As already stated in this thread, schools! Get the kids interested, combine this with a demonstration and mention on safety, this could be the best way to promote trials. Think like Late primary school - high school students, obviously the bikes/show could be adapted to the ages of the children. And remember that Tarty and thinkbikes are large trials companies and could possibly sell through this. I remember at primary school actually, a guy came in and demonstrated musical instruments (mainly of the brass variety), and let kids have a go of them etc, then if you was interested you could tell your parents and then come into the school with them and go about buying an instrument, and a lot of parents splashed out on their kids, despite the price. A beginner bike is hardly a break in the bank, and it can serve two purposes, a general bike or one to do their new found hobby on. As well as the fact how trials is a relatively safe sport, and by the amount of riders who wear helmets, even if they are beginners or pro's. Think of dads who would be interested in buying their son/daughter a trials bike, as they have most probably watched motorbike trials themselves and would see it as a cheaper alternative. Plus its a school, if one child's parents allow him to buy a bike, another child might mention to his parents how his friend was allowed a bike. I think its brilliant and could give a real good message and thought for children.