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Captain Scarlet

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Everything posted by Captain Scarlet

  1. Sucess, good for you Tom. Anyone else besides you coming?
  2. Unfortunately no Ash, I would do but £6 train fare each time, and money for food is a bit much for me in a week, for me to then do it the next week. I guess I could bunk the train, but I really wouldn't want to risk it. Or I could wait and see who is going the week after, if its a small turnout then I could get everyone to go on the 15th.
  3. I had that all the time, just get yourself better editing software. You should have asked them to burn the clips they took of you onto a DVD, edited them yourself and that, would have been the best quality footage you would have ever been filmed by.
  4. So do I as they are my tickets lmao. Matt you still up for riding? (Matt from Benfleet that is) Doesn't seem like there will be many people, but I guess it will mean we can move around a lot easier than last time.
  5. Meh, German language/accent cracks me up anyways, all foreign accents do. But to see a foreigner angry is always a laugh, good find with the subtitles too.
  6. Yep same here, although at one point, due to a blood clot, I was only given an hour to live by the doctor. =O Nice riding, I missed it on the TV so just watched it on the net, my nan managed to see it in Stansted. =D I think it would have been better if you was wearing a helmet though, it would have promoted trials differently from other bike sports or extreme sports as the large majority of them don't wear helmets. It also makes people think differently about you, "Oh he's not gonna want to hurt himself, I'm sure he's careful with people and objects around him too". But congrats on the TV mate, especially in the eastern region.
  7. Jennings its not gonna make a huge difference to your riding by changing to Creepy Crawlers, its not like "Oh dear my sticky fingers are rubbish, I can barely do a kerb", and then you change to Creepy Crawlers, "Wow these tyres are good, I can backwheel this large wall". Just get some Creepy Crawlers when your Sticky Fingers wear out, it wont be long until they do.
  8. Jennings your probably going to get annoyed, but at the stage you are in trials you really can't be a critic at anything on your bike. Why does it matter to you at this stage?
  9. I generally prefer cycling style helmets as apposed to piss pot styled helmets, as a cycle style helmet looks better in my opinion and fits your head better. Theres a lot of movement in a freestyle/piss pot helmet, and I look like a tit in one. All you need really is a helmet that; fits your head without too much movement, has comfort, and good coverage.
  10. How much was the train fare that time lo. Chris is a nice guy and an awesome rider, his static hops were what I loved most. Well done mate.
  11. Thats good, I hate seeing corrosion on a bike. Do you know how much the frames would cost seperately for both of the models? Thanks,
  12. Brilliant, and I've got some tickets to use up on the pier, so 6 people on the dodgems as a treat from me. =D
  13. I'm still going on the 21st. I've got 12 tickets from Clacton pier that I didn't use today. So, 6 people including myself up for the Dodgems sometime during the day? =D Well, I might as well use them up on the 21st 'ey?
  14. Lmao, that clip of Matt. Sweet video Jack, it fitted really well with the music, I liked the bench bits. =) When are you next coming to Braintree, or the nest ride?
  15. Almost related to this, a question I ask is this. Would you rather have pedals that grip really well, but when you slip off them you'll damage yourself more Or would you rather have pedals that aren't as much grip, so you slip off more, but the injury is less. Either way, shinpads like football ones aren't too restrictive for me, I guess its down to personal preference at the end of the day.
  16. They look swish, I'd be tempted to buy the ZM2B, but I'd have to reconsider without a bashplate.
  17. I could say that I don't have to wear a helmet as I could learn not to hit my head. Football shin pads work, but I've had the occasion where I have hit above the pad, or have hit my knee, but I wouldn't want to feel too restricted with knee protection as well. EDIT: Didn't see the above posts. =(
  18. Yea Chai, make sure you go the week after, heres the other topic.
  19. V-Brakes are simple, easy, better hold, and most of the time cheaper than Hydraulics. Hydraulics are currently my personal preference, I just generally like the feel of hydraulics as apposed to vee's, but perhaps I haven't tried different lever options. V-brakes are very easy to set-up, just slip them on the canti studs or whatever your set-up, then just change the amount of cable that is pulled through and ensure that the pads are at the right angle. With Hs33's you have to ensure that the pad is touching evenly, at the right angle, at an even distance, it can take a while to get a good set-up.
  20. A T-Pro also has 4 bolt mounts. Out of the new and old T-Bird, if you can, get an 06 one. For basically the same price you are getting drilled rims, maguras and 4 bolt mounts on the frame, much more worth it if you can find one.
  21. Gah I hope your happy now, my hands are killing me. Where was you, I tried ringing you lately but couldn't get through. I'm surprised your not riding your brand new bike, I know I would be.
  22. Just get a Stanley knife and give it a good clean cut. I tried shortening my Hs33's without getting air into the system, as it is apparently possible, but it needed a rebleed. Just take the brake down to a bike shop and they'll do it for a small charge if you dont want to bodge it yourself.
  23. Okay heres a N00B question that I never actually got answered, so I thought I'd put it in NMC. Does a drilled rim (lets just say its a standard circle hole), make a rim stronger or weaker. I mean, I always thought it would make it stronger as a circle is strong shape and withstand knocks and things. But on the otherhand a piece of metal drilled out would make the rim physically weaker as the rim is considerably lighter. Whats the answer to this one, for the dumb of me?
  24. I guess it isn't so bad with hogs, as they alternate in which way they point as you go around the rim, thus making it even, but the spades all go in the same direction. Or maybe its just me. I would have some of those, too bad they don't do them in 20" size. =(
  25. Alain agreed that it was spelt "Fugley". Sorry matey, I don't like the idea of riding on a Sunday lmao, but we'll see.
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