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Everything posted by mixmaker

  1. pretty ridinng od august, 2008 Relax and enjoy GO! http://vimeo.com/2502319
  2. mixmaker

    Just A Sidehop

    StaticBADside Rider - Oleg Strogin, Moscow Comments welcome http://vimeo.com/2482698
  3. mixmaker

    Bunnyhop Record?

    Bruno's record - was very long time ago - 2004 or early Benito's jump - was not so long time ago. all in all - both jumps - not BUNNYHOP!!! - stupid TV makers! also - guines record show - it's just TV show, not really records show.
  4. mixmaker

    Wild Edit

    ебать копать - ты сначала в Сибирь сгонзай! - а то бля все сука жалуются дорого ехать! - а в канаду бля 15 копеек! Really good filming and editing! I like this style of its.
  5. I agree with you Ali! Let's say our world protest to Monty - to back Dani on stock:))))
  6. Problem 1: White balance Problem 2: Deinterlace should I Continue?)
  7. +1 who filmed this video???? was it recorded via phone nokia 3310????
  8. Hi everybody! Now I want to meet you with very-very young rider from Yaroslavl, Russia. His skill is amazing for his age! ok, stop talking! Let's watch it!! http://www.vimeo.com/2408748
  9. Platov Alex answer is: "Now I'm buying components for 24" street trials based on inspired frame. and you can see my video on it - summer 2009. - )" That's it!
  10. music - is shit-shit-shit-shit-shit-shit-shit-shit-shit-shit-shit-shit-shit-shit-shit-shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! boring video
  11. Everybody remember chel trials video Konstantin Chekin video Jeff video All of it was "meat style" Now let me introduce you A.D.D.[DOWN] from Kalinigrad, Russia Another style http://www.vimeo.com/2381249 Comments welcome!
  12. are that boys EMO? or Homo?
  13. two days ago I find "real viz retimer", programmwas usedin many holywood films. It generate frames with morphing neighbour frames and append into video. - now i', learning this programm, and after that I try to show you how it do)
  14. thats why you can make good slowly you madeprogressive vide, as for me -my video was interlaced, forme is more difficult to make slow motion
  15. MAte, - did you make your video with photocamera or camcoder?
  16. If you are right - can you show me exsample of such video very slow and very smooth without strobbing? Inur, -i cant find such settings in my camera, - Doyou know where it "turn on" -???
  17. no, it hasn't as I know. correct me, if it wrong?
  18. ok - let me explane to you original video was made with 50 fps with simple HD camera sony HDR-HC7e then, it was deinterlace with QS deintartlace then, frame rate was up with MSU_FRC (plugin for avisynth, avisynth - works under virtual dub) to 300 fps then - video with 300 fps was compressed by DivX 60 fps. because 300 fps - is very big file and i gess that your computers also as my - couldn't play such file. thats why some blur in video now i'm workin about it - how to delete blur.
  19. Hi, this is experimental not big video. Slow motion here has 300 fps hope you'll like it. Your comments welcome!) http://tv.isg.si/site/filebrowser/mixmaker slow3.avi
  20. Video from Russian moscow rider Not so much biketrial, but - it was made with professional "TV guys" Very good job of operatot and editor Hope you'll like it http://www.vimeo.com/1958286 http://yabadaba.ru/files/11781 click "Получить ссылку для скачивания!" and in next window push "Скачать"
  21. mixmaker

    Bionic Vid

    nice !! impressive!
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