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Captain Scarlet

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Everything posted by Captain Scarlet

  1. Hehe yep, my dad uses that argument all the time when I try persuading him to let me buy something more stylish. Its still protection I guess.
  2. Ooops lol, just edited my link. Thanks for the comment, I've had the bike since Christmas, but have been able to pedal for about a month and a bit before then. I think I'll have to include a bit more variety next time, and perhaps change the angle when pedal hopping onto the ledge, it looks really small.
  3. Heres me first trials video, filmed it and edited it all today. Music is from Batman Forever, by U2. Hope you enjoy, any comments/constructive criticism, I would like to hear them. LINKY Thanks, Tom *Also sorry for the size and quality*
  4. Its mainly the pain and thought of doing the same thing again that stops you. Once you've healed up a bit, just look forward take it as a mistake and start anew, if you keep think of the same mistake you won't want to try bunnyhopping again. I find that as soon as I have fallen off and cut my shin on my pedal or knee on the stem, any other fall/minor injury (in this case yours was more of a major injury). I try to get back up and have a go at it again. Its like if you went on a motorbike when young, fell off and got badly hurt, never went on a motorbike for like another 5 years, time makes it all the more worse. It is best to get back up and try again, to tell yourself that the fall was a one-off and will probably never happen again.
  5. Hmmn, I guess thats a different input to it. See with my budget and things at the moment I find it much easier to buy bits at a time I mean if I switched to a front freewheel, I can just buy the cranks at first keeping with the freewheel on the back, then when I get more money I buy the new freewheel for the front and rear sprocket. I mean to be honest, not many people are going to want an Onza T-Vee unless it is a starter bike, its just not worth the hassle of selling it to get another Onza. I mean over time, I'd slowly build into a better bike, so its practical for a budget like mine.
  6. Ok Ash, perhaps you could come to Braintree somtime then. Theres quite a few riders going, heres the list: Me Blair Lee Ryan360 Jackamory Luke Jack C Reece Charlie Jason Jamie Dawson Nathan Jay Anymore?
  7. W00|-, Can't believe its got the amount that it has, it was my idea. I posted this in the rides section a while back, but nobody replyed. I'm deifnately coming, but if its raining, we should postpone it til the next day.
  8. Hmn, thanks for the input Dan. So I take it that the standard cranks don't have the front freewheel option, I had my eye on the Echo cranks anyways. To get a fixed cog on the rear, would I need to change my freewheel? or would it just slip on/whatever it does? Thanks, EDIT: *Would I need to change my rear hub* Not freewheel =S
  9. Okay something that I am considering for the future is to switch to a front freewheel on my Onza T-Vee, maybe not anytime soon but I want to work out a cost effective method of doing it. Perhaps when If I get a new frame for christmas I could, as its a good excuse to change my cranks because the T-bird cranks would look horrible. Anyways, at the moment I have an Onza T-Vee (07), it has the standard square taper T-Bird cranks, but I want to know if I can put my standard rear Dicta 18T freewheel on the front, then change the rear hub to one that has a sprocket. Would I be able to do this. I mean I think I'll change the cranks sometime anyways, because the Onza ones look crap imo, but I want to know if I can change to a front freewheel without my pants being pulled down over the price. Thanks, Tom
  10. But its not exactly a rockwalk, because when the back wheel touches down after the endo, I lead it into a 180 so both wheels come off the floor. Not a pivot. Ah well lol.
  11. Well I was just out riding this evening, and remembered something that a mate showed me a while back before I had learnt any trials. Basically whilst rolling at a walking pace, I do a 180 endo, as soon as my back wheel contacts the floor I then immediately throw into a regular 180, then landing to continue rolling. I know this kind of trick has been done before, but I just wanted to know if it had an actual name, rather than explaining what the trick is to people. Thanks,
  12. Gah, I could come but I've already got another ride organised and everything, plus I'd be out of pocket if I went to both. Perhaps another time?
