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Captain Scarlet

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Everything posted by Captain Scarlet

  1. Anyone know the song to Amanda Gallachers new Uni/Bike trials video?
  2. Ah Scopse done it before me. The only thing that you don't need to get when holding a full driving licence, is a provisional as a full licence essentially does the same job. You still need; L plates, bike, CBT, tax, etc.
  3. Joe, just put Colchester Town into http://www.nationalrail.co.uk it just adds another changeover and saves lots of time biking from the North station Yea 10 sounds good.
  4. Thats not a bad deal on the FS1E mate. Your talking Chinese, and mainly 4 stroke. My mate had one, last him for a few months. Chinese peds and motorbike are not really the way to go, the prices on them are low for a reason, the build quality on them is terrible. In fact, the mopeds are pretty much a scaled version of a Minimoto, the frames can't hold up for crap. Sonny put it perfect, £300 would get you a right banger of a ped. I know of people who pay £300 for a ped, but the amount of work needs doing to them its unreal, and generally the people run them like it, my mate bought one cheap and went without a rear brake and speedo for a couple of months.
  5. I personally would like to know. I guess its something to aspire to.
  6. I'd highly doubt that, to get a good condition fizzy you'd be looking at £2k plus. If you want to get on the road with a decent condition ped (I reccomend buy it standard), then plus the insurance, equipment and everything else, you'd need around £1500.
  7. The fact how I am doing my CBT at 9 in the morning. I could always get my mum to run to the post office I guess, then drop it off for me as the first part of the CBT is a theory.
  8. No not a way around motorbike tax in general, as its bloody cheap so I don't care. But I've booked my CBT for Saturday, using my own bike. I've done my insurance (actual cover starts Saturday, documents should arrive in the post sometime this week) But I apparently cannot get my tax done until the cover has actually started, so that means getting it all done on the same day as the CBT (which seems quite a hassle). Does anyone know a way around this?
  9. Well with Bennetts, I tried myself on a Gilera Dna 125 and it come to around £400. Just try some quotes online, it doesn't take that long. EDIT: And thats Third party, Fire and Theft.
  10. Ah shame Callum, have fun though mate. No, I believe on a Saturday you can change at Colchester North, to get to Colchester town. The roundabout is directly outside the station (just find the sign/stairs to the subway, which leads you under the road). EDIT: Trains leave at a different time than what I thought, so shall we meet 9:30 or 10:30?, our train gets there at 37 minutes past the hour, so just wait about for us.
  11. I thought you was short on cash Reece? Riding Colchester on May the 3rd if your interested Tom. Nice pics Charlie, wish I could have been there.
  12. Yes I believe it is possible, as I was interested in building a Profile hub to an Echo rim and asked the same question.
  13. Some of us Braintree lot planned to go to Colchester in the holidays, but that plan kinda died, and at the moment I am fairly busy and haven't had a good ride in ages. Hopefully it will brighten up by May, and produce good weather like the ride there last year. So Saturday, 3rd of May, 10 at the roundabout. Also, any chance of a photographarr!, Mr Clark?, Mr Callum?
  14. Mods, they are springier and move easier. In my opinion of course.
  15. I quite like the music, its still in my head actually. Anyone know who its by?
  16. Man I so want those tyres now. Just get rid of them horrid GU forks and your sorted Ash.
  17. That was pretty cool, nice combination of music and riding. The 360 spin and rail riding was quite impressive. Keep working on the two wheels and no doubt you will be as smooth and controlled as you are on the Unicycle.
  18. Forget a year mate, look after it and it will last years. As for starting off it is probably the best value 26" trials bike about, as well as a good name like Onza on it. To be honest if your talking Onza its a perfect starter bike.
  19. 160, small rotors look neat. And they work perfectly well anyways.
  20. Nice pics. It reminds me that I've got to ride Norwich again sometime. =D
  21. Yea Gavyn got it, if your insurance finds out then you wouldn't get jack squat. Might as well be legit about it, otherwise in the super unlikely event you are caught, that could be the biggest blow of all. I was worried when I applied for my provisional, as I had to declare a head injury, but I guess since I haven't had any effects from it they allowed me to be on the road (eventually).
  22. Haha about time, Steve's had those for years. How is the frame going, I heard that it was cracked a while ago, is that true?
  23. And even if it does 70ish, I bet the engine has let go or will go at one point. I didn't want to move into gears if I'm on my first bike, might as well get used to the road without having to change gear every 10 mph. I'll just move up to a 125 in a few years.
  24. I get my ped on Saturday, will get some nice pictures up around that time (if anyone is interested in the slightest). Putting a 70 kit on a ped isn't the wisest thing in the world to do if your still 16.
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