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Captain Scarlet

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Everything posted by Captain Scarlet

  1. My mate Ash is a really tricky bugger at front wheel stuff, he's amazing with it. 0:36 in this video 2:10 Filled with 'em And lots in here too. He does a footjam tailwhip in the last link, happy viewing.
  2. Ooh payday. =D Right I was uncertain of this, but do I get taxed?, I'm 16 and working 10 and a half hour weeks. I was just wondering as I always thought it didn't apply to some ages. I'm assuming thats what P.A.Y.E is then. Still got as much as I expected.
  3. You have recieved a new feedback. Below are details concerning the new feedback. Type: Good Rating SummaryPaid very fast and was very paitent in waiting for the goods Given By: Fugley You were the: Buyer Date: 1201726287
  4. Thanks for the comment guys. It could have been a better video, as I kept on running out of memory and had to go back and delete some other stuff. And then at the end I saw the best use of the remaining time to film, by leaving it on a bush filming us screwing about on the sloped bit. Shame, because I got a nice sidehop in at the end. =D
  5. Yea two had a puncture. Video is up: http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/forum/index....howtopic=112754
  6. Well a massive turnout of just 3 people, we managed to have a lot of fun. Riders are Me, Steve Tiller, and Alain Luximon (in order of appearance). Enjoy. Trials-Forum Video -> Full View • Download • Upload
  7. Yea Al its still on. However its just Steve and I coming from Braintree, as Charlie is at his dads and Reece apparently has other plans. Ah I work on Sundays, so I wouldn't be able to make that one. 10 at the station, tommorow.
  8. I learnt on a tiny wall that I was really confident with, just did it over to get the technique correct. I went to a bigger wall that really tested my technique, kept on doing it but putting my foot on the wall each time (not attempting to land it), then one time I forgot to put my foot down and I landed the sidehop. Tadah! But I couldn't get much height this way. So I learnt in the direction of my forward foot, which was more controlled but looked wank, and I landed front wheel first, I did get a 33" sidehop out of it, but I went back to the old technique despite how hard it was. I tried the old technique on a 30" wall (which was shizz scary), but I went for it and made it. Like Danny said, overcoming fear and going for it is the way to get bigger. I still am not 100% confident on sidehops, but I'll get there once I ride more. Just have a good day riding, or get the image in your mind of "Whats the worst that could happen?".
  9. Yea as Pants said, I'm now a member of the Halfords crew. I know quite a few of the people in there, and I started with lots of other new people so its not bad. We're just in the middle of a refit thats expected to be done around March, so the store has been condensed down really small, and Bikehut stock isn't up to scratch.
  10. Oh how about not selling it at all Chris. =D Its only because its winter and cold, wait until the summer when everyone is out and riding in the sun. If you do sell, you'd probably get more interest and money if you split it.
  11. Yea, ride there quite often. The Uni, Record Office, Dominoes, White house, etc. =D
  12. Can you make later on in the day mate? I'm talking of Steve Tiller from around the Braintree way.
  13. So far its just Steve and I, as I haven't had chance to speak to Jennings or Reece. But hopefully they should come. Anymore?
  14. Yea I was gonna give you a shout on Msn Al, as my original plans for Saturday had gone. So I thought, lets ride. =D 10 at the station?
  15. Gah you had to go on a Sunday, that looked like fun. I see Bird is on Rankins old Ti, you could of at least swapped some of your parts from your Monty to that one Bird. Nice video.
  16. I haven't riden properly in years (2007) , and a ride in Chelmsford should be a good start to my riding year. This saturday, just before 10 at the train station. Who's there?
  17. Oh Norwich ride was a good 'un. Ryan's front wheel stack was so comical.
  18. Looks a bit lower spec to be honest. Change your bars and rims, and then it will be pimp. =D I'd say it would be about 10.5 kg.
  19. I believe that it does work just not very well. General stopping would work fine but anything like trials use isn't a load of good. As well as the fact how you need extended leverage as you have to pull 2 brakes rather than one. Luke on here has tried loads of different ideas, such as splitter and two cables from one lever, he even had two hoses into one magura lever but this just made the lever super spongy. So yes it works, just not very well and definately not for trials usage.
  20. Haha that pretty much sums it up. Very true in fact, I'll be using that a lot. =D
  21. Southend when it chucked it down with rain, playing chinese whispers in the shelter and no matter what the message started out as, Maher always changed it to "Jack Balman's mum is a slag" or "Birdman's mum is fit". I can't think of much else, maybe my rides are boring?
  22. What the hell is up with everyone from the Inverness area. Are you all on speed or something, your all nutters, and massive ones at that. Good one man, I was quite impressed with the sidehop, looked very smooth especially from someone of your age.
  23. Echo Lite?, is that not a big enough clue. Looks nice, just sort out your rim tape and add a little bit more red to even out the rear hub.
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