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Captain Scarlet

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Everything posted by Captain Scarlet

  1. Shimano do shizloads of sizes, just look on the web or go to somewhere like Halfords.
  2. I love these bikes. Sort out the blue and it would be do-able. =D Its just the all black, and the low frame, looks orgasmic.
  3. Ride somewhere new, thats always a good idea, recently I have only riden my home town and it bores me to death, losing my motivation in the same way as you. Ride natural, its damn good to get out of the city go to a local woods and play about on the hills and logs that are about, take yourself down to the seaside or somewhere where you can ride rocks, a big section of rocks can be riden for hours and you can go back there time and time again finding new lines each time, its also less likely that you will be kicked off, and I personally feel that I get less stressed riding natural as its never a contest of who can go biggest, but who can do the line best. Get out there and try it.
  4. I always buy a Subway when I ride other places. Thats kinda my rule.
  5. About time people realised smooth rims are the way to go. Obviously not in the rain though. I do love the reverse moutn magura on the front, works beast.
  6. On the subject of choices had anyone thought how one choice in life could change everything (in the same universe). For example, if I decided to go to the toilet before I left my house, and then I get told off by a PCSO (which wouldn't have happened had I not done a number 2), I would get to later and consequently miss the attempt that a crazy axe murderer killed everyone about. I'm just thinking of all the small choices I have made throughout my life, and I could be a completely different person because of it. Another example was when I fell off a quarterpipe which put me out of school for a few months due to the damages it caused, as I was at the beginning of secondary school by the time I came back pretty much everyone had made their new friendshp groups and as a result I was pretty much forced to find a new group of people to make friends with, which then directly afffected my lifestyle, when I went out and what I did etc. In fact, its almost like saying had I not fallen off my bike up a skatepark, I would not be doing trials today as I would not be friends with the people who got me into it.
  7. I was going to turn up to mine on a Unicycle. Now I'm stuck between an old school Plymouth, or my dad's Yamaha 250. What about turning up in an ambulance on the bed, or another idea I had was that my dad works for DHL so I could jump inside a large box and be delivered in a van.
  8. I fancy riding; Clacton, Chelmford, or Southend. But, anyone fancy the weekend after? (31st May)
  9. Too little girls (no not midgets), Too much time. Ah this is gonna be a long summer.
  10. Exactly that, just go in and ask for either; vacancies or a form, if not drop in a C.V. They're not going to come to you, so your gonna have to ask them.
  11. I don't know either mate, But I certainly would like to know as it a tune thats now stuck in my head.
  12. 07/08 Lite (magura mounts) has a 60mm BB rise. To be honest guys its 5mm, thats half a centimetre, does it really make a difference?
  13. Why do you think my videos always have me in shorts. (Even in the winter)
  14. Yea looks like an 06 model to me. I wanted to do the same with mine, except put the Echo stickers back on once is been sprayed black. (Would go really stealth with black rims). Just didn't want to ruin the current finish. That looks pretty beast though.
  15. I'll be there with Reece (so long as he gets his bike carrier for then =D). Hopefully I'll be able to yield a better result than Hook woods.
  16. I don't think I've ever been this jealous before, it looks good and it rides like a beast, so smooth as well. I bet you when Tom has a go on it, he'll soon want to be sponsored by Dob, and a damn good rider he'd make for them.
  17. Ah thats a sweet video Nick, do love the little sidehop to static line I did. Luke's gap was damn smooth.
  18. Helicoiling isn't the only way to sort a thread, he could have drilled them out and tapped them the next size up, or we could have filled the holes and re drilled/tapped them.
  19. I'd recommend a leightweight indoor specific one, as they are good quality, spares readily available, and cheap to get started with (if you do or don't like it). Although they are indoors, they do have a bit of weight to them, so you can take it outside on a calm day without having to worrying about it going off course. J Perkins distribution make various helicopters, from the simple Twister Bell, to the dual rotor Twister Skylift. I've got a Twister hawk, which retails for £129.99 (could find dealers on eBay which go cheaper). I must say once you've got the confidence to lift it off the ground, they fly incredibly stable, once you've got the pitch set you can let it hover without having to touch the controls. This is a video of me flying mine when I first got it at Christmas. Youtube Video -> Original Video
  20. Couldn't you just get it helicoiled?, it would have turned out stronger that way. That bar and stem set-up just looks so amazingly good. I do quite like the Neon, and you've done a good job by taking off the stickers and giving it white rims, I think choice of frame colours isn't that good (the gold definately looks gash). Stick a rear disc on it mate. =D
  21. Some people in this world. I think its terrible, 24 years the girl had not seen daylight, how could anyone do that to someone else.
  22. Yea Braintree boys 9 train, we'll be in Colchester town for 10:40ish. See you all there.
  23. Has anyone run one of these frames with a disc on the rear, would be interested in a frame like this. The colours put me off a bit though, is it true that there is going to be one in white?
  24. Anymore for anymore? Come and see the freak boy Reece, the bearded midget with short legs and a magnesium frame, with supernatural riding abilities. Yea providing the weather is all good Luke, I'd be up for chilling out and having a long break to get my energy back in the few hours before you come out.
  25. I wouldn't call them reliable, I can see past all the cosmetics to the bike, why else would someone sell for that price? Most the time you see bikes at that price because they have been tuned (and usually the farings are a mess), in all honesty its like with cars, the best way to sell is if it is standard, as no-one knows how much it has been screwed about with in the tuning process.
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