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Captain Scarlet

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Everything posted by Captain Scarlet

  1. Many different seats have different fittings, such as an iso fit which I am told only fits certain cars as it is due to the way the seat assembly of the car is designed. Another thing that is covered in training is the orientation of the seat belt (not sexual), but its position as a common mistake is that it can loop and twist which is likely to break in a crash. You seem to think that fitting a child seat is easy, but by the sounds of it you don't know what you are talking about, "fasten" what? Theres a guy I work with who has been at Halfords for 13 years.
  2. 1.9 kg I think it looks good but offputting at the sametime. I don't know how you can use those bars.
  3. Basically my good friend Reece and I are making a joint video, but the majority of the clips were of me, so I removed a few to even it out. These are the clips I removed and aren't as good as what will be in the full video, so that gives you something to look forward to. You can also find out what iCharlie looks like. Trials-Forum Video ->Full View • Download • Upload
  4. Someone who fits a child seat.
  5. 'Kin 'ell!, you might as well have called that video 8, I'm speechless, I don't know what aspect of it to mention first.
  6. Gusset chain tugs are also better as they have a thicker thread, and the part that grips the end of the drop out is even on both sides, not more material on one side so it does not lever the tug outwards. I've gone through many pairs of Onza chain tugs, and had my Gusset tugs with no problems whatsoever.
  7. Sounds like a dished wheel. I had the same problem with my Echo, to get it straight in the frame I had to run out of adjustment on one snail cam (the right one) but have plenty of adjustment on the left one. This became a pain as my chain got loose and my wheel didn't align with my brake properly (the way to sort it would be to tighten the right snail cam, but obviously no adjustment left), wheel was true it was just dished. I've still got the problem now, its just bearable.
  8. How the hell on a Zoo Python with the deng style rise bars and little or no headset spacers? I've Try all rage bars, with a set of hope headset spacers on my Echo and that is 36" Coincedentially, my highest sidehop is 36".
  9. Pretty much. Sometimes I do think it is just my store but after seeing stories like this by members on a nationwide forum it does make you feel that is a regular occurance for most Halfords stores. Yes there is some parts and area to Halfords that are really efficient, Reserve and Collect for example, its very easy for members of staff to do and very convenient for customers. But other areas of the store have so many flaws, in Bikehut when display bikes are sold (the rule is the display bike can only be sold when all boxed stock of that item has been sold), this then creates a gap in the display which then needs filling, the store then decides to fill this gap with a bike we already have plenty of. We then end up having no boxed stock as it is all on display, so therefore the only way the bike can be taken is from display, but we are urged and told not to sell from display as this creates a gap which then needs to be filled. So a customer wants a bike, we can't sell them the bike. Great.
  10. Oh I have a good one. I asked my supervisor if I could start later on one of my evening shifts, because I had a GCSE exam that was likely to overun, and she said "No!, you have to start on time". Okay, so the other part timers are allowed to start at 5, why do I have to start at 4? I think its terrible, I am relying upon my own knowledge to actually help me in a job, I have not been taught anything. However my friend who has just started his job across the road at Comet has been trained how to speak to customers properly, how to move stock and pallets, and training on the items that the store sells. Halfords, none.
  11. Thats brilliant Rob, I love the subtle use of green such as the rim tape, the clamps, and the headset. I can't think of anyone who would deserve it as much as you, ride it well and look after her. No doubt I'll be seeing you down Clacton way sometime soon.
  12. Pretty much as the title says, does anyone know when and where the next trials competition held by the Essex Bike Trial Club is? And also is there an entry form about? Last time it was announced and sent by post, but its been a while since the last competition, and I need a bit of notice to get it booked off. Thanks, Tom
  13. Peel as much as the sticker off as you can. Then use white spirit or lighter fluid like Sam said to remove the sticky residue.
  14. I wore my school trousers, school shoes and a nice black shirt, rather overdress than underdress.
  15. Yea I knew quite a few people before I started working at my local store, so that worked well when I needed some help when I first started. Only problem with my store and partly why I find it so stressful working is the organisation of the store. All relates to training and knowing a product, I work in bikehut where the child seats are then situated, therefore a customer is most likely to ask someone from the Bikehut for help on a seat, our problem is only 2 people on the Bikehut are trained, and sometimes depending on the days those people might not be in, so I'd call someone from downstairs who is trained but they never come up. As a result customer gets no help, is unhappy and leaves the store. Another one for me is getting days off, apparently tommorow I am going to be the only person in on the Bikehut, 1 member of staff for the whole Bikehut on a Sunday, (we are also one of the larger stores), this is due to 2 people booking the Sunday off. However, whenever I want to book my Sunday off, my supervisor always finds it such a massive problem and doesn't like me doing it, and even when I do get the day off, they tell me that I have to get someone to cover for me. I've also not recieved my discount card, 4 months late, yet a girl who has been working as long as me and has given in her notice was given one. ? But basically wherever in Halfords you work just listen to what your colleagues have to say, and if you feel you are being treated inadequately give a word to your supervisor or manager.
  16. http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/forum/index....howtopic=121907
  17. Ooo I had that once, a proper hottie of an ex then went out with this proper big lad, and he eventually started threatening me saying he wanted to kill me etc, but only thing I had done was go out with the girl before he did. I just try not to mess with the ex's too much, like Simon said its the best way of getting over them, and in situations like the one I just described it gets me out of trouble.
  18. Captain Scarlet


    Such a shock, I always remember that iconic photo of him doing the gap over the water in Bristol, and reading when he was featured in MBUK. It just seems so unreal, he won't be around. R.I.P
  19. Marcus I'll give you a shout, as I will probably be down later at say 2ish. We could go together.
  20. Thats wrong. My friend managed to build a complete mod from buying parts on here for under £200. He bought the frame for £30, maguras £50, forks £20, bar and stem £10, wheels £25, already had a chain and pedals, and some old echo cranks and freewheel for £15 (oh and a rear cog).
  21. And depending when I pick up my moped I should be able to join you lot later on (hopefully around 2ish - 3ish). Can I have someones number in case Reece's phone plays up as usual.
  22. I would say that is the cause of your problem. When I bought my echo forged cranks there's a spacer which needs to be put in between the sprocket/freewheel and the cranks, but it said "For no bashring use" as obviously a bashring does the same thing. This of cause spaces your cog so it makes your chain line straight, which was a problem when I had my old eno on a set of monty cranks (and soon explained why I snapped my snap link).
  23. I can do the drums on Rock Band on medium.
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