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Captain Scarlet

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Everything posted by Captain Scarlet

  1. Steve rode Braintree yesterday (23/08/07), he found a lot of interesting lines. YouTube raped the quality as usual, so if anyone wants to recieve the full size version and put it on Tv.isg.si, by all means give me a shout. Filiming and editing by myself. Enjoy,
  2. Tis shaping up Reece, now that I think of it you actually have done a lot to your bike lo. Keep up the sidehops buddy.
  3. Awesome ride lo, Steve-O really did give Braintree a good and proper riding. I made a video, I'll upload it when I get time.
  4. Got my two results back. R.E: B Double science: AA I'm happy as thats a fair mark to me and I still have more GCSE's to go.
  5. Well I did farely well in my R.E mock, and everyone said they did 10x better in the actual paper so I'm hoping for a good result. I know its only R.E which is only half a GCSE but I'd rather be in here talking about that than just viewing this topic.
  6. As already stated in this thread, schools! Get the kids interested, combine this with a demonstration and mention on safety, this could be the best way to promote trials. Think like Late primary school - high school students, obviously the bikes/show could be adapted to the ages of the children. And remember that Tarty and thinkbikes are large trials companies and could possibly sell through this. I remember at primary school actually, a guy came in and demonstrated musical instruments (mainly of the brass variety), and let kids have a go of them etc, then if you was interested you could tell your parents and then come into the school with them and go about buying an instrument, and a lot of parents splashed out on their kids, despite the price. A beginner bike is hardly a break in the bank, and it can serve two purposes, a general bike or one to do their new found hobby on. As well as the fact how trials is a relatively safe sport, and by the amount of riders who wear helmets, even if they are beginners or pro's. Think of dads who would be interested in buying their son/daughter a trials bike, as they have most probably watched motorbike trials themselves and would see it as a cheaper alternative. Plus its a school, if one child's parents allow him to buy a bike, another child might mention to his parents how his friend was allowed a bike. I think its brilliant and could give a real good message and thought for children.
  7. Awesome man, tis a great video and edited well, very inspiring. I much enjoyed the geeza on the ZOO! and the guy on the Koxx, amazing stuff. Gonna be watching this video again a lot.
  8. Another ambassador of the T-Pro guild. Nice bike man, you considering anymore upgrades for it?
  9. Dang, had I known train been that cheap I would have come for the day. Ah well, always another time. I'll be in Colchester if anyone wants me.
  10. Amazing riding, I wasn't expecting stuff of that size. Its not only the size of the stuff he is riding, but how smooth he is with it! How long has he been riding for?
  11. I think Argo's used to sell them, not too sure if they still do. And If I remember rightly The Gadget shop used to sell them when they were about, so look for shops or sections that have gadgets or boys toys in them. I think I should invest in one of these, look like fun.
  12. Just realised I've not done all my GCSE's yet as I've finished year 10 (going into year 11), but I can still pick up my GCSE R.E result! So might run down to the school on my lunch break.
  13. LOL at the stack. Nice size backwheel mate. How long you been riding for?
  14. And if you register online you can get a free webcam.
  15. Come on what happens to Earl!!
  16. Basically riding the most of Braintree in that time. I'll be down Freeport way by about 3:15 EDIT: Dependant on the weather.
  17. But just because your hub is good doesn't mean everyones T-Pro hub is going to be good. How long was you riding for T-Pro frame for Muel before you cracked it? Then compare it with how long other T-Pro riders have been riding their bike without cracking it.
  18. Cal, I think tucking is only necessary if you are going for 40"+, besides its the old argument of actually tucking the bike into your body or just adding it on once you land.
  19. See the GP mate, my brother went to the doctor for his and got some high strength spot tablets (I think they were). Really effective stuff, I think I'm gonna have to resort to it if my face gets any worse.
  20. Now it looks the same as Reece's http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/forum/index....=100578&hl=
  21. Don't get a hangover. Works for me, I've never had a hangover. =D Then again I don't go crazy on drink.
  22. But I'm not looking to spend a lot as I need to sell it. I think it would be easier and more convenient to get the little bits seperately.
  23. I friend bought a Khe Collapse chain (or might have been another one) from Halfords, it should have retailed for around £27, but he got it for cheaper. It had hollow pins and the chain was knackered after a couple of weeks of riding with it, as the pins just split. Just make sure it doesn't have hollow pins and keep it maintained.
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