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Everything posted by Bessell

  1. Bessell


    let me know what u think www.hardcorebiking.tk
  2. good ride i thought! sign up to my site there is one or two photos up clicky adam
  3. ok mate give me a ring its a bit wet but should druy up!
  4. depends what time u fin riding the sections about 3 or 4 and it takes me just over 2:30 hours to get there!
  5. yea me and my mates are still up for this ride! we know all the spots! adam
  6. there are count less numbers of good places come to the ride next sun and i will show u!
  7. just spoken to people 1030? trian station
  8. yea i will be up for that give me a pm to let me know when u are going to meet and i will tell my lot where and when to meet!
  9. i live just out side northamton and i ride it alot with my mate dean. its good to ride just got to know the spots! send me a pm mate! And also who the f**k said mk was shit?!?! wtf u on about its good for trials if u are a good rider there is loads of stuff to do if u pout the efort in and ride about abit! adam
  10. yea i will be going after coming 3rd last year in expert 26! :D
  11. Bessell


    yea its abit old school lol thanks for the feed back people!
  12. Bessell


    lol yea i alway bend my wheel because how i kick out doing every thing so i got a disk and bonded it to the hub!
  13. Bessell


    just got back in to riding after comming 3rd in ymsa expert last year! some quick photos IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v726/l4mm13/IMG_3450.jpg
  14. looks well nice mate wish i could get one! adam
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