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Captain Scarlet

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Everything posted by Captain Scarlet

  1. I quite like the colour co-ordination of, and starting to get used to the bump now. I guess its a change (hopefully forward) for trials. Looks at the chainstay it goes at an angle? Its different, but if sucessful this is obviously going to be a new generation of trials bikes.
  2. Looks awesome, I think the paint job and logos on the CZAR reall give it that edge. Is it the long version?
  3. The item you have pictured is not a booster but an Evo2 Mounting plate, it is used to keep the brakes aligned and thus easy setting up. You don't have to use the mounting plate but it is reccommended, the best boosters for the mounting plates are the little flimsy two bolt magura ones. Although saying that, there are 4 bolt holes but only 2 go into the frame. I think it would work but not to the same power as it would on a 4 bolt. Only one way to find out, try it.
  4. Onza T-Vee. I learnt a lot on it, but I really needed a new frame that could take a wider wheel, and one that had 4 bolt mounts. T-Pro!
  5. Ditto, my friend had a CZAR lever, and its too square and hurts your finger, only has space for one finger. Whereas a normal magura lever has a curve to it, and space for about two fingers. Only good thing about them is that they look good and provide a bit more leverage.
  6. Birdboy is getting huge, I mean look how little effort you put into your sidehops and hardly any tuck either. Keep going big mate, like I say you've gone huge since I first saw you to now. Come riding some time man.
  7. Damn sorry, I assumed as it had only just been uploaded by the GuinessWorldRecords account, that it was fairly recent.
  8. I can't really remember most of my dreams. Although one that has ocurred frequently in the past, is getting in a fight with someone, and everytime you go to punch the person, your arms move really slowly and are drained, like being underwater, and it has no affect on them whatsoever.
  9. And crap weather for the west. I remember it from Geography years back. I reckon that it gets hotter the closer you get to the capital, just look at the weather everytime to find that the hottest spot is London.
  10. If going stock then a 180 will do just fine, but for mod anything more than a 160 looks silly and is unecessary. I personally prefer the Mono trial, for feel, looks and modulation.
  11. Its brilliant Rob, not just because of the spec but the sheer condition of it, its immaculate and looks like there is no bodgy to it what so ever. Well done again on such a quality job.
  12. Tis the link on the left. A brilliant video as you will no doubt see.
  13. Smooth Thomas!. Get working on a new video, I'm still watching the video of you running dual Hs33's.
  14. I like the frame colour, tis what I want my T-Pro to look like. Just get yourself a decent colour scheme and tis the bollocks.
  15. Hehe Steve-o stacked. Sweet riding, would have been better if there was more of a variety of spots filmed.
  16. Matt, don't be a N00B, come to St Osyths instead, its something new. Where the train turns round, carry on going about 5 miles in that direction and you will find us.
  17. I think it is quite a task to do, especially at GCSE level. Currently I am making a Playing card case, which I guess is just an elabourate box, but it offers lots of different possibilites and isn't too difficult. Try thinking of the norm but relate it to bikes, for example, you could make a tool rack, or perhaps a box to store bike parts in?
  18. Yea Sunday is a NoNO, need Reece lol, don't be a poofa Ad and go on a Saturday. =D I'll be there if on a Saturday and can get back for 5ish, if Señor Al would be kind enough to give me a lift. =D Hope to see people there.
  19. What about Triton Cycles?, can't you have like custom geo and mounts on the trials frames made by them? Because they are built on ordering.
  20. It does seem harsh on them, but with the evidence pointing this way, theres not much the police can do. Weirder things have happened, crimes like this have been done before, so you never know.
  21. Them gaps are insane, as well as that last up to front to plant rear wheel on the sign. Nice stuff.
  22. Can't come, AGAIN!. I'm going Alton Towers geeza. Have fun, maybe I'll pop along next time.
  23. But the lockring is what holds the toothed section of the freewheel tight, if it comes loose or pops off then the sprockety section can move side, or come off which could lead to your pawls and springs flying out. Mine was loose when I got it (second hand), did it up, lasted for about 3 months and the lockring popped off again, so this time I did it up as tight as possible, and put a bit of Loctite ThreadLock on the thread. Also bearing in mind that the lockring is a reverse thread, first time I did my lockring back up this confused the hell out of me, and this is an important point in making sure it doesn't come loose. Often, if the lockring goes on at an angle, it will feel like it is tight and it can't exactly do up, but its only hooked onto the thread (kinda thing), so it can easily pop off. Just try trial and error man, worked for me.
  24. Wow your bike has certainly changed since I last saw you Rob, it was like two weeks old and was in similar condition. I imagine your going big now man? Bike does look lush, perhaps I'll see it again in Clacton.
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