in the action of?
  20. Yea just to rid the bike of Onza components. I don't plan to buy anything for a while though, I'm riding this current set-up until it breaks or If I get some large amount of money from somewhere.
  21. Hehe I'm right here. Is it for Ebtc members only?, might come and have a look either way.
  22. In my opinion it depends what you sidehop to. If you are landing on something thing (I.e a rail) then I believe it can be accepted to naturally hop off, and perhaps under some circumstances with walls. But what about when people sidehop to a solid ledge (I mean sidehopping onto something that isn't thin, like a pallet set-up), I've seen on numerous occasions where instead of tucking to control the momentum from the sidehop, the person will land and then hop a couple of times on both wheels in the desired direction to keep themselves balanced, surely this is a similar action to hopping off of a wall?
  23. I haven't riden one, but was considering getting one at one point. Compared to the Ashton 26" they are a joke. If your starting trials get a T-Pro, if your experienced and looking for a mod for your height then get a Zona Zip.
  24. Check out the website: http://www.whiteind.com/ Yea they make freewheels in different colours, tooth size, and number of engagements.
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