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Captain Scarlet

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Everything posted by Captain Scarlet

  1. Theres only a few alternatives to helicoiling, and they don't give you the original benefits of yoyr standard 4 bolt mount. For example putting a longer bolt with a nut on the end would mean drilling a hole in the frame when it could be avoided, and tapping the thread the next size up means a bigger bolt which will mean you will have to make space in your clamps and booster. One other idea I was going to try before I went for helicoiling was to get someone to weld the hole, and re tap the thread. But Helicoiling is much stronger and easier. If you want your problem sorted you will have to spend a bit of money and do a bit of searching. I got 2 of my 4 bolt holes helicoiled by a bloke who does motorbike tuning, and that only cost me £5. Have a look in your Yellow pages for an engineer or a local firm that works with car repairs/engines, as they either do it themselves or will know someone who can do it for you.
  2. Is your TPA running smoothly? I had the symptons you described, and it was due to the threads on the TPA wearing over time. So if theres no thread it can't grip the rod and therefore create a spongey brake, which comes back to the bars. I bought myself a nice metal TPA and my problems were all sorted.
  3. Hmn I'm a bit worried about something familiar to this. Whenever I tuck down in a move on trials, such as sidehopping, gapping etc, I get a sharp pain from the foot/leg joint (pretty much where the end of the tongue on your shoe is). It just comes along when ever, and when it does I have to jump off the bike in pain, and occurs pretty much for the next 30 mins.
  4. I thought that Onza bikes have no manufacturers warranty on them what so ever, and that the "Half price cash replacement" was just a seperate Onza scheme?
  5. My mate asked a teacher who old they were, and he immediately sent him out and gave him a detention. Related to a college placement, we had a college taster day, one of the taster courses being media, this is a result of one of our videos. Youtube Video -> Original Video I think we really gave the college staff a good impression. =D EDIT: Yes that is me on the bike. And the car at the end is one of the kids in my year being taken home for fighting on college premises. Classic.
  6. Nope I went today, haha. And I believe that due to engineering works, buses will replace trains between Colchester and Clacton over the weekend. Read it on a sign today. Unlucky Matt, serves you right for not coming today. =D
  7. I think one should be made. However unless I modified it, I wouldn't buy it. As it doesn't fit my frame. =( My mate has one and it has protected his bike from rail dents lots of times.
  8. Yea if the person asking is a loudmouth chav trying to impress his friends, I usually say. "I don't know why I don't have a seat, it might be to do with the fact I haven't got a seat hole." Anyone else who I think is going to be alright about it, just stop and have a chat. =D
  9. Now you tell us. =0 I could have done with going Saturday, apparently better weather. Ah well just see what its like today. Reece check your TPA, the threads have probably gone in it.
  10. Lol I remeber another funny moment. My English teacher has polio, and we had just gone back to our English lesson after having our "Polio, Tetnis, and Dipheria booster". He said; "Well done for having your jabs, all of you that did anyway". Then one of my mates said without thinking; "Oh my mate didn't have his, I hope he gets polio and die's!". Then there was an awkward silence, and he just realised what he just said. We also have a really simple maths teacher, he's amazing with math's but he's just not a full set of crayons himself. We used to put random items in his pocket, things like cheese, grapes and pens, and then when he pulled them out of his pocket he got confused as to why they were in there, and didn't even suspect it was us.
  11. Playing cards. Got a few but not like millions.
  12. Let your light grind wear down and get some Deng pads. They work amazingly good on a smooth rim, without any tar! The big disadvantage is the rain. But with summer coming up, you should consider it, also Deng pads are being sold off cheap. =D
  13. Trials improved pretty much every bike skill I ever did or wanted to do. It just makes it so much easier to learn. A few years back when I had a jump bike I wanted to learn a fakie roll back, do it on a trials and it worked first time. But also not just kerbs, from trials I have learnt tricks that can be done on flat ground such as; Hopping, Nose hops, squeakers, crank flips, standing on rear wheel whilst hopping, 360, 360 on the rear wheel. Lots of stuff I would have found impossible on a jump bike.
  14. Reece whats the news on the bleed? I saw your bike in Auoparts looks pimp with the new pads. Is it gonna be done in time for Friday? And if all goes well there should be a guy coming from our end doing photo's. =D
  15. My problem is sorted, its half term and she wanted to see me, so I just told her that I'm busy on a lot of it, but she can ring me on whatever day. Then she gave me a text saying that its not exactly going to work out. =P
  16. Was a good video went well with the music I say. I swear all the Inverness are on waaaay too much testosterone, in 2 years time that place is gonna be filled with people equally as good as CLS and Tunni. You should change the title, it should be "Young and Inspiring" Well done man
  17. I got suspended for asking a teacher to say "Who threw the Cillit Bang?", and filming it. But weird thing was, he gave me his permission for it. I think he just couldn't take it when he saw it on YouTube. =D I remember when we had to wait for our tutor in the mornings (always turned up late), we used to play different sports in a narrow corridor full of windows. One week it was football, next week it was cricket. Always resulted in a window or ceiling tile being smashed.
  18. Awesome, need a big ride to get back into the mood of riding. Hopefully the good weather will bring more people too. =D
  19. I'm just wondering how easy is it for them to catch you illegally downloading content. I mean if it literally pops up on their computer that one of thier customers is illegally downloading, then they could stop millions. Only problem with that is the ISP will loose custom as stated. Theres also the side to downloading that is legal, for example if you already own a song (say a single on CD, ready payed for), its not illegal to download from say Limewire, as you have already own it. In this circumstance for example, how will the ISP's be able to know if you already have the content or not if they will be giving you warnings or banning you at the click of a button? I think it would need developing, but eventually illegal downloading will be caught onto.
  20. I'm working tommorow so we all game on Friday?
  21. I'll be on the train that gets there for just after 10:30.
  22. "Girls are like buses" "What, you wait for ages and two come along at once?" Then you have to make a tough descision between the two, or try both. I hate being in the situation From romance to tragedy.
  23. I spot a smooth rim, the ultimate brake for the summer months. =D Also looks a gazillion times better with the sidewall colours. EDIT: Rear brake hose a tad long 'eh?
  24. Lets call it Friday then, a nice way to finish off the week eh? Hopefully nothing else comes up then. 10 at the pier? And then Adam and all the good people can arrive fashionably late at the rocks. =D
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