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Captain Scarlet

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Everything posted by Captain Scarlet

  1. Helicoiling is your best option. You get to keep the same bolt size and in the unlikely event of stripping the thread again you just replace the coil. It's stronger because the coil that replaces your original thread is steel, as aposed to the standard soft alluminium.
  2. Yea usually converting straight to *.MP4, or getting a video already in that format, and putting in the correct folder doesn't work. Its a bit of a bitch and needs some good software, like converting to iPod. Because for it to work the directories need to be correct and it needs all the correct files to go with. Theres loads, but most of them are a bitch to work.
  3. I learnt how to sidehop to my right. Lands two wheels easy. =D Just need to vary my technique as I get higher.
  4. Right, so we need to decide on Wednesday or Friday. I'll be on the Chelmsford ride too.
  5. That is pretty hot. It's like the front is black and the rear is white. Would be cool if the white transitioned into the black.
  6. Well as its school holidays this week, its a good chance to get practicing for competition, seeing as how last time down Clacton it was windy as hell. Weather's quite nice lately, almost like summer, so hopefully we'll go on a good day. Friday, 10 at the pier. EDIT: Looks good all week. http://weather.uk.msn.com/local.aspx?wealo...ons=wc:UKXX0648
  7. I haven't voted, as I haven't run an Isis BB myself, only on friends bikes. I'm currently running a square taper BB, my 3rd one, brand new yesterday and already its clicking. Square taper is cheaper, but less variety of components. Isis is expensive, but more variety of components, and due to the quality of the components it generates as cheaper to buy an Isis BB that will last, rather than buying cheap Square taper BB's that often need replacing.
  8. I do love the forks, they really make the bike stand out. But the frame is not as low as the 4 bolt version, which of course is the main factor ( ) I'm still against all the weight freaks, its just not worth it in my opinion. Put a bashplate on it and forget about a bashring.
  9. My God, that is amazing. 4 bolt and rear disc mounts, about time. Is it available in other colours?
  10. I believe someone in Jersey owns the older model. They look pretty damn sweet, if I knew of anybody who had tested it fully I would have gone for one. But the maker has done a Deng, the old version had both mounts, not two frame options.
  11. Yea, putting a nut on the end of 4 Bolt would have saved helicoiling my threads. Also think how much quicker it will be to tighten up your brake, unless you have ratchet spanners with an allen key head, doing up 4 bolts with a normal allen key takes forever. I think Deng should pioneer a splined freewheel with splined section on the cranks, just like the fixed cog on the mod wheels. I mean, the centre piece stays fixed to the crank and the teeth move when freewheeling, so it would work. I just hate having to remove my freewheel from a threaded crank, its a bit silly as whenever you ride it you are doing up the freewheel more so. I ruined a perfectly good Eno freewheel this way, due to the tabs not being deep enough to remove it (thus resulting in damaged tabs), as a result freewheel being stupidly tight on the crank.
  12. That is pimp, I love the stealthy looking bikes. The rear disc just does it all for me.
  13. Gerardo Garcia for street. I haven't seen many comp riders.
  14. 50 Cent. The lyrics are always about him being invincible, "shoutouts" to his "homies", and other anti social crap. I bet he couldn't sell half the amount of records if he removed every woman from his videos.
  15. Yea I done that with my Echo frame, I literally cried, always assumed it was a bad thing to happen. But like all the posts above me, Helicoiling is much stronger, the thread is made from steel as aposed to an alloy and is stronger because of it. And because its a coil that is completely seperate to the frame, if you did manage to strip it again, you can just replace it. I'd recommend getting a local engineer to do it, my mates uncle owns a bike tuning place around here and he did two holes for a fiver, much cheaper than buying a kit. But if you buy a kit, just think that you could make yourself a few bob by helicoiling your mate's frames. =D EDIT: You went wrong on tightening it, make sure you don't overtighten the clamp or it will strip the thread. That goes for just about everything on a bike.
  16. Lovely bikes, just plain and simple, ride beastly too. What bars are those?, they look like Deng's but theres a lot of rise on them?
  17. Just rode Chelmsford, why didn't you turn up then. =D I'll probably go if its a big turnout, its only down the line. I'll just have to be careful with the bike, competition the day after. =P And if Tom or the other locals don't go, I know all the spots. =D
  18. I thought it was dicta freewheels on the rear freewheel bikes, and ACS on the front freewheel? I've tried a few freewheels myself, and I can say that the eno is easily my favourite, but the Tensile is damn hot contender (the BB removal tool is much better than the freewheel type on the eno, which is hardly deep enough at all). Tensiles are easily best value for money, and are serviceable (so as soon as your freewheel makes horrible noises, its not the end of the world). My Try-all is amazingly good, I've had it for 3 months now and it feels much more solid and less likely to skip than my Eno (in fact my Try-all hasn't skipped yet). And lastly the Eno, it has an expense to it, mine skipped every now and again but I did get it second hand, but very easy to service and maintain, I just decided to change to a Try-all because I stripped the centre piece of it (worked out cheaper for a new freewheel). If you don't want to spend a lot, go for the Tensile. If you want a freewheel that lasts go for the Eno. If you want a freewheel that works well but is not able to be serviced, go for the Try-all.
  19. The video being at the top of the second link. =D F00king hell that gap from bench to bin thing is massive Steve. Your bloody insane! You get like twice as good each time you bring out a video. I don't know if they can get any better than that.
  20. Hmmn I dunno, its not displaying properly. I meant this.
  21. Did you have to mortgage your prawn and mayonaise to get that spec Pant's?, it looks like its assembled from random parts. I'll give you a double thumbs up when its all black, for now you just get the one.
  22. No its not Chris. Thats a blooming amazing thing to get onto that post, or to even try.
  23. So this P.A.Y.E business, is this on your payslip Pants? My mum rang up the taxman and they said I shouldn't be taxed. So hopefully I can sort it out and get my £50 back. =D
  24. Just use my mum's straighteners, they're nothing decent but they work. All I idiots saying that straight hair is for gays and emos, when your hair has a natural curl/messy it does look a damn sight better and more presentable to have it evened out and make it look as though you have done something with your hair. But then again, my fringe isn't a stupidly long one so it doesn't look all emo like.
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