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Captain Scarlet

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Everything posted by Captain Scarlet

  1. Well I'm on my moped which has a 7 litre tank, and I know its capable of around 120 miles to 5 litres of fuel, so if the price was brought down it would be a good way to save a bit of money. =D Would be nice to have more litres of petrol than pounds spent.
  2. Captain Scarlet


    Well if he can advertise the items in the first place, then why can't he contact you or send the items after? To be honest I don't see how people can do this to buyers of their items, if I know I can't send an item then I let the buyer know and only take payment when I know that I can send.
  3. My dad has an Xbox 360 and computer just for Call of Duty 4. He say's he prefers the computer version though.
  4. I'm in it for St Osyth, hence the early start. That way its not like a knackering journey down there, but it also depends on the weather. St Osyth is the tits for rocks.
  5. They look pretty pimp. I think if the price was about £5 lower, sales of Echo cranks would go down and Trial tech up. Its also good to see some more choices of square taper. I'll buy a set when I have the money to change to Isis.
  6. I thought it fit quite well with the song, but then again I do like it so thats probably why. Some damn good riding, I liked the little line at the beginning probably the best bit. What pads are you using on the smooth?
  7. Anyone know where I could actually buy that from?
  8. I've had brakes before that make way too much noise for the power they give, just think of the peoples brakes who work perfectly well but emit a slight hissing noise when contacting the rim, thats hardly a massive noise. Just wack the booster on mate, your problem isn't going to sort itself out by pulling the lever over and over again, if you've already got the booster and the bike is currently unrideable then what are you going to lose? Your saying that last time you put a booster on the brake felt horrible so you didn't use it, but now this time the brake feels horrible without it, whats the logical option to do?
  9. Hippopotamuses(sp?) kill more humans than any other animal in africa. The classic image of Santa Claus is of a bearded man in a green suit with white cuff detailings, however it was apparently Coca-Cola that changed the image to red suit and white cuffs. "SOS" does not stand for "Save our souls", but is used as it is unmistakable as anything else and recognizable even to those who do not know Morse code. (...---...)
  10. Yea I'm assuming you could meet us at St Osyth if you've got transport Ad's. Like Reece said, is Matt's van is fixed we'll probably meet everyone in St Osyth (if he is okay with that), if not we'll ride up at 9. I'll keep you all informed.
  11. Oops I forgot to link that. Those who haven't seen. http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/article1178294.ece I just personally think its not a good model for kids to look up to, for example within my courtyard a new woman has moved in with about 3 kids and to be honest the situation she is in she probably deserves the benefits more than the "bad back" case nextdoor, but she gets along and think that if she was to get benefits it would be a bad example towards her children as they would assume they could get by in life by benefits alone. Argument for my age or for this topic?
  12. Well I'm sure some of the forum will have heard of the Welsh town of Merthyr Tydfil, in which one in five people are on some kind of disability benefit. My neighbour has a mentally handicapped child, on weekdays she attends a school for her condition, and some weekends is looked after by a carer, yet her parents get benefits allowance which is spent on items which do not directly affect her. To add to this, both of her parents do not work and are both on benefits for bad back (I would blame the mother for her own physical condition, and the father still manages to perform extensive DIY tasks). And after all this, the majority of the time their daughter is away from home. As I said, none of the money from any of the benefits is spent on items which benefit their daughter, and is spent on items such as; multiple cars (including a brand new 4x4 which just rolled up today), caravans, new kitchen, and holidays. I live in a courtyard of seven houses, in which all the tennants must share the car park. It is only a small car park but yet they feel they have the right to park; a people carrier, the new 4x4, a Volvo, a Ford, a caravan, and a tent trailer. Yet they had to cheek to ask my parents if they could move their car to accomodate for their new 4x4. Only one of the tennants nextdoor drives, so why the need in all the cars? I think that what people can do with benefits nowadays is digusting, I understand the proper uses of them but how people can get away with this and get out of work because of it is appaling. I mean what is there that can be done to stop other cases across the country?, nothing. And here we are in a society saying that more money needs to be put into crime and keeping ours streets safe, look where its all going.
  13. I've got a whole book of them. http://www.amazon.co.uk/Ultimate-Book-Usel...n/dp/1904034764 I'll put some examples up when I can get to it.
  14. Hmmn we was thinking on getting a lift down if we could. If not then we'll get the train to Clacton and ride to St.Osyths, can't the train go that way lmao. How much of a ride is it from the Clacton pier to St.Osyths, on a scale of exahaustion (1-10, 1 being easy, 10 being dead). And we'll try get an earliest train as possible, just so we have plenty of time to ride up there. EDIT: Could meet at the pier at 9
  15. Whilst on the subject of the Dob forks, what happened to the Dob frame Ads?, just thought you'd like a change? Looks pretty sweet, but I'd prefer the Dob. =D
  16. Fragma - Toca's miracle - This just reminds me of the car journeys when I used to go on holiday in Devon as a kid. Crystal Method - Busy child - Its an amazing song, that I remember really well from Fifa 98. I'll have a few more come to mind soon.
  17. The McDonalds over the road from me sponsor some childs team in my area, under 12's I think. And a local bike shop I work at sponsor another team around this way. I saw this a while back, you never know who you could get sponsored by. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/lincolnshire/6149606.stm
  18. Yea I would be there but I'm on holiday. I'll see you lot the weekend after, either; Clacton, St.Osyth or Sousend.
  19. No it came with the rear magura. Don't know where the front one came from.
  20. http://www.ebtc.net Although its the Essex bike trial club, some of the competitions are outside Essex (Surrey, Norwich, Kent), and there's members all over the country.
  21. Same thing happened around my way, all my mates did trials and I really wanted to get into it, I comitted myself to it and bought a trials bike, gradually getting better and better. About 20 odd kids were into it, then all of a sudden everyone starting selling their bikes (all the rich kids who had to start off with the best bike they could buy). Now the area has 2 main riders, and even we don't ride as much as we used to, hopefully summer will create a lot more free time, but to get by we also meet up on rides. Change of scenery and ride with some other faces, its good getting out of your hometown every now and again.
  22. You don't have to jump from a height to break your neck, you could do a metre dive and still break your neck depending on how you it. Even if the water is deep enough if you hit the surface of the water incorrectly then your stuffed.
  23. I can't static to rear wheel, and it really bugs me. I've tried it time and time again in the year and a half I have been riding but I can't get it for anything. The one that always strikes in my mind everytime is Chai, I remember he could get onto bar height rails via a static pedal kick to rear wheel, whilst facing straight onwards at the bar. And he made it clean on each time, never on the edge.
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