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Everything posted by mixmaker

  1. Hi guys! well... that's my bike Muchas gracias to Adam@Tarty for help with bilding this one Onlybikes.ru velojam.com.ua so... there are little items to be changed in it, such - rear hub will SL, BB will "Reset carbon-titanium" cranks will tryall with tryall simetric halfe ring
  2. mixmaker

    Chorzow Movie 6

    Jedno z samych lepszych wideo z Polski! doskonała przejażdżka! twój styl stał się miększym
  3. The first video of this amazing guy! Are you ready? three two one GO
  4. ДАй ссылку!!!!!:):):)
  5. Я ж те говорил, что движений много наоставлял при монтаже
  6. ДЛя особо продвинутых в географии - поясняю что в России - еще до -20 на улице.
  7. Do you remember Kenny rode with 160 mm rear I wonder is it really works for trials? so till I'm waitng for adaptor for 180 mm Iinstall my mono trilas with 160 mm Well, - let's see? Go! http://vimeo.com/3518514
  8. Every year I"m coming to Samara and filming this guys - so you just should look for Samara videos here at forum such videos as Samara days 2008 Samara days 2007 - and other
  9. STUPID FILMING WITH F*KIN FISH EYE!!!!!! Looks like through door eye! Get out it! !!!!
  10. Hi to All fans of Kon$tantin - you were waitng for this video - and here it comes!) http://www.vimeo.com/3441088
  11. мой милый мальчик, - ты так ничего и непонял, почему к тебе такое отношение со стороны всех? ты сам своим постом сказал счас все. байк рабочее всех рабочих, - в отличии оттвоего мозга. донт ворри, би хэппи, тэйк ит изи,
  12. So, spring can't wait of its beginning - and starts at February,28. THat's why - I didn't think long time and took my bike with camera=because snow was but temperature outdoor was very warm for this time in Siberia +3...+5!! Well.. - let's se what I did:) - Comments are wellcome!
  13. may be add few variants to vote? 1)czar sex 2)control sex 3)pure sex 4)lite sex and 5)with kamel sex:)))))))
  14. mixmaker

    Jack Meek

    Jack - well done. and, please, - answer to Damon W:))))
  15. Hi everybody Guy(Kirill_k), who made this video - wrote: "Perhaps the video did not post here, but in the video section of the access for me is closed My video ... going quiet sadness of autumn ... You do not have winter and you are well ..." by myself - editing is nicest!!!!! very -very-very pretty to watch!! Hope you'll like it too http://www.vimeo.com/2647002
  16. Очень пиздатый видос! а чо не в основной топик выложил?? давай выложу? думаю - должны заценить. П.С. вот уж действительно! - эти гандоны не знают чо такое зима!
  17. АХУИТЕЛЬНОЕ ВИДЕО!!!! оооочень пиздатое!!!! особенно начало сразу на позитив заряжает: "Блять! да пошел ты нахуй!" :) очень понравился монтаж - просто конфетка!
  18. very impressive riding! but disslike when video begins - there are black screens !!! - it's hard to watch// and IMO - music is not good.....
  19. mixmaker

    Uri Zoo Video 1

    disslike fish-eye!!!!!!!!!!! HATE FISH-EYE! riding is pretty good.
  20. may be may be... but - i'm alive:))) yaahooooo!!!!))
  21. So, - I like this vid/ except interlacing
  22. what is this video about? don't understand for what it is... not filming not editing not riding nothing sorry...
  23. mixmaker

    Only Hook

    Oh! there are few moments from my video:)
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