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Captain Scarlet

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Everything posted by Captain Scarlet

  1. Woah that kid is awesome, I guess if you really love trials it doesn't matter your age. Nice find, this kid is obviously smart, I don't know of many people his age who would wear a helmet, good for him.
  2. Right so the list is: Me, Luke, Lee, Jack, Jamie, Jay, Nathan, Alain, Alain's mate. Aaron S and Jack will also come if Marcus comes along. How about you Benfleet boys, will you be definately down?
  3. Yep we'll meet everyone at Witham station at 9:45am. Can't wait, looks like its going to be a good day.
  4. I loved the bikes, I loved the idea of trials, I loved what some riders could tackle. Also most importantly my riding buddies moved into trials too.
  5. So when do the video links have to be posted? Yea I might give this a crack, bit of fun 'ey? Already got the best kerb thought out in my head. =D
  6. Good Good, be nice to see you again Alain.
  7. Jay and Nathan were a bit tight to make Friday too, so we have changed the date to Saturday. So you can come along too Alain.
  8. Aww feck sorry Alain. When aren't you working may I ask?, because if it all goes tits up then we could re-arrange for another time. Also how long are you working for? Sorry about that mate. I can think of a few good spots, should be a good ride if we get a considerable amount of people. Besides, Netto's = Cheap food.
  9. Netto's has a small car park, theres usually spaces in there and I don't think it costs anything to park. Netto's is right next to the railway bridge so if you follow it you can easily find the train station. Theres parking in the town but it'll cost you. Oh there is a Tesco's you could park at, but you might have to pay, not sure. Anymore people?
  10. We've organised a ride to Witham for this Friday Saturday. Its mainly the Braintree guys going, but theres a couple coming from Colchester. So far its: Me, trial_r_lee, Jackamory, Luke, Jay, Nathan, Dawson, Aaron W, Jamie, Alain. Anyone one else in the are interested? People from Braintree we are meeting at Braintree station 8:45am latest, getting the 9:00am train. Poeple who want to be meet us, we'll be at the entrance of Witham train station at 9:45am Hope to see some of you there, post if you can make it. EDIT: Reorganised for this Saturday (17/02/07), to make things more flexible for other riders
  11. That gave me a giggle. Hows about giving it a name comprising of 1337 (leet) speak. 7|2I/\15 P\/\/N5 |/0|_||2 |\|00|3Z0|29!!!1 What about using internet abbreviations? Imvho iaft Trials got A Magazine. Call it ITAM.
  12. I've only riden short mods, so call me biased on this one. I think one of the kicks in having a mod trials is having a small, flicky, and manipulative bike. If you want a long mod or big mod, then go get a stock.
  13. Also remember to credit the original author and link back to them so people know who it really is.
  14. Well Lee isn't really starting out, he has had his Stock for a while now and is definately progressing at trials very fast. All the stuff he has learnt to do, he does well. All I'm thinking is that when you learn new things or get better at the stuff you do, there will be a margin for error, the bike is gonna get a beating and suffer cosmetically in the beginning stages of its life. Hence why I'd rather see you on a decent second hand bike, or a new mid range bike.
  15. Meh, at my age I wouldn't really want to risk bodging a rim by trying build a wheel myself. Perhaps I'll have a practice with some crappy rim someday.
  16. Christmas, Christmas Money I guess another answer for some kids on this forum would be "Rich Parents", or "Rich heritage".
  17. Now thats just pedantic. £250 for my bike, now its gone up to £300 and then I spend another £100 on my brakes. I dont get much money to spend on my bike.
  18. "Do a backflip!!" - What off a kerb?, yea mate! Had some chavs shout across the road "Jump over the bench", My mate tried sidehopping but failed, they laughed. Really I should have put my bike down, jumped over the bench, then picked up my bike and rode off.
  19. Ah I saw that. Re-editing is sometimes fun, usually I only do it if I hate the music or would prefer something else to fit the video. But its a disadvantage because you can't keep the original sounds of brakes squeaking, cars going past etc. Only upload an edit if it is a big edit, can't really cheese too many people off then. Oh and of course, ask for permission off of the original creator of the content.
  20. Well you've probably heard my opinions on this Lee, but I'll post them up anyways. I wouldn't get a bike that spends all of your budget, £1300 is a lot to spend, think of what else could be bought. Secondly we are still starting out, if your learning new stuff all the time whatever you buy is gonna take a beating. I'd get the complete Zona from SuperCycles, then change some of the bits to suit your liking. Or get some cheap rims/forks/cranks/etc and then get the frame. Up to you though, another option would be to buy second hand, that could really save you a bit. I'd like to see you on a Zona
  21. Yea I considered that, I mean trials would look much better than skateboarding or some martial arts rubbish.
  22. From what I heard, the headtube is a dodgy size and apparently not many forks will fit it. But even if it is true, your forks probably wont need replacing for a while. Nice starter bikes, mega easy to get onto the back wheel.
  23. I would have thought the tar would have just slotted in the gaps of the grind, basically making a smooth rim again lol.
  24. Lol my mate had a red/black Mission Reefer, he just gave it away. He's like that with everything though. They are alright bikes to start on, but I wouldn't pay full price for one.
  25. Well yesterday my dad finally gave in, I persuaded him to buy me something that is a bit better and more practical than a full face helmet. These helmets came in a local bike shop called Autoparts the other day, they are by a German protection company called Uvex, cost me £40 and has around the same amount of coverage as a Giro Xen. I had a tough time finding a picture on the internet, but this is the one I got. Helmet Full Spec What does everyone else think of them?
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