  13. Count me in Ash!!! Don't forget the Braintree riders, theres around 20 of us now, still rising. Marcus (T-Pro 06) Charlie J (T-Pro 07) Aaron S (T-Mag 03) Aaron W (T-Comp 07) Ryan D (T-Comp 07) Ryan P (Saracen 2.six) Jack M (Used to have black Saracen M.A.D, now ZOO! Pitbull frame) Lee A (Saracen Team Urban) Me (T-Vee 07) Blair (Monty with T-Pro components) Luke (Saracen 2.zero) Reece (Saracen 2.zero) Eric (Brisa) Jamie (T-Bird 06) Dan S (?) Olie N (?) Oli H (?) Brad (No bike atm, was planning to get a Saracen Flea) Jack (Old T-Comp) Jack (T-Vee 07) Matt C (Mission Reefer, silver/blue) Dan E (Mission Reefer, red/black) There hasn't been a time where every Braintree rider has riden together, perhaps we should organise everyone in Braintree to ride in the summer. Missed anyone? And there is some cool spots in Braintree, not great spots that you can spend all day at, but just some spots that are nice to ride.
  14. *I have also posted this up in the new members section, as I know of a few Essex members who haven't been validated but would be interested in this ride* I've organised a ride to take place on the 3rd of February (Saturday, 2 weekends time), in Chelmsford. There are up to 10 riders from Braintree considering going, and it would be nice to see some other riders from around the area turn up. Just wondering if anyone in the area would be interested? EDIT: If its raining, we'll stay in Braintree and go the next day
  15. Play a game of P.I.G with your mates, its fun. And different. Try to make a line out of everything. For example, one of my favourite spots in my town is a large fountain area. Think of a line you could do in your favourite spot (Hmn I'll pedal hop off this drop, keep on the back wheel, spin myself around, pedal hop back on, place myself to do a 180, end). How about going to your favourite riding spots in a hit and run fashion, just ride to your favourite spots, without taking a break go right into a big trick, then keep the flow of your riding speed to go to another spot. What about different riding styles and things?
  16. I guess any helmet would do, at the moment I am restricted to a full face by my parents, but am on the way to persuading them to let me have something a bit more stylish and practical. Full face helmets don't really restrict your vison, they are alright but get hot in the summer, and is a pain when someone rings you and you want to answer. Just try to get one that is strong, reliable, and covers a large portion of your head.
  17. Depends how you ride it I guess. I know three people who have T-Comp's, one of them is the old one, and two of them have the new one. They all use the bash a bit and things like that their bikes have been used a bit, and no evidence of any cracking/denting etc. The new ones do feel a lot more solid than the older ones, but anything could happen. If your a good and hard rider then is probably isn't a lot a good for you, if you are just starting out then its fine.
  18. I wouldn't suggest getting it from roads, as it doesn't contain just tar, but other things such as sand and stuff for it to be used on roads. Punch in "Trials Tar" on eBay, theres a guy who sells a block that should last you for quite a while.
  19. I guess they are a nice bike, I think you should ride the Mission (If its a Prodigy) for that bit longer though. Get a T-Pro if your bike you have at the moment either breaks, or you are really good at riding.
  20. Well the rear tyre size on an onza T-Vee is 2.4", so perhaps they make sticky fingers in 2.4" for 26" bikes?
  21. Lol they come in the sealed plastic bags, so you can't read them in the shop. I imagine this is the latest issue, not sure If I have it not, I'll look in the next issue I get. I always thought about doing trials inside a school, that would hold a lot of possibilties.
  22. B***ock's to what some of you say about the T-bird, especially the comment about it cracking after 10 minutes. By far the best starter bike you could get that doesn't pull your pants down over the price, they ride good imo, so just ride it until it breaks. Every bike is gonna break at some point, just ride it until it does.
  23. Nice to see trials being accepted in that area. Everyday around here you always get the odd person who tells you to go to the skatepark, in which it is covered with BMXer's and other extreme sports. Local PCSO is putting forward the idea of a trials park to the council. Didn't like the fact that a lid was worn, doesn't give a good impression.
  24. Lol, I think it makes it funny if you can relate the actions to everyday life occurances, such as related a Pingu to an everday hell causing chav.
  25. Thanks for the input guys, I got the original video from YouTube. Nice to see people like it.
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