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Captain Scarlet

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Everything posted by Captain Scarlet

  1. No Jack, that was Charlie organising a ride before asking anybody, he had already posted it when I said I wasn't going. Al we are gonna ride the street on the way, pop into Netto's to get some supplies, ride skatepark for 15 mins or however long people want to, then go to the pipes. We'll probably be at the pipes before 12, so you ride some of the street on the way with us Al. There's a couple of gaps I want to do on street, hopefully I should be able to make them this time. EDIT: Yea, Marcus 10 train
  2. I don't see why everyone sees a grinded rim as the answer, have you honestly been able to say you have had a good smooth rim and tar set-up? Theres only one advantage a grinded rim has over tar, and that is that it works in the wet, but performance wise in the dry, I like tar. As for apply it, I ride my bike for a bit (do a few hops, so create a bit of heat on your rim as its bloody hard applying tar to a rim straight from the cold shed), then put the bike on the floor and put about 5 lines around the rim, each line about 2 inches long. And then when you use your brake it naturally spreads around the rim.
  3. Most people say Halfords is bad for customer service, but to be honest just because someone works in Halfords it doesn't necessarily mean they know everything about cars or sat navs or bikes, obviously everyone has their own department but for kids of my age just working part time to earn some money (in Bikehut), I'm not exactly going to know a lot about cars.
  4. News on Halfords anyone? I got sent to another store, as the store I work at was closed for a week due to the high winds. All the bikes are going back up upstairs on Thursday, after being downstairs whilst the store was refurbished, so we'll have a nice new desk to hide behind. =D
  5. Any of the Deng pads are amazing. I am runnign Echo pads, have been for about 8 months now and they still have plenty of pad left. My friend has gone through about 3 sets of pads on a grind in the time I have had my Echo pads. I think some of the Adamant pads are being sold cheap on Tarty and SelectBikes.
  6. Captain Scarlet


    Haven't tried Tea or Coffee too many times, so my current opinion on it isn't likeable, but I guess I gotta have cup again soon sometime and maybe I'll like it. I reguarly drink Hot Chocolate though. =D
  7. Hints of white I say. White, black and silver. =D
  8. Get one an hour earlier, then you can meet us when our train comes in at 10:15. =D
  9. Say 10:30 at Witham, as we would have to wait around for ages, as our train gets in at 10:15. 10:30 at the station. =D
  10. Been watching a couple of videos lately, theres a few songs I'm liking. I'm sure that someone will know this one. and the second one is a bit of a long shot but you never know. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cKsi5isykV8
  11. If no-one else comes up you can have the frame permanently for £10. =D
  12. If you've got some bits Ryan, I've got a cracked T-Pro frame you could use. =D
  13. Do not go for Freeserve Wanadoo Orange, The name has changed so many times, and for a reason. It sucks. They advertise you can get 8mb, but when you enquire they tell you that you can only have 2 mb. Even worse, when you ring them up and tell them that they suck, they offer you upgrade to 8mb, when you've already been told you can't. I'm not even hitting 500kb, and my upload speed is better than my download speed apparently.
  14. Stupid questions, but when you say choppers are you talking of the cycle kind or the motorcyle kind? I've got a Raleigh Chopper sitting in my shed, so if your talking of the cycle variety I'd be up for it.
  15. Crikey that place looks insane. Nice hooks Steve, good to see them on your mod. Finally some more good footage of Tom. Well done guys.
  16. Looks good, still doesn't top mine. =D They are lovely bikes, how you do you find it without a booster, does the frame flex much? I might have to try mine without a booster as the booster limits the angle I can put the slaves, as it catches the hoses, so I have to run one pad off the rim a bit.
  17. I think the first instance at 00:21 seems familiar to a place in a nearby town I have riden a few times. This video contains riding of Tomb-like memorials, and its out in the open not like a cemetary with its gates, people hang about and sit on them. I don't find this disrespectful as it is old structures, also in the same town is "Colchester castle", which contains remains of the original castle that was there hundreds of years ago, again I do not find it disrespectful riding these. But when you come to individual every day grave stones then I draw the line at that point, as those usually belong to someone and are of expense to someone, as well as being on private property. Similar to this argument is riding on benches with a name plaque on them, my dad always dispised upon me for riding benches like this, but to be honest people sit on them, whats more disrespectful?, your arse or a soft tyre? (Assuming no damage is caused. =D)
  18. In my opinion, Try-All tyres are easily the best tyres for mod bikes. I've heard quite a lot of people say that they are too soft and don't last long enough, but they have lasted me the same time as my Creepy Crawlers. I had an Echo tyre on my front wheel and that only lasted me a couple of months, unlike my Try-all which has been a good 3-4 months and still plenty of tread. Not to mentiuon better grip than any other tyre I have tried. The bit more of an expense is there for a reason. =D
  19. Nah he only filmed the gaps and the pallets. He should have filmed more, especially Andy. Reason why you don't see Andy is because he wasn't at the pallets, and he was adjusting his rear wheel at the stair gaps.
  20. Charlie made a short video of the ride in Braintree yesterday. http://www.vimeo.com/742939 I personally don't like the music choice or the fact there is no bike sounds, but I think it shows some good riding. Alain in the very first clip, Matt Bird is on the black KO, Martyn on the grey monty, and Me on the Echo.
  21. I'll probably ride on the Saturday, so long as someone travels with me. =D
  22. Our refurbishment is almost done. Bikehut now has more storage space than the rest of the shop. And the bigger upstairs means more stock. Today the store was closed because heavy winds blew big panes of glass out of place, and some fell in the car park.
  23. Bloody mothers day, almost a week afetr my mum's birthday. Too much I say. My brother usually remembers, and buys the goods.
  24. Yea those going by train you just get off at Freeport station and go up the stairs, from the stairs you turn right and just follow the road.
  25. What is with you guys, do you have like an Anti-Saturday fetish or something?
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