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Captain Scarlet

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Everything posted by Captain Scarlet

  1. Nice one Luke, I hope this becomes a permanent job you are gonna go massive if they work good. Good luck with it man, see you soon.
  2. As the title says, something weird and unique about yourself. Weird Fact: I have a mole on my left eyelid Hows about everyone else.
  3. Is this from your stem, or is it the noise that you thought was your headset?
  4. Damn man, I wish I could go, looked like fun. Those rocks look much easier and safer than the ones in Clacton (which is good as I suck at the ones in Clacton). If you've got room for me, I'll come too next time. =D
  5. Royal blood is what the Magura is designed to be used with, and not designed for water. Over time, water can screw up the seals on the brake, but many people see the advantage of using water much better than the risk of damaging the brake. Most people find water more convinient (works better, quicker to bleed, cheaper and cleaner), I personally prefer Royal blood as I just use the supply of stuff at work. Or LHM brake and suspension fluid.
  6. The Bmx style helmet (Pisspot), are generally stronger and provide more coverage, but don't have the inner part that allows it to fit securely to your head. I prefer the Cycle style helmets, as they look better in my opinion and can fit tighter to your head than a Pisspot helmet. But then again its down to personal preference.
  7. I think its good as the series develops you learn more about the characters. Like why Willie the mailman only has one eye. And I'm thinking the growing of weed that Darnel did was probably why he has a different identity now (perhaps?)
  8. I can see why, the woman in McDonalds gave you a right dirty look when your card was declined. She soon snatched the food back.
  9. I believe the Magnesium rims are only in 26" Muel. Unless he is going for that size.
  10. I'd advise that, I got an eno which was on a set of monty cranks for only £45.
  11. Ah well. Birdboy said he would be up for it too.
  12. Reece and I will be at Chelmsford station at 4:30, so all meet there?
  13. Yea I'm all good now with no side effects, but worse could have been death, another possibility would have been been permanent brain damage, which I'm sure nobody wants to happen to a close one. I was lucky to have a slow bleed on my head, a fast bleed could have resulted in death in minutes. You could fall a hundred times in a similar place but nothing would happen, it was just the odd chance that it did. It doesn't matter what your skill level is, trials biking will always have some risk to it, either your bike packing up, the obstacle breaking, or by your own fault on bike.
  14. Just remember because you have an amourdillo, it doesn't mean your frame is invincible. My friend had one, yet he managed to get a huge dent in his downtube.
  15. I still think a tatoo has to be something of serious choice though, a few of the ones on Kontrband seemed like a spontaneous idea to have done. I guess if/when I get a tatoo done, it will be something close to me, or something that looks good and not too cheesy. Also how much are we looking at these tatoo's nowadays?, as they seem quite expensive. My dad had most of his done in the 70's, and his most expensive one (which covers the most part of his bicep) was only £12.50. Some of the smaller ones he has only cost about £4.
  16. At the end of the day, looks are never much of an issue to me when I'm riding a trials bike, to be quite honest not many people take the piss out of you once you can do trials on street objects, except for the odd person, and at the end of the day they can't do it so they can't say anything. Also consider, if you are wearing a helmet you don't have to worry about your hair as it is covered up. And I think that wearing a helmet makes me look better whilst riding, definately changes peoples opinion if they see someone riding a bike with a helmet on. I like to stress all these points as I have had a head injury from biking in the past (2002), it caused a blot clot in my head which was a slow bleed, and resulted in me almost dying. My parents were told that another hour and I probably would have been a goner. I did have this pic of me as my avatar, but I'll post it up for those who did not see. I was stupid for not wearing one, everyone is entitled to their own choice, but my choice is obvious after this.
  17. Anymore news on this, I really want the mod. And please make it in black, looks awesome and goes with my stealth look. =D
  18. Found some tat pics on Kontraband, some are stupid why the hell would you want that on your arm for the rest of your life? http://www.kontraband.com/show/show.asp?ID...re=0&page=3 http://www.kontraband.com/show/show.asp?ID...e=0&page=10
  19. Second hand Baz, not much luck buying them new I'd suppose. Or just get another kind of undrilled rim?
  20. A well set-up Avid BB7 works the tits, a friend had one on his bike and it was cheap, easy and once set-up never really touched it. It had a good hold and the lever had a nice solid feel. Also adding to that, Avid sd levers are incredibly nice levers in my opinion. As for Hope Mono, again nice brake, but not as much modulation as an Avid, I have a bit of a habit that has grown on me where I might pull the lever a very tiny bit by accident, or when my finger is resting on it, with an Avid this is okay and the brake might rub but not fully lock, with a Hope Mono, its either On or Off. They have a better hold than an Avid in my opinion, but the actual lever isn't as good feel, yet I prefer the Hope over the Avid because of its braking capabilites. I'm sure many other people have different opinions on the brakes, but that is just what I feel and prefer with them.
  21. Ditto, tis why you see most BMXers doing backflips and only a few doing frontflips, when your on your back wheel your already about 90 degrees or more around the backflip. Good efforts Mike.
  22. Alain and Matt are coming down too, they are gonna be there at about 10:30, so might have to wait a bit.
  23. That explains it, screw Oxygen, Tom uses Helium in his tyres!
  24. You have, you posted a bit further up. Silly. =D
  25. As in the pre-uploaded form? Msn geeza!
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