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Captain Scarlet

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Everything posted by Captain Scarlet

  1. Hey, I quite like the appearance of them. Also are spare seats available from somewhere?, and what does the bike look like without the seat? EDIT: Also what bash plate will fit it?
  2. Okay, so some Braintree and Colchester guys have arranged a ride in Colchester (Town), on the 18th of March (a Sunday). Reason for it being a Sunday is mainly due to the fact that we can ride in the heart of town without having to worry too much about pdestrians. Attending will be; Me, Marcus, Charlie, Eric, Jack, Reece, Jay, Nathan, and the other Colchester guys. We will be meeting at Colchester station (The station by Asda and Big yellow self storage), and then riding to town, as there is no train from Colchester Station to Colchester Town on a Sunday. A meeting time will be just before 9:30ish, and I want to move onto town fast so I can get my McDonalds breakfast like every ride I go to. XD Anyone interested? EDIT OF EDIT: Gah, the riders have changed their minds, Chelmsford ride, on the 24th of march. Braintree riders we are getting the 9 o clock train, and to whoever is going to meet us, meet at Chelmsford station at 10am. If not then give me a ring.
  3. Ah, the fact that comic relief is on a Friday means I can't travel anywhere to ride. Ah well I'll just do it on a friday with my mates around town, unless we do it a week in advance? or perhaps the day after? Braintree guys?
  4. My mate had/has a GT 24" styled cruiser, and I guess its almost in the realm of jump bikes. I guess for smooth jumping and things it will do you fine, but when it comes to spinny and whippy tricks, then your best off with a standard BMX.
  5. Yea you are right on thinking that. To which I am either going to bodge my rear wheel in there or get a new wheel.
  6. Lets put it like this. My Onza T-Vee is cheap, light, does the job and is easy for me to use. So why do people get more expensive bikes? Basically its gotta be fit for whoever uses it, you wont see a professional rider on something like an Onza T-Vee due to the fact that it will be wrecked in a few days riding, but its perfectly good for someone like me. Its the same when it comes to parts, I could have a nice cheap hub without having to worry about it, but someone who is better and rides hard would have to get something that is durable for their riding.
  7. Yea my friend got a Mission Prodigy Comp recently, they are nice bikes considering the fact that they come with drilled rims, a 19" rear wheel, and 4 bolt mounts. And its good that they come with an option to have Magura's. They ain't bad, but the bottom bracket is very low on them. I mean very.
  8. He's got one bike that he wants to shift. I would put his bike up in the sale section on behalf of him but its apparently not allowed. If you get a Team Super pro, how much for?, it its anymore than £500ish then get something else rather than a Saracen.
  9. Hey guys, I'm interested in an Ashton Justice 20" frame, but having doubts on the length. It will have all of the standard T-vee parts on it, so that gives you a rough idea of what it will be like. I really don't want anything short than my T-Vee, I keep on thinking that having this Ashton frame will make my bike ride like a Saracen 2.zero which is what I don't want, so could someone post up the geo so I can get an idea of what it will be like. Thanks, Tom
  10. Well yesterday I did a wee bit of filming on the Clacton ride, and got some of the main highlights of it. I didn't really want to worry about filming but i knew I'd regret it if I didn't get anything. Without further ado, here is the finished piece.
  11. Yep was a sweet ride. Was the first time I saw Luke ride, you are awesome mate, hope to see you come along with more of our rides. Made a short video of some of the highlights of the day. Its not much of a video, but I'd rather ride than film. And sorry for not getting any clips of Alain or anyone I missed, as I planned to get a video of everyone.
  12. Yea awesome day, saw some amazing riding by some of the guys today and went to some crazy spots. Have to ride again in the summer.
  13. Well I'm back now, twas an awesome ride. Got a few clips so I'm gonna make a short video. Man all you Benfleet, Colchester, Clacton, Witham, and wherever the Gazza guys were from, were sick, some insane stuff. Have to organise another ride in the summer, and hopefully give me some time to get better bits for my bike and for me to get better. Clacton was an awesome place to ride, definately go again sometime.
  14. Thanks for the word Alain, I'll probably come anyways, it will be a day out anyways. Are the Colchester guys still up for this?, is Chai coming as well?
  15. Fair do's, we'll meet you in Macca's. Although I'm considering not going due to the weather, but I dunno. Who is still going, and it depends on the amount people going. I wont miss it if theres still loads of people. But when it comes to rain, you have to remember the fact that I'm riding a smooth rim. =(
  16. We are getting the right train, it leaves from Braintree at 8, gets to Witham at 8:15ish get off and wait for the train to come with is around 8:50ish and then we'll be in Clacton by 9:34. Then meet by the pier, then go to McDonalds. Are we going to be doing any riding along the front bit, like in your video Ash? Also if you still have them, can you bring whats left of the Heatsink Snowy's and I'll give you a couple of quid for 'em?
  17. Would be awesome to see you Alain, would your friend come too? I think the train that goes via Witham to Clacton which we will be jumping on in the changeover is at about 8:50ish if you wanna come with us. We'll probably see you on the platform, as we have around half an hour to wait for the train to come along. Looks like a big ride, nice one guys. EDIT: Forgot that you had a car Alain. :$
  18. Well thats like saying that only Skateboarders will buy the THPS games. It could be made and would be pretty sweet, I could see a lot of interest in a game of this type, but for production wise, I don't think trials is big enough.
  19. Road tar usually has other bits added to it to make it settle and suitable for roaduse, such as sand. I just bought a lump from eBay, nice and convinient that way.
  20. Nice lid, it covers quite a considerable amount of head at the back too. At the end of the day mate its up to you, your the one who is going to be wearing it, and so long as it protects you.
  21. Meet at the pier at 10, and anyone who is 10-15 minutes late find us in McDonalds. Jay and Nathan are coming. Supposed to be rain early in the morning (6ish), and sunny after that. Look forward to seeing you all there. EDIT: and I have to get the 4:50 train home. =(
  22. As for looking silly on a mod, it really depends on how long you have been riding them and how tall you are. I have a friend who 6ftish, he rides a Monty, he's only ever riden mod when it comes to trials, he looks better on a mod than a stock, easily. But then I have another friend is a bit taller than him, who rides stock, and he looks huge for a mod, but rides them just as good, if not better. Perhaps if you feel/look too big on a mod, you can always get a long mod bike?
  23. Yea I saw these in RideBMX mag a while back, I guess they are okay as a temporary solution if you get a puncture when your out and about, but not as a full time tube.
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