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Captain Scarlet

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Everything posted by Captain Scarlet

  1. Well I am running a 2.4" on a 20" and no problems there. If you have a 19" wheel, then Creepy Crawlers ***!!. If not, then just get yourself a rear sticky finger tyre.
  2. Just get a pair of Vans, they're comfy, good value and they last.
  3. Ryan360 (on this forum), has changed his back tyre on his Saracen 2.six, not sure what size it is but it looks quite wide. And he has done a drop-off that is about 2-3ft in height, and his bike takes it easily.
  4. My friend has a 2006 Onza T-Pro, he put some green ZOO! bars on it and it looks the tits. Just go for a darker greenish colour and you should be fine, or black as it can go with just about anything.
  5. Okay, no bike is ever perfect, and if it is near perfect it can't last. What little problems do you have with your bike at this moment in time?, could be anything from a slight creak to a major problem. Currently, my V-brakes are playing me up a bit usually one does more work than the other and then its varies which one is doing what, then one arm does nothing. Its not like a major problem, just a bit of an annoyance. What has everyone else got going on at the moment?
  6. If you want a 20" trials, just explain that mod trials are small and therefore easy to store. It worked for me.
  7. On my jump bike I went through 3 spindels in a week.
  8. I just use the video function on my digital camera, its not bad for quality. When it comes to editing, I use Sony Vegas, you can't get much better than it. I envy those with Mac's in the case of video editing.
  9. Highest I've done is around the 3ft mark, I'm not exactly too smooth at dropping and with a bike like mine I don't really want to go much bigger than 5ft. I'd prefer to be able to pedal hop onto a 2ft ledge than drop a 6ft one.
  10. So, inspired by the "What foot do you use?" topic, I wanted to find out how people grip their brakes. For my front brake I grip with 2 fingers, and on my rear I use 1 finger. I once used 2 on the back brake and my hand went flying into the air when I released the brake. How does everyone else grip their brakes?
  11. My left foot is forward for every move that involves some form of a pedal stroke, although if I was to do the unlikely thing and kick a football or something it would be with my right. I'm also right handed. Left just feels so much more natural when it comes to bike moves.
  12. Hmn, gave me a thought, most of these modern street furniture is very high quality and made of strong materials to make it last a while. There is a fountain/memorial thing outside my local tesco's, the actual memorial itself is old and would most probably get damaged by bashing onto it, but the benches around it are very high quality and wont budge or do a thing is something bashed onto it. They are made of an almost marble like material, and come with anti grind studs to stop the skaters. But the point I'm trying to get across is that most modern structures and outdoor furnitures are designed to take a beating, the people who design them know what makes them tick and know that people will ride them in this kind of manner. So surely if they have been designed for this thing, it can;t be c;assed as criminal damage to the furniture?
  13. Gah, after what I did yesterday I want pads that extend over my knees now. I twatted my knee against my stem, stung like a bitch for the rest of the day, and any contact with it and the stem (no matter how light of a touch), had me rolling around the floor in pain. Worst thing was that as soon as I hit my knee into my stem, I sat down on my non existent seat.
  14. Meh, whether Vee's can work as good as or better than Hs33's, I'm still gonna buy them as I feel more confident with hydraulics. I can always change back to Vee's if I mess up my hydraulics, or just want a bit of a change.
  15. I think that these kinds of things are silly. The amount of times I see regular bikes go speeding through town on the pavement at night with no lights is amazing, the community support officers in our area just get a kick out of telling us to get off our bikes. One was watching us like an eagle yesterday, just waiting for one of us to jump back onto our bikes and ride. I mean you see the mobility scooters go around on the paths and into shopping places, but I think only about 25% of the people who have some form of electric mobility scooters actually need them, and look at them they can ride on the path and road without any problems. I thought that anything that rode with some kind of electric motor needed to be taxed or insured, as there was some outrage at kids electric scooters a while back. Either way, when it comes to criminal damage, I only use my bash plate as a form of protecting my frame not as a method for getting onto thing and therefore causing criminal damage. I think its ridiculous when PCSO's stop you for this kind of thing.
  16. As for Maguras on a T-Pro it depends what model you have. The 2007 model does not have Maguras a s standard. If your brake is squeaking, I would consider that as a bonus. My front brake squeaks but the back one doesn't.
  17. Lol it was easy to say that Lenny and Alan were very impressed. I wanna see the interview with the guy who had a squeaky voice again, so if anyone could find it.
  18. Hmn I was just thinking about digging out my old football shin pads, they would protect against shin digs, and they have ankle support which is a bonus I guess. Have a look round for football shinpads, probably much cheaper than bike ones.
  19. I thought that they could fit V-brakes staright out the box, without having to buy anything else. I want to buy black ones, and would rather have them brand new. Jason, it is one of the cheapy helmets from Halfords, hopefully when that one breaks my parents will buy me something a bit better styled. And Dan, it is a Light grey. Grey/White colour. Thanks for the input guys.
  20. I got pictures up of my new bike, an Onza T-vee. I Imagine most people really couldn't care less, but I really like my bike, and it gives an idea of what I have done to my bike, what it looks like etc. Had a few troubles with the attachment feature on the forums, so ImageShack it is. Poor Man's Seat Pad Currently, the only other things I plan to buy for the bike is a set of Black Hs33's and some Tar. What do you guys think?
  21. Sure, I'm gonna take some and post it up here and in the bike pictures catagory. I'd rather have a cheap bit of tape than worry about a Seat Pad and check every ten mintues to see if its still there. EDIT: Picture
  22. Well just found out that Luke and Ryan D got trials bikes for christmas, so thats 2 more Braintree riders.
  23. Hmmn, I like the idea of using an old innertube and cable tying it. Well today I just went to B&Q and bought some black electrical tape for 79p, Just covered it evenly in three strips of tape and looks much better than with a seat. Thanks for the suggestions, you'll probably see what it looks like when I post up some pictures of my bike soon.
  24. I'm having the seat on longer rides, or when there is lots of hills.
  25. Hmn I think if your in the money, then why not? But the only reason I would want to get a lever like this is if a standard one breaks, not just because I feel like a new colour or feeling. I mean for around £25 is it much of an improvement?
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