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Captain Scarlet

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Everything posted by Captain Scarlet

  1. But surely its the beginners who need to have their brakes working as well as pro's, as they are trying news things, brakes will stop them from going over the back. I always wondered why some top spec bikes don't come with boosters?
  2. I could work, I could imagine Infrared, Bluetooth or WiFi would work for this. But an important thing to consider is: When the lever blade is pulled, it sends a signal to the slave cylinder, in which a piston is then activated and then pulls the brakes. This technology could be easily developed, but it would work badly would need a lot of fine parts. There would have to be some kind of a sensor to detect how much the lever blade is being pulled, otherwise when the lever blade is pulled a tiny smidge what tells the piston so move a small amount. It can be done, but it would be very expensive, and even then it won't work as good as the brakes you have now. Perish the thought.
  3. They were awesome though. Also forgot about the walls outside chippy, I enjoyed that. And up at the Spa road shops. And Alain, that can of Coke that I bought up at the shops, well it burst in my bag. And couldn't be arsed to fix the puncture, I just went down to the bike shop and got myself a new innertube. =D
  4. Get some nice grips and you should be fine. I've got some bad callouses on my hands, and usually they only hurt if I do a full day's riding. Its best just to get used to riding without gloves and it shouldn't be so bad in the end.
  5. Depends if its legit or not. I can only find Final Cut Studio, and that from Apple will cost you £899 Then of course there is always an immoral method.
  6. Good one sir, at the pier it is then. Hopefully I should get myself a nice McDonalds breakfast, dependant on my funds. Or go to "The Dive" to get some chips. Preciptation chance, 85%. =( Ah well we'll see if the predicted weather changes closer to the event. If we change it or call it off I reckon it will be a hard time to convince everyone else.
  7. Well I just followed Alain to the pipes, don't exactly know the name of the place it is in. But its in a brand new housing estate, near a pondish/lake, near a petrol station on the edge of Witham (as you go towards Chelmsford I believe). Or Alain will be able to name the place.
  8. I like these rims, just for clarification, are they Try-All rims? The description says Echo 07 rims, but they don't look like them, and I think its an old description. Thanks,
  9. I ditto that, in my opinion its the best movie editor for PC. Best movie editor ever is Final Cut Pro though, films like; Napoleon Dynamite, Open Water, Shaun of the Dead and Jarhead were edited using FCP. For PC though stick with Sony Vegas.
  10. Gah school. Witham wasn't really good in my opinion, maybe for someone better yea. Apart from the pipes, they definately were the highlight of the day, make sure you go there.
  11. Or a handsome camera man. Its pretty swish for only 2 days of riding, nice video. Perhaps for the future you can make a shorter video, edit it/fit it better with the music, and buy yourself a helmet. But other than that keep with the trials mate.
  12. Okay so 10 o clock at the pier?, or a later time? If the weather is crap, postpone it 'til the 10th of March. Because there is usually less services running on a Sunday and I'll have more money the week after. But thats only if the weather is terrible.
  13. Okay, those coming from Braintree we are getting the 8 o clock train, so be at the station by 7:45am EDIT: For those who will be meeting, we are meeting at Clacton pier at 10am. Hope to see you there.
  14. Nice one Ash, good to see you coming. Anymore people. It its really badly wet, or raining then its a no from all of us coming from Braintree. Its its dry/drying up then we'll most probably come.
  15. Of course. But then again it depends on your own judgements in riding, if your a nutter then it probably doesn't do much for your confidence. I tell you it does improve your look, and style.
  16. Okay some Braintree guys are planning on coming to Clacton on the 3rd of March, and hopefully this time we shall expect better weather. If the weather is crap we aren't bothering with a Sunday train as that can screw things about a bit, and I'd rather go the the week after. So far from Braintree, there is: Me Charlie Jennings (don't know) Lee Luke Ryan Jack Jack Marcus Marcus' brother Reece And Jay and Nathan from Colchester will be popping along too. Meeting at the entrance of the pier at 10am. We would like to see a lot of people for this one, who's interested?
  17. Lol what is there for us to think about? I'm thinking about getting ZOO! riser bars and Echo HiFi stem.
  18. Well after a month on my jump bike I could do 3 back hops. After a month with my trials I can pedal hop, back hop, 4 foot drops, 1-2 foot backwheel, wheel switches, rock walk, 180 on a flat, 270 off a wall, pedal gaps, pedal gap to front wheel. I've been told that I am progressing really fast.
  19. Zona "Zip's" seem to be quite nice, quite a lot of people say good things about them, I was considering getting one as my next frame. Not so hefty on price either, dependant on colour it will cost either £159 or £189 from SuperCycles
  20. I think Giro "Xen's" really are the best helmets you can get; they look good, they provide a lot of coverage and just generally a better helmet. At the moment I have a Uvex "Magnum", cost me £40 its a German make that specialises in ski protection, this one is nice and has a bit more coverage than some helmets. I have 2 mates who have Giro "Indicator's", almost the same as my helmet, only cost them £30 but that don't protect as much as a "Xen". Its up to you though mate, I'd advise you to try a helmet on in a shop though, you might get the wrong size on the internet.
  21. Meh, I hope to see him on one of the Essex rides someday, I was unfortunate to miss him by not going on the rainy Clacton ride (on the 06/01/07). Saw a video of him sidehopping that big arse wall to pedal, was bloody awesome.
  22. Getting the right balance to stay on your back wheel can be a bit of a tricky job in the beginning, as there are many factors that contribute to how well you can balance on the back wheel. It could be; the bike, how high your butt is over the back wheel, how far back your body is, how far away you hold the front, the height of the front wheel, the position of your knees. Best way to learn is to practice hopping on the back wheel, when you can do 10-20+ hops on the back wheel with ease then you know that you've got it right. I'm not as good as back hopping as I used to be, mainly due to pedal hopping more than back hopping. But basically as your practise and progress you know how far to lean back if the front end drops, I mean for me I do controlled pedal hops to keep the front end up and steady, it just takes practise and a bit of experience.
  23. There are quite a few ways of getting onto the backwheel to practice back hops. One for absolute beginners is to put your front wheel on a small ledge, lean backwards so you are on just your back wheel, find your balance and then hop to keep yourself balanced. Other ways of getting onto the backwheel include: Endoing with the back brake held, as it ends, bring the back wheel down and roll onto it, once finding your balance do small hops. Just locking the brakes and rolling onto the backwheel then continues by hops. The main thing with a backhop is balance, you need to hold your butt over the back wheel and do very small and fine hops. The hops combined with your position are what keep you balanced.
  24. Tesco's "Kick" or Sainburys' "Blue Bolt". Sometime we'll buy a big bottle of Tesco lemonade and share it. [TIP]Diet fizzy drinks taste better warm, than warm sugary fizzy drinks. Diet drinks don't give you that bloated or gasy feeling as much afterwards.[/TIP]
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