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Captain Scarlet

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Everything posted by Captain Scarlet

  1. I haven't seen many riders about, but the kind that motivate me to get out and ride are the ones who ride in a similar environment to me. Ash's video in Clacton motivates me to ride because I know the spots he is riding in, its a varied video, and some of the stuff he is doing I should be able to do in the summer time. He is also very smooth in the video, the video also flows. If I love a video its gonna get me riding. Ryan Leech's tutorials are on the net, and once in a while I watch them, his form of riding makes me want to go out and ride. And then I like the music and riding from Craig Lee Scott's videos, its hard and moving. So powerz, Ryan Leech and Craig Lee Scott for me.
  2. Hmn, just wondering as to what year it is? I've only rode the 03 T-Mag but its a beast. Not bad to £250 either way though mate.
  3. I think the 07 T-Mag is basically the same spec as the one before, but who knows?
  4. Thats enough to persuade me to buy them. Either these or ZOO! pads. Hate to sound like a |\|00|3, but when bought do you get 2 or 4. XD (Never bought pads seperately before)
  5. Depends on the weather and whether I'm allowed to go or not. How much and what changeovers need to be made?
  6. I always like riding crates, but the group I ride with usually dont. Its good because you can change the bits you don't like, you cant exactly do that with most street or natural riding. Nice pics Sunday is supposed to be fair weather, up for it then Marcus?
  7. There aint much point, we went last week, why go again in a short space of time?, why not ride somewhere else? Anyways the weather for Saturday is predicted to be like Clacton was on January the 6th =p If we go on the 17th or 18th, the weather will be better, we'll have more money, and Ryan will be able to come.
  8. Yea, I'd be up for Clacton when the spring/summer kicks in. Well either Colchester, or Chelmsford if it gathers enough interest. Wouldn't really advise going any other time this month, its most probably gonna snow. I think we'll have to organise it within the week that we go, just so we can see what the weather is going to be like at the weekend.
  9. Yea Jennings if you come out at the weekend, can you bring your camera and take a piccy of my bike. Change the rims to white, drill them if possible.
  10. Autoparts of Braintree did my front one for £15.
  11. Thats a good point actually Jack, I haven't seen many blue rims about. I think a blue rim would have looked swish on your old M.A.D frame, if Lee didn't have a green rim for his bike, you should get one of them for the Pitbull.
  12. For the benefit of the other people in this forum, Luke being the same person who Jack is referring to.
  13. Man Marcus you really are picking my pockets 'ey?, I'm not made of money. I thought you said that Chelmsford was crap. Well we was thinking about riding Colchester on the 17th or 18th of Feb, so if anyone is up for it?
  14. Yea, I made a short video, its short because I couldn't be arsed to film. LINKY Sorry about the quality, I rendered it bad to keep file size down.
  15. 0 minutes - Outside my house I've got a nice long wall, some curves in it, some bits are higher and lower than others. I'll use it when the weather gets better and when I get better at biking. 0 minutes - kerbs and shizz 15 minutes - Town, gets a bit boring riding it over and over again, but we always find something new or improve at what we do there. 40 minutes - From my door to Chelmsford, great place to ride.
  16. Insults happen all the time, its all part of the riding. I usually don't mind if there is a large group of us riding, but when I'm on my own sometimes I get annoyed. Mainly its the helmet that gets all the attention and mickey-take, but I've just got used to it.
  17. Well I had fun yesterday, was a great day, quite a few people turned up and the weather was great. There was; Me, Ryan D, Aaron W, Damo, Luke, Lee, Jack, Jay, Nathan, and the other 2 guys who made crowds gather (sorry don't know your names). Have to ride Chelmsford again, it was an awesome place to ride.
  18. Yea most the guys I have listed have been into trials for around half a year. About a third of them have beent into it for a year or more. Hehe, had a great day out in Chelmsford today.
  19. Hmn, the way I see it is that it would probably be like the coke or fizzy/sugary drinks on rims. Goes on and drys up, making a sticky surface, I guess it would work, but it wouldn't be very practical. Unless you was in an emergency
  20. Meh it doesn't necessarily have to be like a competition type run, could be highest side hop, highest tap up, biggest gap etc. I think that it would be awesome to see some kind of trials in the Olympics or in the media.
  21. Well its all gone down the pan a bit, but is still going ahead, minus a few people. Me Lee Jack (maybe) Luke Reece (Pretty sure) Jack C (if Reece comes) Jay (maybe, later on) Nathan (if Jay comes) Aaron W (Not sure if he is coming or not) Jason (haven't heard from him) Well Charlie can't come because he is grounded, Jamie broke his knuckle, Ryan P has 5(R3\/\/3|) up his bike, Ryan D has split his brake hose again, Blair is saving his money. Anyone coming from Braintree, be at the train station 7:40am latest. damo check your PM EDIT: Aaron W and Ryan D are now coming, I'm going with them in Ryans dad's truck, so we'll just meeting everyone at Chelmsford station at 10
  22. Just because you dont see a slip in their videos, doesn't mean they don't slip at all.
  23. I do all of the following for effective gapping. Get close to the edge of the starting point (not on the very edge as you will not be able to kick as far), compress into the bike, let the front end drop a bit then pedal hop, exagerate the motion of throwing yourself forwards and upwards by bringing your knees upwards, let the back wheel sweep through underneath you, on landing extend your arms forward and crouch over onto the back wheel.
  24. Aaron W from Braintree is also coming. =) Jennings, you've got stickers and shirts? =O
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