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Everything posted by mixmaker

  1. Ok guys! here not HD version - for each of you http://narod.ru/disk/635756000/samaradays-2008nonHD.wmv.html let's download!!!!!!!!!!:)everybody must see!!!!!!
  2. hi everybody! HDV version avalable now. SDversion comming soon Inside: Chekin Konstantin Suhanov Michail Ibragimov Timur Misula Nikita Vantsev Armen And many other riders! you must see it!!!!!!!!!!!! http://narod.ru/disk/626912000/samaradays-2008.avi.html enter control digits - and wait for 10 seconds - and dowloading will start
  3. wait for video at scond part of may
  4. Oh, sorry guys~ corrected date:) Samara days 2008 OF CAUSE:)
  5. oh - it's just beginning of video series of this year. (last year was videos from ExSF1 to ExSF5) - after tommorow we're going to go to others towns near the Krasnoyarsk and i'll make new videos about our trip:)
  6. Hello guys! This video is about our federation of extreme sports od Krasnoyarsk THis video is not HD, so everybody can see it on his computer:) so screenshots welcome: about trials - there pallets isn't standart not 147mm but 178mm heigh:) right click, save as... download 65 Mb
  7. and all in all - why do you decide that i captured through firewire? on my computer firewire is absend:)
  8. Dear Aaron Chase! if you really think so- i'm sorry. just an exsample - through firewire capture HD video. with Light Ally player(for exsample) make screen shot. - and put it to photoshop - and click to properties of picture. - what size do you se there? next exsample: when capture HDV signal - you should use specific software for hd vide capturing. this software can't "see" simple DV signal i work with HD video not first year. and i really know what is REAL HD and what is not. YOU ARE REALLY WRONG
  9. this music is from the "matrix reload" bitrate is 5.5 Mbps
  10. Aaron Chase, if you so clever - why you're so poor? firewire - just transfer method and from camera capturing is 1440x1080i for internet resised videoto 1280x720 so it's HD too. NOT SD.
  11. i compressed my all videos with windows media encoder - so codec is windows media 9
  12. camera was sony hdr-hc1e editing software is sony vegas pro 8.0 video effects - plugins from New Blue for sony vegas pro 8.0
  13. Hi everybody!! well, now you can see my new HD video about amazing rider BuXXuY new level of editing inside! new level of sounding! hope you'll be enjoing:) http://tv.isg.si/site/filebrowser/poshlivsevzhopu
  14. it's very expencive gap:) - not for my pocket:)
  15. http://tv.isg.si/site/ftpaccess/rav/funnn3.wmv you are welcome:) trial of course:)
  16. ok guys) this spring - i will make new amazing video with him:)
  17. he can sidehop to back wheel on 9 pallets. if you wonder, - i can upload video - later.
  18. Hello everybody! Well-knowing 16 old year guy from Samara - Konstantin is very close to 150 cm!!! 10 pallets!!!! video - here: http://tv.isg.si/site/filebrowser/mixmaker file der_side.mp4 or direct link http://tv.isg.si/site/ftpaccess/mixmaker/der_side.mp4
  19. All right, dudes! I've buy new camera - and soon - new video will be here:)
  20. oukey!!!! i promise you - my future video will include sexy girl with the 3d size:)on my sexy monty! wait for it:)
  21. my camera - was sony hdr-hc1e it was stolen after 4 days i am going to buy a new camera - sony hdr -hc7e Dudes - it was not my first video i posted here/ - but this video - with the girl - calls very more posts here:) OK - my future videos - will be with the girls only:)))))
  22. Hi everybody! glad to see you all here:) here is my new HD video http://tv.isg.si/site/filebrowser/Orenburgeveriys
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