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Captain Scarlet

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Everything posted by Captain Scarlet

  1. Should be a few riders out. Me, Charlie, Steve, Alain and hopefully a couple more. Theres a few lines I want to try out, and if the weather is good we are gonna go to the woods and practice some natural, possibly ride a burnt out car. Anyone up for it?
  2. I'll be there, so long as I can get someone to cover me at work. I'm assuming this competition will involve rocks and more gaps than Ockendon by looking at the previous pictures? And hopefully I won't make as many mistakes as last time.
  3. I so would have gone, but its a Sunday so no go for me. I'll see you next time on a Saturday. =D
  4. Pretty much all dents are fine, rail sized dents are the ones to keep an eye on. Also it depends on where the dent is, if its nearish to the BB then you should be fine.
  5. Same here, I went over the handlebars a couple of times. Oh well, learn from my mistakes I guess. =D
  6. I've always thought about riding Harlow (missing the obvious reason why I shouldn't. I'd get stabbed). Its just a shame its a pig to get there on a train, especially for just an evening ride. Bring back some polaroid's boys!
  7. I hate you Al. Beat me by one point. =P Matt did damn good in the Intermediates.
  8. Like over people have said, learn it on flat ground or a kerb, to get the motions down, then move onto something bigger. People say rails is the hardest, it is in the sense of accuracy but once your wheel has switched (so your rear wheel is now on the rail), you don't have to hold on the rear wheel, you can just release the brake and kick the pedals. Rather than switching on a large ledge, you have to hold it on the rear wheel to avoid the front end dropping (which on some ledges can be a big drop on the other side.
  9. Good pictures Mr Scopse. I had a fun day, my first comp and was a good one. I didn't see Tom at all throughout the day, how did he get on?
  10. Thanks a lot for the comments guys, it does mean a lot. =D As for the rear brake, its an 2007 Eisbar edition Magura, with red echo pads, smooth rim and tar. =D
  11. Exactly 4 hours away, would be cool to go, have to see what happens. Like Rusevelt said, if he rode London it would probably be the biggest amount of trials riders on a ride ever.
  12. Echo Lite. And all Deng parts to go with too (some little Hope bits). In the future I'm going to change: BB (really need to go ISIS) Cranks Headset Pedals Handlebars I'm going to get those when I can really afford them, and have a good reason to change them.
  13. A Gunshot To The Head of Trepidation - Trivium
  14. Thats bad news there Ryan, I hope things do work out. I've added the theif, and when he accepts I'll join the bandwagon and comment his profile. Surely you could at least get him to tell you who he sold it to, if he sold it to a friend then they might be able to get them to exchange again. If he sold it to a genuine buyer, find out who it is and reason with him and offer to buy it back. Its better than nothing 'eh?
  15. Bourbon's, Custard creams. Or even better, Hobnob Creams.
  16. I haven't, just waiting for the right one. College will bring 'em all in hopefully. If not, I live in Essex so its gonna happen soon 'eh?
  17. I'm 16, although looking at the clips on the 26, I look much younger. I run a rear magura, but I have a rear disc hub, so I decided to put a cheapy promax rotor on the back, to fool a few people. =D
  18. Well its only short because like always no-one comes out riding, and therefore I don't have as much chance to film. I was also getting annoyed that every time I open the video editor, to find old clips like these sitting in there, some from November last year, so I just need to get it all out of the way. Trials-Forum Video -> Full View • Download • Upload
  19. Bit late to add, but better than not at all. I can't make it as no-one from around this way can come with me, and I should be going to Harwich to have a look at some mopeds. My BB doesn't sound too healthy either, so I want it to last for the competition on Sunday.
  20. I love them both. Street is cool, just being in town and having a laugh, thinking of a few lines and trying to go bigger on the same things we always do. But Natural is a nice relaxing way to ride, and usually doesn't result in being kicked off, it is also really challenging and taxing on your body strength. But the one thing I can't stand is from riding natural for ages, and then moving onto street, it just feels really horrible and makes your riding pissed.
  21. Doesn't mean squat Ash. Facing them is making sure the tabs are ground in a position that is perfectly parralel to your disc rotor. (Therefore minimum pad angle, and better lever feel).
  22. Freewheels?, Freehubs?, Brake pads?, Cranks?
  23. T-Pro with black components gets you this. Just spray the frame and you've got yourself a stealth bike.
  24. Is that my monty wheel I spot on the rear. Haha at least its doing well. Looks pimp man, you should have gone pink though.
  25. Dug a couple out of a Clacton pictures topic. Steve Rogers Chai's mid air tuck
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