But the lockring is what holds the toothed section of the freewheel tight, if it comes loose or pops off then the sprockety section can move side, or come off which could lead to your pawls and springs flying out. Mine was loose when I got it (second hand), did it up, lasted for about 3 months and the lockring popped off again, so this time I did it up as tight as possible, and put a bit of Loctite ThreadLock on the thread. Also bearing in mind that the lockring is a reverse thread, first time I did my lockring back up this confused the hell out of me, and this is an important point in making sure it doesn't come loose. Often, if the lockring goes on at an angle, it will feel like it is tight and it can't exactly do up, but its only hooked onto the thread (kinda thing), so it can easily pop off. Just try trial and error man, worked for me.