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Captain Scarlet

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Everything posted by Captain Scarlet

  1. Swear and shout? Yes Cry? No, I don't think I can actually cry anymore. =(
  2. Far Cry and COD5 if I get the money. =D
  3. No the clocks don't go back! They go forward 11 hours. You'll damage the mechanism going back. :$
  4. A little bit of flex is good to have as I have just found with my braking set-up. I found that recently on my bike, I've had to compromise between; having a booster but crap brake performance, or no booster and good brakes. My Echo still managed to flex a tiny bit with a 2-bolt booster, but as I said the brake worked pants, took it off and it works mega, flexes alot but feels fine at the lever, I've had the frame for a year now so I'm just going to let it flex away.
  5. The thread where you can talk about anything thats nots exactly happy, or angry. Random Small questions thread? so how about Random Commentts thread? =D
  6. God that is an awful noise, does remind me of Hermance's one as Partz already said. Its probably the only downside to these freewheels that they are non serviceable (well not as serviceable as an Eno). Mine is smooth as anything and has never skipped with almost a year of use, so I guess it is down to luck without being able to service the freewheel (it is something that always crosses my mindon the Try-All) All the best with the new freewheel.
  7. A good value and filling lunch I had at work. 1 can of hot dogs. £1ish 6 rolls for hotdogs up to. £1ish And a microwave and ketchup into the equation. Done.
  8. How is that almost as light as my Echo?, I remember that those bikes weighed a ton. If your looking to get light, forks are probably the best improvement for that, the standard Onza ones weigh shedloads. Bars and stem would probably be marginally lighter, but definately a more comfy improvement over the standard Onza ones.
  9. We done a Norwich Christmas ride last year, but I wouldn't mind London either. I could only go on on a Saturday or weekday though.
  10. Ah well I'm not back at College to access the Mac until Tuesday, just wanted to drop it into Vegas and see what I could do with it. I was fairly certain I rendered it for Quicktime use.
  11. Well to cut a long story short; I've exported media that I want from Final Cut Pro (assuming it would come out in a quicktime playable format for my Windows PC), however I think it has come out in a Final Cut Movie format. (*.fcp I think). Is there anyway of converting this file type on my Windows PC so I can import it into Vegas and do something with it, or at least view it on this PC? Cheers.
  12. After the treatment I was given by the serious injury I sustained on my bike, I usually tend to donate to Great Ormond Street Hospital, but then again everyone has their own opinion/personal insight into which charity they donate to. Maybe an idea would be to pick out a charity that could help or could have helped someone you know, okay the money raised isn't going to benefit that person directly, but if you had a tough time coping with someone's trauma, then donating to that charity may stop families in the same situation going through the same ordeal. At the end of the day, its your fundraising, so its your descision as to which charity.
  13. I broke a spoke quite some time ago, just replaced that one. More recently I snapped a spoke, and the wheel buckled as a result, same day another one went. Replaced them both, but ultimately a new build is the best option.
  14. Man, all the ones around our way are either; stupidly fat, or look as though they have more testosterone than me.
  15. Ah Simps shame to see you go, but I guess at the end of the day if its not an experience your enjoying as much, then why bother with it? Just a shame to see you and Byron go, 2 awesome faces, theres only really Birdman from your way now. All the best for the future I guess, no doubt you'll soon be on a motorbike, so if all goes well for my test, we'll be able to shoot off for a ride. Some of my memories.
  16. I understand exactly what you mean. I did find an ebook ages ago on marketing/shop techniques, just based around things like the layout of a shop and how it can obviously affect sales. An obvious one to think of is one that my old science teacher told me of, and that is if you go to a fast food place like McDonalds, they have hard upright seating, and bright spot lights for the lighting, just as a technique to get eating customers out soon, and new customers in. Contrastingly you have nice restaurants/pubs, in which they use low level lighting, comfortable seating, etc as a method of getting you to stay as long as possible. Okay its not exactly a clothing shop but its the same technique so I thought I'd bring it up, it is clever subtle stuff to think about.
  17. He is just too powerful, like the sidehop onto the wall where he actually clears it easy, and backwheeling the same wall straight to the top. Madness.
  18. My friend has one on his Zona Zip frame, and it clicks with every turn of the bars. I don't know why, and I've had my mechanic replace the bearings, check the headset, frame and forks, yet still don't know why it does it. Apparently it happens with all Zona Zips. It still works, I'm just sure that some people wouldn't want to hear an audiable click. If you've got a Zona Zip that is something to bear in mind.
  19. Yay!, a full tank of petrol for £7 and that will do me for about 150 or miles. =D My dad still goes on about a story of when he was on an outing with his mates in the 70's, and his mate refused to go petrol station coming up as it was £1 a gallon.
  20. In that case, add 30 minutes and a £20 fine. See you there mate.
  21. Yea go for it, Essex or a London ride. Then whenever someone shows the clip of you faceplanting on a phone, I can say "I've met that guy".
  22. Ah I don't know what the whole beta business is about or how to get it so just on COD4 for now. Jon and Me are playing at 9:30, all welcome.
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