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Captain Scarlet

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Everything posted by Captain Scarlet

  1. Yea before 5, because its upstairs in my house you can hear all the banging coming through the floor/ceiling, parents just go mental. Aaha I've been playing Project8 lately, I bought it for like a tenner, I'm just ace at the THPS games. (self proclaimed)
  2. Eno would be the better option, won't have to rebuild your wheel for it either. Very user friendly and servicable, mine skipped everynow and again but what freewheel doesn't? Althought saying that, I'm currently running a Try all (my Eno was damaged in the attempt to remove it from my cranks), which performance wise is lots better than the Eno that I had (Hasn't skipped in the 10 months of owning it), but I still have the doubt in the back of my mind that if it screws up, I can do nothing but buy a new freewheel. An Eno however, take it apart and check what your problem is. Eno would get my vote.
  3. Majority of them are pretty small so can't see much in them. The larger ones look a bit better. No doubt Dave will be posting his photos up soon.
  4. Some disc frames have very short drop outs (DOB, Neon) and so the wheel sits in one position, and everything is set up around it. This appears to be quite good on the Neon frames due to the mount that is sloted for adjustment on the caliper. Whilst on the subject of horizontal drop outs, why are they called drop outs?, isn't the name for vertical drop outs where the wheel actually "drops" out?
  5. Looks as though the rider is sponsored by Hope. I guess that narrows things down a bit.
  6. Nope it can be played on a normal xbox controller. I believe it is the 4 shoulder buttons and one of the coloured buttons for the 5 notes and analogue for whammy, you don't have to strum so its really good for solos or quick sections. COD now?
  7. Got another clip, this one is of my friend Steve Tiller, he's not riding anymore due to going to Uni, which really sucks for him because he would always try and come out rain or shine to ride even if he only had a couple of hours free, sometimes he did a 20 mile ride (there and back) to my town just so he could ride, so I'm sure he'd love to be part of it. Trials-Forum Video -> Full View • Download • Upload
  8. Tom Rankin for competition, style and smoothness. James Butcher for straight up beast. Urm yea, mainly those guys in the local region for me, because compared to the majority of riders being mentioned in this thread, they are pretty much unheard of, especially Butcher its surprising you don't hear more of him.
  9. Mine only ever spun well when the lockring was loose. So long as you have put it all back together correctly then it is fine.
  10. I'm assuming when you mean narrow you mean the width of the chain, or sometimes reffered to as the pitch. The cogs on trials bikes (freewheels and fixed cogs) are mountain bike pitch (bmx pitch is slightly larger). A mountain bike pitch chain can fit this kind of cog/freewheel but not a bmx kind. However bmx pitch chains are larger and will fit both kinds.
  11. I really like the first one, looks so clean and simple (I also like the little tail). What is the geometry like for both of these frames?
  12. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/americas/7552986.stm Sad news, I'm sure that most people will either remember him for some of his music which included the original theme from Shaft or as Chef in South Park. RIP.
  13. Trials-Forum Video -> Full View • Download • Upload Probably only clip of me thats worthwhile, I really do film a lot of crap.
  14. He is still about? my god he would be a wonder to watch. I think BIU would be better, can push distances further then and it makes it more interesting to watch. Bloody hell that video though, I bet a backflip is just something they do to get out of bed.
  15. Thats a statement, not a question. "How much did that rear tyre cost?" "Why don't you oil your brake?" Okay this one isn't a question, but is a sstupid one. "The pavement is for people!"
  16. Cor I really am into Call of Duty at the moment, I was doing sabotage earlier and getting Kill:Death ratios of around 30:5, found the perfect gun and unlocked lots of achievements for it in one game, I got just over 2000xp in one game altogether. Anyone else fancy playing sometime?
  17. Ah god the girl is getting on my nerves now. She's saying how I upset her as she "trusted and really liked/fancied me", and says that she couldn't exactly control THIS boy's actions, so I tell her that she didn't have to stay around THIS boy's or even drink as that is ultimately what caused this situation. So she starts off blaming THIS boy, and then when I tell her how the whole situation could have been prevented she's all; "oh its my fault, I feel so awful for what I have done, blame me etc", as though that is going to change my opinion. Now she's saying weird things like; "I feel awful ", its like what is the smiley all about? But then again it does lead to the question, if she hadn't have told me what happened with THIS boy, would have I been better off?
  18. I liked the camo job a bit better, maybe if it had more black and perhaps a few stickers, it wouldn't have looked so tacky. Don't like the new spray job, it looks like a Diamondback Tekiya.
  19. If you edit it right, any song will go with any video. There is no guideline for what you can or can't have in a video (I'm assuming trials). Have a look at Ben Travis' videos for some inspiration.
  20. I'll have to get back into GH3 then. Also got to learn how to play on controller, my mate can proper own me with the controller.
  21. Wow Joe really owns this thread. He looks like everyone.
  22. Well thats shit. Basically, I got with a girl, did some stuff had a rate good time, blahhh-deee-blaahhhh. Then she texts me saying "Do you round to sleep round THIS boy's house with me?". Up until now THIS boy was not liked by the girl as THIS boy had screwed around with the girl's friends. The girl goes round THIS boy's with some girl friends, apparently she got proper drunk, THIS boy was completely sober, and THIS boy then did things to and with the girl. Now the girl is all like "Oh THIS boy is a cock, I bloody hate him, I wanted him to stop etc, I feel so bad now, I love you" to me, and she is telling me that she misses me, and wants to know if we will ever get back together again. Now she's like "I feel awful, you must hate me etc". I told her that my perception of "us" has changed, I can't really see her the same and that it was her own fault as she knows what the boy is like (he has done worse than this situation). Now I feel really bad, she did a really big thing my telling me about it so its a courageous thing to do, so now I feel bad by telling her how I feel about it, I mean afterall she could have just not told me the whole thing happened at all. Ah gawd.
  23. I thought that this was the reason why posts in "Chit-Chat" don't count to your overall post count?
  24. Nice use of a Mini X plate and the stickers, I never bothered with the plate just pratted around with the stickers. I'd take it off though, before the WeightWeenies start to moan how your bike weighs too much with it.
  25. I think thats a brilliant achievement seeing as how TartyBikes only really caters for a small cycling market (Trials, and some jump bike and bmx bits). Best of luck Ad's, we're all backing you and the company.
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