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Bessell last won the day on March 21 2012

Bessell had the most liked content!

About Bessell

  • Birthday 05/27/1986

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    Adam bessell
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Trials Master

Trials Master (5/9)



  1. By far the best video of the year.. Ali C has the most amazing style! i think i love him..
  2. less chance of more people winning! at the end of the day the whole fun of these thing is winning or coming in the top 3 putting them together reduces the amount of people winning and coming top 3. And i also think that some sections favor a certain kind of wheel size making putting them together slightly unfair.
  3. Love Drei style now.. so nice to watch massive moves too..
  4. Bessell

    Billocks New Vid

    loved that and loved the editing reminds me of the old selectbikes vids.
  5. I was Thinking about doing them again this year, but just read that 20-26 inch are being combined.. sound stupid to me so thats another year i wont be riding.
  6. we should just sort out a uk trip there with a loads of us call it cocks days and just all head there burn loads of shit get hammered at night do some amazing riding in the day and just piss of as many French people as possible?
  7. Thank you all for your nice comments, Im really enjoying riding atm
  8. I will build it up again if it dont sell, but i was a shadow of myself riding it i just couldnt adjust my riding tec to the bike
  9. cant wait for this by far the most fun comps i have ever riden
  10. good riding gash song your all argumentative c u n t s
  11. wow some bloody good riding in there!
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