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Captain Scarlet

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Everything posted by Captain Scarlet

  1. Nice link but it doesn't answer my question. I want to know, why use Heatshrink piping? and an effective way of shortening the brake line whilst keeping the fluid in the line? Thanks
  2. If I come down later on I'll bring my camera as well, edit my own video as that is just about what I am good for.
  3. Hmn, the title of the topic says " 20" or 24" ", but in the first post it asks " 20" or 26" ". Wtf Ah well, I prefer 20" out of 20"s and 26"s, I haven't tried a 24" so I can't exactly criticise them. I prefer 20" its easier to get the front end up, to get the bike up, to spin it flick it, get into gaps and things. As well as storing the bike. The only obvious reason why I wouldn't want to get a 24" is the selection of parts available, compared to a 20" or 26" there is hardly any available to buy.
  4. Hey guys, I just got my Hs33's in the post today was gonna slap them on now, but I'd rather do a job properly and think about it first. Both brakes come with full length pipes, so I obviously need to shorten at least one of them. The manual goes over it, but not in too much detail about what not to to, and what to ensure happens. Is there a good way of shortening one of the cables without the risk of fluid spilling out?, what is the best method for shortening the pipe whilst keep the fluid in the pipe? It also goes on about putting Heatshrink tubing on the pipe after cutting it before putting the olive on?, what is the need in the Heatshrink tubing? Any other matters regarding this that you guys think I should know about, or suggestions to fitting the brakes, then please fire away. Thanks in advance,
  5. As I said before, depending on the weather and by the time I get my bike fixed up, I should be there by car later on. Would be awesome to ride Clacton if I can make it.
  6. Bah even if I wanted to go by train I have no money to, I just bought my Magura's. If the weather is good and my parents aren't doing anything them I'll come, later on.
  7. Hehe Lee I think you should change to single speed, it would benefit the Mod riders like me, that you ride with. So you don't go speeding off.
  8. Yea I want to buy myself some, but still haven't decided if black ones would look better for my bike. Oh I'm spoilt for choice.
  9. I think they are taking the 8:00 train from Riverside. Hehe, you know what I'm doing on that day, I'll ring you on the day, probably around 10ish-11ish. Its probably gonna rain or something.
  10. Hehe nice one Marcus, I was just about to ask you the link for it. Looks good.
  11. For me I either do it or a don't, I don't finnick about wondering whether I should pull off a gap or not. I just give myself a certain answer. Currently I am wondering about pedal hopping onto thin walls, mainly because I could pedal hop too far. Also I don't know whether to brace myself for the edge or for the top when doing it. I try and find something a bit smaller to do it on first them work my way up, but usually I just say a definate YES or NO.
  12. Aren't you refering to a pedal hop? Unless you are really strong there is no way of hopping forwards whilst on your back wheel without using the pedals (at least not very far). A pedal hop does basically what it says on the tin. when you are balanced on your back wheel, release your back brake give the pedals a quick kick then hop and lock on the back brake.
  13. I cut my ballsack on my rear tyre when it wheelspinned as I tryed to pedal hop off the grind box. It hurt. :$
  14. Well when I was more interested in BMX and Jump bikes, sometimes when I was up the park there was a group of trials riders who would come over and do pedal hops and things. I also quite liked the look of their bikes, always wanted one. I also remember seeing trials bike when I was younger but I didn't see what they were doing, just the actual bikes themselves. I always wanted one, but didn't know where I could get one, until recently I noticed more and more peopels interest in them, my mate's got 26" trials' and I became friends with the group who came over the skatepark. I learnt all the basics on their bikes, and then I got my bike at the end of 2006.
  15. One thing I forgot to add was the fact that you can find a new thing to do basically every day, you always progress.
  16. Well perhaps he wants a bash plate just in case he trys a move and accidently hits the frame. I don't use my bashplate intentionally but it has saved my frame a times. I imagine you could get a scrap bit of metal, curve it to the shape of your frame, and attach it with a few zip ties. Not forgetting the shock absorber to go in between it and the frame.
  17. I can pedal hop about 1ft - 1-1/2ft high, so I'm proud of that. Best thing I have done on a trials was a slanted rock last night, it was around a foot high, I pedal hopped onto it balanced for a bit, wheelied it and pedal hopped off the end. Doesn't sound amazing but it made my day.
  18. Okay, trials riding is an awesome thing, and in my opinion it is most probably the best form of biking that you could do. Why do you guys like trials riding? Heres my reasons: A good trials bike doesn't cost as much as a good jump bike or BMXTrials can be done just about anywhere at anytimeNewer form of bikingWeather is not much of an issueMost people think its pretty amazing to seeThe bikes look brilliant and are uniqueWith jump biking or BMX a fall would most probably be at high speed and would cause a lot of damage, with trials it is rarer that an accident of this nature can happenWhat does everyone else have to say about trials riding?
  19. Just remember the fact that there is no upper limit to how good you or anyone else can ever be. In the same way that there is no upper limit for highest drop, or highest sidehop etc.
  20. I would change to a Hs33 on the rear at least, because I feel more confident with them. My V-brakes work fine at the moment with tar, but I prefer the have Magura's as there is kind of a weird feeling with V's.
  21. Ride a different spot, go somewhere you haven't tried. Change something on your bike. Try to think of different combinations you can do in one line or run.
  22. Some brillaint riding there mate, I quite liked the front wheel to back wheel on the wall. (Someone please fill me in on the name of it ) You seem to be quite a smooth rider, nice video, I enjoyed watching it. Keep making them, perhaps something a bit longer and more variety. Well done.
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