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Captain Scarlet

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Everything posted by Captain Scarlet

  1. Thatsa bad turn for the RedLynx series, all been brilliant up until this.
  2. Joe Maher's lovely old green Zona Zenith. Couldn't find a picture so video it is. Youtube Video -> ">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350">
  3. Hot needle? any particular reason?
  4. That looks so good, just so clean and matched, I just feel like I wanna go out and ride after seeing that.
  5. There's two varitations which I can picture from your description. This: Or this:
  6. Anyone know what the age is to get a simple lobe piercing done? I'm assuming its 16 without consent of parent, I want to get my other lobe done so I can eventually stretch it.
  7. Does this mean serious discounts to the Hydroxx "1" then? (I hope so ) I do like the raw finish, but I haven't seen the completed model yet.
  8. That looks so clean and smooth, goes with your riding style I guess. Am I right I'll be seeing it at the next Essex bike trial?
  9. Thats awesome James, well done. I want to see pictures of the lovely new bike. =D
  10. Ahaha soon got a pic up on Ogre's request. I'll get a picture of me and my boxx, just need to build her up first.
  11. I see some negative opinions here and many people being really arsey on this subject. If that was me in that situation, I wouldn't do a thing, not pay up, not see this Mark, his brother or anyone in direct connection to those two. And if things get serious, take it to the police, for now if its okay just leave it and see how it all goes.
  12. You still having that problem then Ash? For value, Creepy Crawlers. For performance, Try-All.
  13. I had this message for one of my videos on YouTube, just a personal trials video not promoting anything. I just credited it in the description of my video and heard no more. The artist I used was HIM, and the email message said "UMG", I checked their record label and it was not UMG or any of its sub-groups so I found it a bit bull really.
  14. Yea I like the biomechanical idea, another one is where people have wiring or circuit boards undereath, looks really good. Although looking at some out there, the tattooist had done a naff job and it looks really cheesy.
  15. Thats awesome! I'd love to have something like that but not spiderman and on a smaller scale.
  16. Already is a thread up mate. I wuld come but my Hope is completely stuffed, I've got my mechanic looking at it lmao, but if I get it Saturday morning I'll come down in the afternoon. I'll give you a shout if I do, you still got the same number Tom?
  17. Yep all the times I've ordered their service has always contrasted the productivity of the site. It is a little off putting to think that the site hasn't been updated in a while, but I'm sure some changes will easily sort that and gain more happy customers. Can't beat Selectbikes for Deng parts, and free postage.
  18. To be honest I don't see whats wrong with a tricycle, obviously just get a modern looking one and your onto a winner. (and by that I mean one that isn't beat up rusty and tacky colours).
  19. Try-All tyres and easiestly the best trials tyres about. Their price definately is for the performance they give. Very gripping, and that will be instantly recogniseable when you put it on. Also there is very little form to the actual tyre, with say a Creepy Crawler or Monty tyre in a deflated state you can press in the middle for it to pop back up again, Try-All's don't, so this may be seen as an advantage more compression than a bounce.
  20. Well it being based on Rossi's Moto GP Yamaha, and thats hardly a Fiat.
  21. Only one I can think of that is free and good to an extent is Windows Movie Maker, so long as you keep the; titles, transitions, and effects simple the world is your oyster. If not get a free trial of a more flexible programme, I like Sony Vegas as it is good and easy to start with and you can progress into more complicated uses and editing techniques using it.
  22. My first proper go at designing a car on Forza. I'm gonna add some more details to the back when I can be arsed.
  23. IE7 XP SP2 A screenshot of what I am seeing.
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